President Students PVUC Shashamane & Adama Awel Roba

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PVCC announced Darin Hood as the 2024 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. As a 1994 Puma graduate, Hood regularly gives back to his alma mater with his time and charitable giving. Read Darin's full story at

የፊንላንድ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኒቃብ የለበሱ ተማሪዎች ቤተ መፃህፍቱን መጠቀም እንደማይፈቀድላቸው አስታውቋል።  #ይህ ነውር በቶሎ ሊያስቆመን ብቻ በቂ አይደለም በዚች ሀገር ብዙ ጊዜ ጎጂ ነበር እንደ...

የፊንላንድ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኒቃብ የለበሱ ተማሪዎች ቤተ መፃህፍቱን መጠቀም እንደማይፈቀድላቸው አስታውቋል።
#ይህ ነውር በቶሎ ሊያስቆመን ብቻ በቂ አይደለም በዚች ሀገር ብዙ ጊዜ ጎጂ ነበር እንደ ሁለት ዜጋ ይታይ ነበር አሁን ፊንፊኔ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በልጆቻችን ላይ አስጸያፊ ነገር አምጥቶ ከትምህርት ያባረረን ይመስላል ይህ በፍፁም አይቻልም ይህቺ ሀገር ኢንሻላ በቶሎ ለሀገር መሪዎች የምትፈልጉትን ቅጣት ልትወስዱ ይገባል።
በ # PVCU ፕሬዝዳንት
በፊንላንድ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ የላይብረሪ አስተዳደር ሴት ተማሪዎች ኒቃብ ለብሰው ወደ ቤተመጻሕፍት መግባት እንደማይችሉ በማስጠንቀቅ ግንቦት 14 ቀን 2016 ማስታወቂያ አውጥቷል። በቤተ መፃህፍቱ በኩል የወጣው ደብዳቤ በትምህርት ተቋማት ውስጥ ባሉ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ላይ ከሚደርስባቸው ጫናዎች አንዱ ሲሆን ተማሪዎች ግፊቱ በአስቸኳይ ካልተገታ የተለያዩ የአገልግሎት ክፍሎች በሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ላይ ተመሳሳይ እርምጃ ሊወስዱ ይችላሉ የሚል ስጋት አላቸው።
በከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች የሚያጋጥሟቸው ችግሮች ብዙም ባይሆኑም የእስልምና ጥላቻ ያላቸው አካላት የተለያዩ ህጎችንና መመሪያዎችን እንደፈለጉ በመተርጎም በሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ላይ በዘመቻ መልክ ጫና እንደሚያደርጉ ተማሪዎች ተናግረዋል።
ምንጭ፡- ሃሪ ሚዲያ

The Mind Is Like A Garden 🪴| ❍ Share your vision with people with a developed and upright mental structure, not with peo...

The Mind Is Like A Garden 🪴|
❍ Share your vision with people with a developed and upright mental structure, not with people with an ego mind and an underdeveloped mental structure!

» If you cultivate it well, the flowers will bloom to bear beautiful, pleasant fruit. But if you neglect it, unwanted weeds and thorns can grow instead.

» Your thoughts are like the seeds you sow. If you sow positive thoughts, you will reap positive results. But if you sow negative thoughts, you will only reap evil. The choice is yours.

» Happiness is not something that can be chased or acquired. It’s already in you. To use it you must remove the Layers covering it.

» True success is not about accumulating wealth or power, but about living a meaningful life that benefits oneself and others.

» Self-awareness is key to personal growth and personal transformation. As we become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can begin to make positive changes in our lives.
Ustaaz muhammad kiraam is a great Islamic scholar and a famous preacher when he told us to teach the world community about the truth.


Paradise Valley Community College 2024 Graduation Ceremony at Salt River Fields


Larry Norban is a 91-year-old PVCC art student whose story is a poignant reminder that creativity knows no age limits.

Through his unwavering dedication and boundless imagination, Norban is embracing the beauty of the world, one abstract masterpiece at a time.

Read his full story at

  What did I do to Yoman I thirst for your love What-is my fault Why do I talk alone? ~ That I love you so much I told y...

