The last @remhq album I bought was #LifesRichPageant. I eventually bought the #Document CD. Although I saw them at least once on each tour through #AutomaticforthePeople (RIP #weaverds), I never gave the "new" albums a quality listen.
At some point, an Athens friend of a friend who worked for the band passed away. Her family later sold some of her collection. By the time I got to Athens that day, the only thing left was this odd signed, but cut corner, copy of Green. I never got the story of why this would be a #cutcorner copy. I have several signed items over the years & the signatures fit, but it's an oddball.
Reading over the sleeve, I noticed credit to the usuals, but also to #burenfowler #rip, formerly of @drivinncryin, and a guitar tech to many good people, too.
On a loose association there, @ericvonhaessler's DNC film has a new edit & is getting officially distributed later this month. I saw a lot of the early versions. It's a good one. Can't wait to see this version.
Adam Landry Podcast on Country Fried Rock
Y'all can listen right here to our first podcast of 2016 w/ Adam Landry, producer of albums from #CFRalumni like Lilly Hiatt, Rayland Baxter, T. Hardy Morris, and Hollis Brown, as well as ones we have played in our #RadioShow including Nikki Lane, Deer Tick, Middle Brother (Dawes + Deer Tick + Delta Spirit), and Diamond Rugs. Source:
Danny Barnes 2015 Interview
Danny Barnes tells great stories. Oh, and he won the Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Bluegrass and Banjo, too.
Hey, Y'all! Watch This!
Evidently y'all are more likely to see our silly videos if we upload them directly to FB, instead of linking to YouTube. Here's a test run of fun to come!