We DO NOT take ANY SUBMISSIONS. So what is this? I am a music collector specializing in Black Metal and to a lesser extent Death Metal since the mid-90's. I own over 4,000 releases in my collection. The vast majority of the bands I follow have complete discographies and unlike other 'zines that rely on promos and label support, I get none. Instead Subjected to Metal will serve as an archive or hi
storical perspective on bands. Personally I get tired of the 'zines that have a single release from a band because they happened to get the promo that year and assigned it to some "new fan" to the genre. I've read reviews of a 200x release from Gorgoroth with no information on how it compares to prior releases, because that was the first album they ever heard. I tire of reading from reviewers who think "De Mysteriis" by Mayhem is passé because they were two years old when that album came out. With that in mind I have created this. This does not mean I will not follow new projects or buy new music, I certainly will. Unfortunately, I am one man and only have so much money and time. So, my time is spent following a very select few friends on finding bands. If your band is something I like, I will likely find you eventually. I apologize for good bands I may have missed, but again... I only have so much time and this has really been working well for me. Since, I buy everything, you will find that a lot of reviews are fairly positive, again, this is a historical archive. New fans can use this to garner a perspective on the history of the genre and what certain albums meant at the time. This is based on reflections from the US scene as I have never lived in Europe, though you will find the 'zine heavily weighted towards European and Canadian Black Metal. It's just the music I have fallen in love with the most the majority of my collecting time. I hope you enjoy reading the reviews and can forgive some of the more elitist stances I may be taking, they are merely in place to make my focus more manageable. I have a job outside this 'zine that is totally unrelated to music and I play in bands as well. This approach helps me manage the discography archive sitting in my collection...
Thank you for reading.