Tennis is a great way to achieve cardiovascular and resistance training at the same time. The cardiovascular 'cardio' element is achieved when you are moving on the court. The resistance element is achieved when you are holding the rac, 'weight', swinging the rac, 'air resistance' connecting with the ball, 'moving an object'. You are also achieving a tremendous amount of stretching, releasing toxins when you sweat, replenishing stagnant food residue when you drink water. If you are outdoors and in the Sun, The Sun burns off calories. Also when you're out there running around, it definitely helps with relieving mental stress, and building endorphins. Tennis also helps with brain function because you're out there trying to figure things out. I call tennis 'chess on wheels'. You're missing out on a lot of personal benefits and camaraderie. With a debilitating potentially dangerous neuromuscular genetic disposition; I can personally testify the benefits I receive from playing tennis. LET'S GO!!🤗🎾