It caters to a global audience and aspires to be a world-class chronicler of news, information, analysis, insight & cutting edge research for innovators, thinkers, consultants, CXOs, academics, students and innovation professionals. Our belief as embodied in our name is that India, along with other emerging market economies, needs to evolve from the “jugaad” model of constraint-driven low-cost but
unsustainable, quick fixes. Innovation in the 21st century is no longer about “Eureka” moments and light bulb flashes of inspiration. The challenge for societies, institutions and organizations lies in creating a culture that allows for structured innovation which is repeatable and predictable. The powerful imagery of outliers like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg has created a perception that innovation is driven by individuals. The reality is that entire industries which have transformed modern life such as Pharmaceuticals or Semiconductors have been driven by relentless yet “faceless” innovation. Whether it’s new molecules to fight disease or smaller, faster microprocessors, these sectors have created a culture and a process that consistently delivers newer, better and often disruptive offerings
With this philosophy at its core will provide a forum for the community to discover new ideas, exchange views, showcase best practices and debate the latest developments. From interviews with leading thinkers and innovators to case studies that delve into the process behind an innovative product, process, service or business model, we intend to provide cutting edge coverage of the space. Be it disruptive or incremental, big budget R&D or frugal engineering, we hope to cover all kinds of innovation through our lens of ‘structure rather than ad-hoc.’