What did I do to Yoman
I thirst for your love
What-is my fault
Why do I talk alone?
That I love you so much
I told you and mouthed it
The love you have for me
My marrow shook me
More than anything else
Sittan patience all
When I look at your picture
I sat down and shed tears
I won’t give up on you
Whatever the circumstances
And my heart begins
Falling into your heart
What do I equate you with
You have no balance
Long live all of you
The heart will never stop praising you
Our picture then
He speaks with a mouth
When I think about you
Of course I lose it in words
Whatever your heart desires
Let me know what they are for you
Unless I swallow you up
I will never thirst for your love
While I swallowed you
You really stay in place
She held the heart in love
You sleep in my heart
I'm crazy about your love
My friend, the fight
In my heart I am
I have a strong monument to you..!
A palace carved with blood
You are the one who has left us, O Ustaaz Haji ibarhi Tufaa, mashallaa today, many of you are the greatest preacher in the world.
I hope he comes to our country soon.
I wanted my poem to express how much I love them congratulations on converting to Islam the greatest scholar in the world Dr z***r niki

Questions That Motivate You To Live A Successful Life: ❏ These life-defining questions are very crucial for someone who ...

Questions That Motivate You To Live A Successful Life:

❏ These life-defining questions are very crucial for someone who wants to succeed.
⁃ Who am I ?
⁃ Why Was I Created?
⁃ What is my mission?
⁃ What is my plan?
⁃ What is my vision?
⁃ What is my purpose?

√ Where did I come from?
√ Where am I?
√ Where am I going?

√ What did I do today?
√ What should I do?
√ What is new to do?

❏ List the things you enjoy and don't enjoy doing in your life and discuss with your mind what you need to do first!

√ Your Future is in your hands!
√ Success is behind you!

Fast. Secure. Powerful.

DID YOU KNOW THIS?        Which one are you? ■ People who value themselves well always live in their own world.  They pr...

Which one are you?

■ People who value themselves well always live in their own world. They praise and love what is acceptable to them and despise what does not weigh heavily on them. They do not entertain ideas because the crowd is organized; they do not back down from the ideas that the committee has rejected. Its agenda committee and its organizational members are themselves.

■ The strange thing is that when you find yourself being such a person, you also find yourself having a lot of haters. Why would he love you if you didn't just see their teeth whitening and chase after them, if you didn't applaud their stupid deeds, if you didn't take your heart off with a little knowledge like them and wander like someone who has reached the peak of knowledge?

■ Did they tell you she was arrogant? Did they tell you he was cruel? Yes, they say the same thing. Their memory vault is filled with only negative words, so don't be discouraged by the words they roll down! If you were like them, they would have no reason to hate you.

■ You are doing what they cannot do. You’ve already won their dreamland. Your fans are eating their fingers when they see you praised. They suffered from no way to throw you into the abyss. So they hate you, so they talk negative words about you.

⁃ They hold their ears when you get up to talk!
⁃ When they see you, they turn away from you!
⁃ They wait for the opportunity to lie to you!
⁃ Try to dry the springs off your plants as soon as they can!

⁃ They are ignorant,
⁃ They are haters,
⁃ They are the ones who sign up for failure.
⁃ They are a hate committee,
⁃ They are a visionary group.

So, ignore such people and ignore them.
Stop disturbing your mind with people who despise you, Have a good day with people who have a good attitude towards you!


Join us at the Intercultural Center for open discussions about diversity and culture. Your questions are encouraged, and they can be asked anonymously. Free and open to the public.

The next conversation is April 24.


Next week is PVCC’s annual Week of Giving.

You can Be A Student’s Hero with a donation to support PVCC students through their educational journey.

Be A Student's Hero runs from April 29 to May 3. Any amount makes a difference! But you don't have to wait until next week, you can donate today at


Gaafa dargaggummaa 😌

  Dr.  Zakir Naik - The Best Of Zakir Naik  The lion's race is the lion...Farik Dr.  Zakir Naik." Dr. Zakir says about h...

Dr. Zakir Naik - The Best Of Zakir Naik

The lion's race is the lion...Farik Dr. Zakir Naik." Dr. Zakir says about his son Faruk:

He memorized the Holy Qur'an in just nine months, five days a week, one hour a day, the Qur'an in 9 months; memorized with numbers, pictures and verses.
And when he was eight, he gave 10- or 15-minute mini-lectures in front of 50,000 people.
Also, When he reaches the age of 14; gave a two-hour continuous muhadara.

Amazing Da'wah work! it’s starting to make people wonder.

Dr. A.S. May Allah protect Zakir and his son and their likes.

👉The people who talk behind your back are the people behind you.  For those who don’t have a life, it’s a job to tell ab...

👉The people who talk behind your back are the people behind you. For those who don’t have a life, it’s a job to tell about people.
👉Usually the people who despise you are the ones who haven’t even reached your evil.

