Bright Eze

Bright Eze Handling courtship with inspiration from God


You are specially invited to Shiloh 2022 where God will be visiting His people.
Dates: December 6th - 11th 2022

Pray, plan and prepare. See you there!


This article is very long but worthy the read and mainly for mature Christian single women. Why?

Because Girls might get offended or not understand but a mature Christian woman will probably get it and take the knowledge.

The tone may be a bit direct not because I am brash but because I am writing to Women not girls. All your single girlfriends AND male friends should read this.

So here we go. Why can’t our wonderful Christian sisters find their Boaz, David or Joseph?

1. Many Christian ladies want a man that “knows where he is going”… but God’s men usually don’t have a clue: Think about that for a moment.

Think through the Bible…all the great men that had relationships with God and who he used and blessed….they usually didn’t have a clue about where they were going and

(Here is the even crazier part) even if they had a clue, their lives for a long time did not reflect that great place God said he was taking them. Just think about it.

All the way from Abraham …going to a land he did not know; Joseph having a dream that people would bow down to him but became a slave and then a prisoner;

David who was anointed to be King and then lived the next 15 years in the wilderness as a fugitive; Peter the great fisher of men who was barely able to catch fish.

These men would have had a rough time finding a wife today. Could you imagine?

Abraham calling sister Sarah aside after church and saying “Errrmmm Sarah you know I love you right?

Soooo God wants to take us somewhere …but I have no idea where. Wanna marry me and come?”

David too. “Look baby…I really care about you and want to spend the rest of my life taking care of you.

In fact, I’ve just been anointed King…buuutttt I’m kinda living in the bushes right now and on the run from the King I’m supposed to replace.”

Or Joseph. “Look Jill, God has shown me many dreams that people will bow down to me and I’ll be a great leader. But right now I wash dishes in Potiphar’s house and I’m a slave boy there”

God’s men don’t “always” have a direction or know the details. So stop looking for men who have it all figured out!

Here is the solution though… is the good news. Here is what you SHOULD be looking for: Men who can be LED by God. (Rom 8:14)

Don’t look for a man who already has the best laid plans. Look for one who knows how to follow directions from the best planner.

The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man may not know exactly where he is going but he knows how to follow God.

2. Many ladies approach relationships from the perspective of “Low Risk, High Reward”: Meaning, they want to get the absolute best man with the least amount of risk. (And I’m not just talking about finances here)They don’t want to put themselves out there at all.

They want the man to take ALL the risks…to be utterly convinced he wants to be with them before they open up about who they really are. You know who you are.

You act like YOU are the ONLY prize in the equation. He doesn’t know anything about your background but you turned into a private investigator to make sure he is good enough for you.

You are financially irresponsible and an impulsive spender, you’re spending insane percentages of your income on your hair, shoes, bags, and your “package” but you want a man who knows how to make and keep money.

You have not grown your faith or prayer life to where it needs to be but you want a demon chasing, tongue speaking, Bible spitting warrior of a husband…because “he is the leader of the home”.

You’ve dated a bunch of losers that didn’t work out but he is no good because he has had several failed relationships too?

You want to see him as he is but you cover yourself up in perfectly filtered Instagram pictures, hair extensions, push up bras, makeup and layers of stuff that make it impossible to see who you really are.

You are lazy with not much follow-through but you want a man who can stay up all night working on a project. If he put that spotlight on you, would YOU make the cut?

In essence, many Christian ladies say they have faith but they don’t. They say that God is their source but they are lying.

They say that they trust God’s will for their future but they are lying. They don’t. They put their trust in a man. What kind of job he has/can get.

How much he is making or can make. They want to make sure he has the “ability to provide”. They want him to have his life utterly figured out…

But I have met many great men who haven’t found the employment they have the potential to get.

I have met many others who were living it up until the economy crashed. I have met some who had it all but God insisted they give it up to go and further the gospel.

