We are a small comprised group who love books, art, and creating new things. Due to this love, we have become dedicated to creating a new platform that focuses on three main aspects; Knowledge, Creativity, and Reader Retention. In today’s digital age, humans have developed a very short attention span and a lack of focus. This is why we have devised a formula that combines valuable content with vis
ually enticing and memory forming illustrations – delivering a significant increase in reading retention. We thoroughly believe in the integrity of the human race; therefore, our sole purpose is to cause our readers to grow as a people through consumption of exceptional content whereby the knowledge obtained in every Blook can be applied to their lives. Molding the future of reading across all facets – from our remarkably valued Blooks, to our undisclosed technological advancements in reading – this is what we stand for. Blooks are a new way to acquire knowledge! Contrary to your ordinary digital mediums, if you loved reading already – Blooks are sure to enhance your experience making it even more fun! And if you were an unenthusiastic reader prior to being introduced to Blooks – we aim to change that! Blooks strive to provide valuable knowledge that is not commonly known by publishing unique, original content that cannot be found anywhere else. The composition is correlated between graphics and themes present in and around the background of the text itself. Just enough to give you a little visual stimulation of what you are reading – without overbearing. The artistic style inserted into each page is carefully thought out so that it may properly represent what is unfolding through text. Regardless of genre – our readers shall always find the appropriate pinch of color and tone added, therefore defining a Blook. In the digital age, where the news is limited to 140 characters and conversations take place in the form of emojis, our attention span has shortened. A recent study by Microsoft Corporation has found this digital lifestyle has made it difficult for us to stay focused, with the human attention span shortening from twelve seconds (which by no means was long to begin with) to eight seconds in more than a decade. Heavy multi-screeners find it difficult to filter out irrelevant stimuli — they are more easily distracted by multiple streams of media. This is why our emphasis is providing a new knowledge stream that has the adverse effect of everything else our readers are used to. It is immensely important that in this new age, steps are being taken to increase our attention spans, rather than continue on the current trend of diminishment. Absolutely no catch at all, ever. We treat your purchase of a Blook the same way you would buy anything else. You buy it once, it’s yours forever! No hidden fee, monthly charge, or any other arbitrary element. Be sure to subscribe to gain access to our free Blooks, and if you like what you see – support the cause!