👉People who are older than you don't have time to belittle you even if they don't help you. But jealous people hate you because they don’t want to see your success. People who don’t have a growth vision for themselves never want you to grow either.
🔑You know this and go away until you can't hear their news!

🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Ibn al-Qayyim says: 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 Three things hurt the body: 1) Excessive talking. 2) Excessive sleep. 3) Eat a...

Ibn al-Qayyim says:
Three things hurt the body:

1) Excessive talking.
2) Excessive sleep.
3) Eat a lot of food.

Four factors destroy the body:
1) Mental distress.
2) Sadness.
3) Hunger.
4) Staying up late at night.

Four things dry up the face and take away its joy and dignity:
1) Lying.
2) Pride.
3) Asking too many questions without knowledge.
4) Immorality.

Four things bring joy and dignity to the face:
1) Fear of Allah.
2) Speaking the truth.
3) Generosity.
4) Self-respect.

It brings four things Rizk (provision):
1) All-night prayers.
2) Remembering Allah repeatedly before dawn.
3) Charity continues.
4) Remembrance of Allah at the beginning and end of the day.

Four things forbid Rizq (provision):
1) Sleep early in the morning (after dawn).
2) Lack of prayer.
3) Fatigue.
4) Traitor and betrayal.


Dr.Jeylan Khadir *************** Their names are Drs.  Jeylan is called Khadir Gammada (Abu Abdurrahman).  He is a schol...

Dr.Jeylan Khadir
Their names are Drs. Jeylan is called Khadir Gammada (Abu Abdurrahman). He is a scholar, teacher, muhaddith and m***i of the world.

Dr. A.S. Jeylan was born in 1950 in Monessa, Arizona. Dr. A.S. Jeylan started learning Islamic studies from an early age.

After completing 30 volumes of the Qur'an at the age of 10, he left home to study Ilm. After studying for more than 12 years under many sheikhs in Bale and Arsi districts, they got married in In the same year, he went to Mecca with his father and after performing the Hajj, he stayed with his father in Mecca and continued to study Ilm.

Dr. A.S. Jaylan was a scholar at the time but he did not have any educational certificate (shahada) so in 1974 he started his primary education. From 1974-1981, he attended primary and secondary school.

Dr. A.S. Jaylan went on to receive his 1st Degree in 1984 from the College of Islamic Sharia. He then started his Master's degree without interrupting his studies. "It was hard to study for a master's degree," the sheikh said. However, he later received his Master's degree in the book الدعاء ومنزلته.

He then returned to Finland and began teaching Islamic education. They are one of the most internationally renowned Oromo scholars. He is the vice-president of the African Ulema'i Union. He is known for writing many books. He has granted permission to teach (Ijaaza) to many sheikhs.

May Allah extend their lives. May Allah grant them Jannatul Firdous!

This is the hero of Islam.  He passed away 19 years ago.  He lived 87 years in this world.  Of the 79 young men he train...

This is the hero of Islam. He passed away 19 years ago. He lived 87 years in this world. Of the 79 young men he trained, Dr Zakir is booking the world. From selling salt/salt,to fighting the great American Priest, he made history. He knows exactly the value of the media to this generation. He took the Gospels -Old and New Testaments- to his shoulders and showed the world an unprecedented debate in history.
The story goes that he finished reading what was in the main library in Darban, South Africa.

He is called Sheikh Ahmad Hussein Kazim Didat or Ahmad Didat.

It is wrong to enter the world without history!

May ALLAH grant him Paradise.


A person who does not know his own worth expresses his worth by the value others give him.

A person who does not know his worth, when people tell him that he is weak, he lives a weak life by accepting that he is right because he does not know his worth and yes I am weak.

But a man who knows his worth, if someone comes and says to him, 'You are weak; I reply, now that you can think now that you think of yourself with it, you think of me! ..I reply that my mind thinks, and my mind believes that I have value..These words you just said describe me!

Believe first that your value is higher than they think you are now!

A man who does not know his worth travels in a stranger's plan, in a man-made path; because he considers himself unable to invent and create a way for planning; he cannot change the situation on his own! Life, on the other hand, shines its face on those who know their own worth. You will not give a seat to those who put their own status in the mist! But to those who fight for life to deserve a better place, she gives a full hand! Know your worth, because no one is closer to knowing you than you are!
Don't give people a chance to express Your value like a market cap!

yourself and live your value class; write a strong story with your fingers! Do the work that speaks, shape the work that reads in the year! Think of yourself as something you can think of and do!
Ignorance of self-worth makes us think that the door can never be opened! The unmaseena seed makes us look like maseena, and when you look at the maseena view of the unmaseena seed, you see your seed as maseena....Again...You carry wealth in you, you carry great goals in you, you carry great wisdom in you ...Don't live without a trick...Know your worth....That's what I've read that you were born to carry an unbroken seed


Post-Ramadan Message

1. The fasting of Ramadan is over but.. The sunnah fasting that brings you closer to Allah is not over.. there are many more left.. be strong.

