I get this question a lot from many fronts: friends, acquaintances, pastors, church leaders, and potential supporters. It has consistently caused my mind to race wa clear answer to sum up all that God has stirred in our hearts and pointed us toward in this season. Honestly, we took a leap with the “who” of this ministry much more clear than the “what.”
That "who" is ministry leaders with a special, but not limited, focus on youth ministers
I was recently approached by a leader who asked me the “what” question in a different way: "Do you have anything you could get me in writing that outlines the services you offer pastors and churches?" I had a lot of "things," but not one simple thing. This excellent question left me sorting through the experiences, opportunities, and wins of the past two years.
What resulted is some amazing clarity in the form of a one page document highlighting the “what.” This is an image that document, but you can also view and download that document here:https://www.derryprenkert.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Derry-Prenkert-Ministry-Info.pdf