If you want a Boaz, David or Joseph, you’re going to have to be ok not having everything perfectly figured out

3. Many ladies forget that good Christian men look for women who share similar non-romantic, non-spiritual values: Sure he should be romantic and sure he must share those spiritual values but eerrmmm ladies…

These Christian brothers are looking for those other character traits as well that speak to the OPERATION of your possible lives together. Dependability, thriftiness, work ethic, time management, hard work, follow-through and so on.

One of the first things we learn about Ruth for example, was her work ethic. ( Ruth chapter 2). She knew how to pull her hair back, forget about her nails, roll up her sleeves and get on the grind.

She worked really hard and even when she got the attention of the “well established guy with the sensitive heart” she didn’t stop working. She took the break that he offered her and went back to work.

That’s how you earn a man’s respect…when you can show him that what he HAS does not define who you are.

Here is the icing on that cake. Just because Ruth could get down and work, didn’t mean she couldn’t look pretty and tidy up (Ruth 3:3)

The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man knows it takes a lot more than butterflies and date nights to fulfill God’s mandate for his family.

4. Many ladies pre-qualify their leads: This is one of the most CRITICAL reasons. The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man …spends a long time NOT looking like the Boaz, David or Joseph the world will eventually come to know.

5. Good Christian men know their worth too and don’t want to settle either: Yeah ladies…men are understanding their worth a bit more too.

Christian men are getting more and more comfortable attending relationship seminars and getting information about seeking God’s face for a wife.

They are realizing how powerful of an impact a wife has on the outcome of their lives and ministry, and they are spending more time trying to see what is beneath the surface.

They know that a woman can make or break everything. They realize that a woman’s desires can accelerate him towards purpose or derail him.

They are praying more and they are realizing that while you still remain a prize, they too are precious in God’s eyes and want to do right by him. They are realizing that a wife can make or break a man.

Yes they are praying for a Ruth but they are also praying against Delilah as well. The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man knows his worth too.

6. Many Christian ladies have no testimony with men: A few years ago, an older friend (a number of years older than me) came up to me after a church program

And asked me about a lady in my church. Who she was and what she was like as a person. I didn’t stop talking for minutes. They were married about a year later.

Same thing happened to Ruth. (Ruth Chapter 2 from Vs 3) Boaz came back from a trip, saw Ruth and asked his Foreman

“Who is that and who does she belong to”, to which the foreman answered and gave a fantastic testimony of her character. (See Boaz’s response in Vs 11)

Here is a secret ladies, you know how you like a guy and try to keep it to yourself until your girlfriends force a confession out of you? We guys don’t do that.

The moment we think we are interested in you, we are telling someone and we are asking around about you….and we are asking our MALE friends/mentors.

Because we know they will tell us like it is and of course won’t spread it all around church and make things suddenly awkward or cause all the sisters to start giving the dirty eye next Sunday. Bro code.

The truth is that even Christian ladies can be toxic sometimes when it comes to how they treat men who they don’t consider a prospect. You forget that when the real prospect comes and is interested in you,

He will ask other men…some who may never have approached you but who have watched you from afar, and yes some who may have had an interest in you but you didn’t like.

How did you handle those situations? (You totally need to read that article link above…especially the 2nd part of that series)

The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man looks deeper than the surface beauty. They look for testimonies of the woman’s character

7. Many Christian women want a Proverbs 31 Man: That’s not a typo. Pick up your Bible and read Proverbs 31 again with fresh eyes… from the perspective of the character of that woman.

And you will see that those qualities are the ones that many women are looking for in a man when they should be busy developing those qualities themselves.

Single Christian men are reading that passage looking for those qualities in a woman, and women are putting that passage down and instead looking for those qualities in a man.

The Boaz, David or Joseph Kind of man has read Proverbs 31 and wants her.

8. Many Christian ladies want to be married but they are not truly ready to be led: They want to marry a boyfriend but not a husband. They want only a partner but not a leader. They want an emotional prenup that things will always be 50:50.

They say they will concede authority to God himself but in their heart, they are not willing to be led by his representative in the home. What I am about to say next I say with the utmost respect to women.

Men were created to lead at home. Now, with that leadership comes accountability to God meaning that God holds him accountable and will punish him first for bad leadership.