2. The Qur'an was not revealed only for Ramadan. It should be recited even outside of Ramadan.

3. The mosque (house of Allah) is not open only for the month of Ramadan.

4. Prayer is not only obligatory during fasting.. Its obligation continues throughout the year.. Do not offend your Lord by not praying only Ramadan.

5. The night prayer (standing) is not made kharaa in Ramadan.. It is a very encouraging sunnah outside Ramadan.. keep it with your faith.

6. The Sunnah of Witr is also an encouraging Sunnah.. it is the will of the Prophet s.a.w.. the message of your Prophet s.a.w.

7. Posting your mercy will not end with Ramadan alone.. Their rights are there for the whole amata.. Always visit them and maintain your relationship and get the mercy of Allah.

8. Wasan of Allah (sins) are not forbidden only in Ramadan.. just as you avoid haram in Ramadan, keep your wasan of Allah outside Ramadan.

9. Also understand that our greatest enemy (the devil) is only imprisoned in Ramadan.. He is released outside of Ramadan.

10. Pray for Allah to accept your fasting and worship from you.. // many people think that opening Ramadan will surely be accepted for them.. but the believer is worried six prayed for Allah to accept it from you.. and you pray for Allah to accept it from you a lot.

11. Whoever fasts Ramadan followed by six of Shawwal.. is like one who fasts the whole of the Ummah, said the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.

You can fast for six days in a row.. you can fast in intervals.. you can fast in the front side.. you can fast in the middle side and you can fast in the last ten days.. but it is not permissible if you spend the month of Shawwal.

May Allah accept it from us.. and make us those who fast repeatedly for many years.

✍️FOUR THINGS TO UNDERSTAND IN ADVANCE !!️ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 👉1: That There Is Death After Life 👉2: ...

👉1: That There Is Death After Life
👉2: That There Is Loss of Wealth Later
👉3: That There Is Old Age After Youth
👉4: That There Is Freedom After Slavery
✍️Don't Like Four Things!!!
👉1: Telling Lies
👉2:Falsely Judging Without Seeing
👉3: Tell Everyone Your Secrets
👉4: Being Less Humiliated

✍️Keep These Four Things From Yourself !!!
👉1:Don't Hesitate to Die First
👉2: Don't Be Proud You Lose Your Luck
👉3: Don't Get Angry You'll Get Old Fast
👉4: Don't Lie You Will Be Hated

✔️Our Lord, take away from us all that is evil and hold all that is good from us.

✔️Thanks for reading

🤝Don't forget to share with your friends!

وخرج الإيرانيون إلى الشوارع للاحتفال.  ونفذت إيران عدة هجمات على إسرائيل في وقت مبكر من يوم السبت، كما وعدت.  وكان الهجو...

وخرج الإيرانيون إلى الشوارع للاحتفال.

ونفذت إيران عدة هجمات على إسرائيل في وقت مبكر من يوم السبت، كما وعدت.

وكان الهجوم الانتقامي متوقعا بعد أن قتلت إسرائيل مسؤولا عسكريا إيرانيا في هجوم في سوريا.

وهذه هي المرة الأولى التي يدخل فيها البلدان، اللذان كانا عدوين لسنوات عديدة، في صراع مباشر.

وقالت إسرائيل وحلفاؤها إنهم أسقطوا أكثر من 300 صاروخ وطائرة مسيرة أطلقتها إيران.

لكن إيران قالت إن الهجوم "حقق جميع أهدافه".

المصدر :- بي بي سي

Iranians took to the streets to celebrate. Iran carried out several attacks on Israel early Saturday, as it had promised...

Iranians took to the streets to celebrate.

Iran carried out several attacks on Israel early Saturday, as it had promised.

The retaliatory attack was expected after Israel killed an Iranian military official in an attack in Syria.

This is the first time the two countries, which have been enemies for many years, have entered into direct conflict.

Israel and its allies said they had shot down more than 300 missiles and drones fired by Iran.

Iran, however, said the attack had "achieved all its objectives.

Source:- BBC

Please   the reading It takes time, though - everyone will reap what they sow.  Israel is getting the price of her hands...

