From the latest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. Ryan Visconti thinks he knows the reason 70% of divorces are initiated by women and let’s just say he’s not very good at figuring out the reasons for things. #exvangelical #exchristian #divorce
From the newest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. Evangelicals think they’ve always been against abortion but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. #exvangelical #exchristian #prochoice #prolifemovement #abortion
From the newest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. Ryan Visconti says that if you really believed in hell, you’d make sure you teach your kids about God. Terrible way to look at it. #exchristian #exvangelical #teachyourchildren
From the newest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. Mark Driscoll thinks that fact that we have a 7 day week somehow proves god. #exchristian #exvangelical #sabbath #thor
From the newest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. Ryan Visconti of Generation Church likes to think he takes the bible literally. But does he? #exchristian #exvangelical #bible
Mark Driscoll got offended by words. From the new Belief It Or Not YouTube video. #exchristian #exvangelical #godsname #gaychristian
From the newest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. What is even the point of swearing? #excangelical #exchristian #swearing #godsname
Did you know that google is free?
When Christians try to portray other belief systems as outdated or backward they accidentally point some fingers back at themselves. From the newest Belief It Or Not YouTube video. #exchristian #exvangelical #idolworship
Joel Webbon and other Christian Nationalists are awful people who Jesus would separate out from the sheep. Frome the newest Belief It Or Not podcast episode. #exchristian #exvangelical #christiannationalism
You shall have no other gods before me wasn't metophorical. From the newest Belief It Or Not youtube video. #exchristian #exvangelical #tencommandments #monotheism
Pastors like to say that anything can be a god in your life, but doesn't that diminish the value of their actual god? From the latest Belief It Or Not youtube video #exvangelical #exchristian #noothergods #tencommandments
Robert Morris thinks it matters how you represent God to the world. From the newest Belief It Or Not Video. #exchristian #churchhurt #robertmorris #exvangelical
Matt Walsh and Vlad Savchuck are mad that pride is a month and think other things should be a month, even though they are. From the newest Belief It Or Not youtube video. #pride #pridemonth #mattwalsh #vladsavchuck
People are really upset about gay robots. From the newest Belief It Or Not video. #theacolyte #gayc3po #exchristian