But a man cannot be accountable for a woman he can’t lead….and a Christian man does not want to be over anything he can’t be accountable to God about.

The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man is a great servant leader like Jesus Christ…but he is a born leader and he knows it

9. Many young married Christian women are painting a fairytale picture of marriage to their single ladies

Many young married women are doing a major disservice to single women. These young married women create a fairytale picture of weddings and marriage to their single friends.

They love being the center of attention and talk up how dreamy it is. Perfect Instagram photos, perfect wedding photos, expensive glamorous weddings, perfect Facebook updates, photos and so on. Is there anything wrong with that? No.

It would just help a lot more when married young women keep it real with their sisters and tell them that the wedding day does not make the marriage.

It would help a whole lot more if they sit their single friends down and talk about the importance of a praying wife, a strong wife, a submissive wife (to a Godly man) and how contrary to popular opinion,

The faith of a wife is both a weapon for the family and its defense as well. Instead, they get their single sisters all dreamy eyed and waiting for a perfect story and a perfect man.

Waiting for KalEl from planet Krypton with the big “S” on his chest and a red cape, when they should look at Clark Kent from Planet earth.

The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man knows that the wedding is not the marriage and doesn’t want to create an impression he can’t maintain.

Sisters, God has a beautiful story of love written for you. Am I saying settle? No way. But I am saying look at these men through the eyes of Christ.

Get your pride out of the way. Don’t define your marital success by how well your wedding day or “lifestyle” stacks up with other women.

Most importantly, start seeing yourself as a true (not just perceived) gift from God that can bring God’s favor and blessings into your husband’s life because that’s what you are.

So work to BECOME that and I truly truly wish you a love-filled, Christ centered happy marriage when it does happen



1. PRAY: A lot of singles don't pray,don't talk to God, don't communicate until they see their friends wearing wedding rings and meno pause/ mid-life is fast approaching! Who do you think God is? A fast food restaurant? Talk to God sweetie on daily basis and include your future spouse. Tell God to bring them at the right time and help you recognise them when they come..

2. Ask God to DIRECT YOUR STEPS to where they can find you and you will recognize them. The devil has directed some singles legs to the dungeon of death, wrong spouses and wrong relationships, that will not be your portion in Jesus' name! (Read Proverbs 3:5-7)

3. WATCH YOUR CHARACTER: develop a good reputation every where you find yourself. Your future partner may be watching you. Someone who knows your future partner may be watching you. Ladies who are street fighters and international gossips should be careful! Be a lady! Not a machine gun! Men who act like touts and run away bus conductors need rehabilitation not marriage!

4. DRESS WELL AND SMELL GOOD all the time. Half nudes makes you look like a pr******te. Men who go about with dangling p***s under their boxers need to learn "dressing etiquette". Deal with body and mouth odour. It is a huge turn off! Be clean -always!

5. BE FRIENDLY, smile at people, be easy to relate with. Stop looking depressed, angry, bitter or proud and pompous!

6. BE HARDWORKING, focused and principled. Lazy guys and ladies should look for work not marriage.

7. EXPECT your future partner to locate you. Build your faith muscle (Hebrews 11:1). And they will. The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.



If I had a dollar every time I heard a ridiculous myth about dating for marriage,

I’d finally build that vacation home in New Kingston and buy a Bahamian Cay in Exuma.

Here’s one myth that would be worth the downpayment on the beach home alone:

“Meeting your husband should be natural and organic”

As if it should be easy and just “happen”

I got two things to say about this

(besides the fact it sounds like you should meet a man at Whole Foods)

Almost all things that happen “naturally” don’t just happen easily.

Case in point: You were not born walking

It took a lot of dragging yourself around, falling down and choosing to get back up each time

Every single day.

You practiced so much that now you run with ease

And guess what?

Throughout all your walking struggles

No one told you

“Sit down and just wait on God”


“Walking must not be for you”

Dating for marriage is the same. You will struggle and you will fall down.

But you have to make the choice every day to get back up and try again.

You gotta drop the fairy tale and face reality.

