Most Anticipated Rock and Metal Albums of 2024!
Join me as i take some time to discuss some of my most anticipated rock and metal albums to come out in 2024. Join the chat and let me know what you are looking forward to in the realm of rock and metal music.
No/Mas video shoot. Sh*t was off the hook.
Godzilla & Kaiju Tribute Discussion
Myself and a few other special guests will discuss and look back at the world of Godzilla films, art, literature, as well as other Kaiju related topics. We will explain what some of favorite films are and what the future holds for Godzilla and company.
Live Chat with Special Guest Deryk from Flicks Snacks & Knick Knacks
Join us at 9pm Est on July 5th for a live chat with fans and the dojo army to talk all things movies and music. We will have special guest Deryk from Flicks, Snacks, and Knick Knacks joining us as well to talk about our favorite shows, movies, and any new music we are currently spinning.
Into the Vault: Ep 1
Join me as i go through and discuss some of my more rare and classic metal cd's in my personal collection.
Anubis & Neko Dvd Haul/Halloween Treats
We will be discussing our Dvd haul this week as well as 4 movies that everyone should see and enjoy during the Halloween season.