Please the reading
It takes time, though - everyone will reap what they sow. Israel is getting the price of her hands. Its citizens are in great fear. Because - it is the function of their government. Israel is surrounded by Arab countries. It is not at peace with all neighboring countries. She bites them all like a mad dog. Not only was she strong, but she relied on the West and committed genocide. The disagreement of the Arab leaders created a great opportunity for them.

Iran is a great country. They have a population of 90 million. Their territory is 75 percent the size of Israel. Iran is a vast land; it has a large population. The economy is also a great country. She has great military strength. It is said to have 500,000 RIB members (active members). On top of that, it will have another 200,000 reserve members, analysts say. She has over 4072 tanks. Israel's is estimated at In naval warfare, Iran outnumbers Israel. She has 101 warships. Israel, on the other hand, is said to have Iran’s missiles can hit at a range of up to 2,000 kilometers. There are 1,200 in number.

Iran’s annual budget for the RIB - $9.9 billion USD, while Israel’s, is $24.2 billion. This is a big difference. Israel is said to be superior to Iran in advanced military technology. Israel has atomic bombs. Iran has not officially announced its capture.

Iran has no borders with Israel. Israel doesn’t want any major power outside of Israel to emerge in the region. Iran broke this out. Now, northern Israel is at war with Hezbollah. Internally, it is at war with Hamas. If Iran escalates the war from abroad- there is no doubt that great damage, especially economic, will be done to Israel.

What could be better than living peacefully with one’s neighbors than distant relatives?


حلاقة أريدا.

إذا قرأت بصبر، فسوف ترى الكثير

في كتب التاريخ.

رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حريد عظيم.

أبو بكر الصديق ري الله عنه حريرهم سميك.

عمر بن الخكسب ري الله عنه حريض جداً..!!

عثمان بن عفان ري الله عنه حريده يبو.

علي بن أبي طالب ري الله عنه سمين..!!

ماذا لديك.. لكي تمزق.

لقد كثر كلام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في تربية الحمير (أمر)
ومن سلوى سلوى الماء : لجوب الجيش (!!

النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في روايات مختلفة.
(((حريدة الحامل..))
((اترك الحمار..))
("الأرنب الأخضر الكامل ..."
((اترك الحمار -دعه ينمو-)
لقد كشفوا!!

نبيك...حبيبك يسألك ما أجملك..أقابلك..!؟
🏻"ويلك.. من أمرك بهذا..؟؟"

كلام النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لرجلين من أهل فارس.. حين حلقوا الحمار!!.
HD حسن !!

"إن ربي أمرني أن أخضّر حريضتي.
وهو كلام النبي الليم عليه السلام !!

قال عمر بن عبد العزيز رحمة الله وسلك:"حلق الحمار منكر..!! نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن المنكر.." !!

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:""حلق الشعر حرام!! لأنك جئت على دليل طاهر -واجب-... ولم يقل أحد بجواز الحلاقة"...!!

قال العلامة ابن القيم رحمه الله رحمة واسعة:"

الرجل يفصل عن المرأة بواسطة الأرنب !! لقد ميز الله المرأة بالحريدة الذكر... فالحريدة تمنحه عزة وكرامة وقوة...ولكن ما نهى المرأة عن الحريدة...فليملؤها البركة.." !! ! !

قال الإمام القركسبي (رحمه الله):
"حلق أرنب...سحبه...تقصيره -أبدا- لا يجوز...'' ...!!

قال الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم رحمه الله :"

ومن حلق شعره وهو يعلم بعد أن تبين أنه لا يجوز حلق شعره كان فعله من كبائر الذنوب (الكبائر)...'' قال!!

قال العلامة الجميل ابن باز -رحمه الله- واسية؛''

حشو أرنب وتركه ينمو...ولا يسمح بالحلاقة الإجبارية"!!

وفي فتاوى الشيخ بن صالح العسيمين رحمه الله ورحمة الله:"

إذا اجتمع الذي يحلق الأرنب والمدخن في مكان الإمام فمن يكون الإمام؟؟ وعندما سئل،.

''يمكن للمدخن أن يصبح إماماً...لخمسة أشياء...'' أجابوا...!!

فقلت له لا يجب أن أدخن (حلالاً).. فهو حرام عظيم.. وحلق الشعر أعظم من السيجارة...!!

عالم السلف السابق الأحنف بن قيسي رحمه الله لم يكن له هريده !! يعني مو أخضر.!! فقال قومه ذات يوم:"

ولو كان الأمر يستحق لتمنينا أن نشتري للأحنف ألف




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