Your lifestyle doesn’t organically make room for love

You’re not in college anymore surrounded by plenty of eligible men

You’re always at a work with no men you would talk to

And you can’t remember the last time a “non-dusty” approached you

To add, your schedule is filled with work, ministry, and endless “to-dos”

Therefore, meeting your husband is going to require some effort.

And it won’t feel natural at first

You will need to work at:

👉🏾Creating a social life that feeds your dating life

👉🏾Changing your traffic patterns

👉🏾Leveraging online dating

👉🏾Learning the art of attraction

👉🏾Creating fun conversations

👉🏾Managing your day and dates

This is your reality.

You can either argue with it and continue to suffer.


you can learn to navigate it like a Queen.

If you’re ready to put in some real effort to learn the skills you need to date for marriage and you need help navigating your love life, apply today:

Let’s see if you’re a good fit for my 12-week private, mentorship program for high-achieving women of faith. It’s designed to help you do just that.

Always in your corner,




Everything multiplies on the basis of relationship. If you do not understand relationships you will spend your life time paying for it. What are relationship? ADVANTAGEOUS CONNECTIONS.

Relationships are advantageous connections and there is an intelligence that has to do with managing relationships. Many Christians do not understand the power of relationships. This is where respectfully speaking unbelievers have seem to have an edge over believers. It is dangerous for you to not have strategies of relationships, obtain grace from God to build relationship.

The moment God lifts you the first thing to do with your lifting is to use it as a leverage to build relationships. Forget about acquisition. Acquisition is tertiary. So the moment God gives you the window of opportunity , trap your lifting with relationships. Your relationships will keep you afloat. Do not only have relationships with people who have risen, those who have seen their future already. Those who are rising are more powerful than those who have risen. The bible says it does not get appear what we shall be like.

Don't look for wealthy and blessed people alone. Many of us our relationship is just for wealthy, already clearly it suggests that its a parasitic relationship. This is why its good to show honor to all men. Those above you,your contemporaries and those supposedly below you. If the problem is everybody ,the problem is you. Nobody will just invest time like that,relationship is like an investment. Don't expect returns if you did not invest. Don't give people two minutes of your time with ten years worth of trouble and expect them to remain with you. When people do not perceive you to be an advantage to their lives and their destines, they will love you but they will put you in a group quietly and leave you there. Don't allow circumstances to choose your relationships. Allow the holy spirit in partnership with your mind and your wisdom to choose your relationship. Many of us have not been intentional about choosing relationships.

There are four categories of people you need,

~number one when it has to do with relationships,destiny helpers,you need divine connections. They can't help you but they know who can help you and they can connect you to that person.

~Number two ,you need men of influence. They are willing to invest their credibility and their track record to help you rise.

~Number three,you need gifted people. Men and women who produce results sometimes you need more than kindness,you need results.

~And then number four is burden bearers. The assignment of a burden bearer is not to move you forward they are the ones who stop you from going backward,.

if you do not have these four categories of people in your life you are in trouble. A day will come when you will not buy everything with money, you need the heart of men. Somebody must believe in you enough to stake their lives. You cannot be a general friend to everybody. If people respected you because of title you are in trouble, they must live you beyond titled. No matter the call of God upon your life,you will depend on strategic relationships to rise.

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1. The Holy Spirit is a Helper who Teaches and Reminds: He will help you on all sides in 2022.
[John 14:26] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
The Holy Spirit provides wise counsel to Christ’s followers.

2. The Holy Spirit Convicts the world of Sin.: In 2022 , the Holy Spirit will help you work in righteousness. The Holy Spirit will prove the sin, righteousness, and judgment of the world.
[John 16:7-8] Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
[8]And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

3. The Holy Spirit Dwells in believers and fills them: In 2022, the Holy Spirit will fill you up and guide you .
The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in the lives of believers.
[1 Corinthians 3:16] Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

4. The Holy Spirit is a Source of Revelation, Wisdom, and Power: In 2022, the Holy Spirit will grant you power if you allow Him to guide you .
[1 Corinthians 2:10-11] But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
God gives us the Holy Spirit so that we may know Him better. Since the Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit, it knows the thoughts of God and reveals those thoughts to believers. The Holy Spirit opens believers’ eyes to the hope of salvation and the inheritance they have in Christ.
[Acts 1:8] But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Christians have access to power, revelation, and wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

