Today on the Keep Diggin' Podcast: "Christianity & The Church of Porn"
"Christianity & The Church of Porn"
Kyle Black & Chad Miller
"Christian's don't look at porn..." A lie from the devil himself. We as Christians are wired like anyone else, wired to sin, and to the Christian man, there is nothing more attractive that the female form, but how do we control our lust and desires? Porn use and addiction is probably the most widespread sin among men within the church, with 75% of church going men openly admitting they have looked at porn on a weekly basis. This leaves me to wonder how many still struggle with it, yet are not openly admitting their struggle. We are in the age of instant gratification with porn available as close as our fingertips on our cell phones, knowing this, it is still a taboo subject for the church to talk about as a whole, and often its something church men, and women, struggle with very secretly. Its mankind's most secret of sin and rarely comes to light unless it is addressed by the individual struggling with it, much like my guests today we are talking with, Kyle & Chad. Is there victory in overcoming the lustful desires of pornography and if so, how do you recruit our wives to help us as Christian men, find victory and overcome this addictive sin in our lives? Join us today on Keep Diggin'!