Wednesday, I had surgery to remove the remainder of my toes on my left foot. For some reason after they remove my big toe due to ingrown toenails gone, infected each, and every one of my other toes became infected, which turned into dragon green. I’m not really one to Spill my business however, I just wanted those who care about me to know what’s going on. The pain was intense even after I took pain medicine every four hours it was beyond the point of crying. I just would like to say to all those who have reached a point in their life, when the pain seems to take over more than a pleasure, it might be time for you to do as I am and reconnect with the most high. I’m at crossroads in my life at this point because of my medical situation and the lack of preparation I did for retirement, and now find myself at the point of homelessness, because my parents are older as well as disabled, so it would just be a house full of disabled people unable to help each other. I only say that to say this, I feel that this is the lowest point of my life, and yet I’m still trying my best to stay positive and to make sure that I focus on the most high because it seems like when you spend your life trying to bring joy to those around you in one way or another and put yourself on the back burner then eventually your number is going to come up if you haven’t made your preparations, you are going to be ass out. I am not looking for pity just trying to be informative and hope that you will use my story to improve your story. Have a wonderful and blessed day. Give your life to the most high!