5. The Holy Spirit Guides all truth, including the knowledge of what is to come: Do not miss out of what He has to offer you in this regards . The Holy Spirit tells what is yet to come. The Holy Spirit is called the “Spirit of Truth” in John 16:13 because he guides believers into all truth. Jesus told his disciples the Holy Spirit would make known what he hears and would only speak what the Father speaks.
[John 16:13-15] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

6. The Holy Spirit Gives Spiritual Gifts to Believers: Your spiritual gift will increase in 2022 if you allow Him to lead you on every side .The attributes of the Holy Spirit such as wisdom, knowledge, and power are manifested in the lives of believers for the good of others.

7. The Holy Spirit Is a Seal in the Lives of Believers: The seal of the Spirit can bear witness in your life in 2022 if you allow Him lead you .The seal of The Holy Spirit is our mark of adoption as God’s children. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his followers so that they could be confident in their salvation.
The Holy Spirit is a deposit in our lives confirming the validity of Christ’s message and that we belong to Christ

8. The Holy Spirit Helps a Christian’s Weakness and Intercedes for Them: Don't hide your weakness from the Holy Spirit in 2022.
We all have times we feel weak and don’t know what to do. The Holy Spirit helps us line up with God’s will during those times by interceding for us.
[Romans 8:26-27] Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

9. The Holy Spirit Makes Believers New and Gives Them Eternal Life: Eternal life can be demonstrated everywhere in your life in 2022 if you will let Him .
Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers to renew, sanctify, and make us holy. Just as the Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit will give eternal life to believers in Christ.
[Romans 8:10-11] And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

10. The Holy Spirit Sanctifies and Enables Believers to Bear Good Fruit in Their Lives: When the Spirit takes charge of you in 2022 , you will bear fruits .
The work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life is an on-going process of becoming holy through sanctification. Through the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit, believers will not indulge the sinful acts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-21) but will bear the good fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25).


"The only thing we can do is to surrender our will to God by the help of the Holy Spirit!" -Dr. Morris Cerullo

What is the prayer of your heart today you want God to answer? Deepen your faith today through understanding and today's daily devotional.


Pastor Evelyn Joshua asks, “What are your needs? What do you need as a Christian?” She answers, “The Bible says, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all other things will be added to you’. Seeking first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness gives you all you need. As a Christian, you must understand that your duty is to obey God’s command.”


My 3 'B's of relationship for your highest productivity will set you on track for the life you want, an amazing life that shines bright,
positions you as a game changer.

🔥Be spiritual, connect with God, your creator. This enables you to be strengthened and see possibilities and solutions.

🔥Be intentional about your boundaries. This breeds healthy relationships, for the right quality of life.

🔥Block out time to do deep work on yourself, and your craft.

You are more than you know, you are empowered for exploits. Take territories in Jesus Name!
“They that know their God shall be strong and do exploits” Dan11:32

Have an amazing week! 🚀

To learn more on this or have me coach you 1:1 or consult for your organization, ministry and community, click the link in my bio,
send me a DM or
📧 booking@nikeadeyemi

my price starts from $3500.
Book yours now🏃🏽‍♀️

lifecoach, consultant


MESSAGE TITLE: Engaging the Power of Love. (Part 2)
MINISTERING: Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo


1. Thank you Lord for keeping me alive till this moment
2. Praise Him. I know you cured the incurable, opened the blind eyes of batemeou, you made the lame to walk, you open the womb of Sarah, I know some of the things you have done, I praise you for them all.
3. Worshipping Him: tell Him you are the God of all flesh nothing to hard for you to do. You are the creator of all things including me. You are the world from the begining, the one who heals. You are the unchangeable changer, you never change but you can change anything and anyone.
4. Father, when you speak it is done: please command the siege against my head, my brain, my eyes, my ears, my mouth to be over now.
5. Father, please command the siege against my hands to be over now. Restore my hands to full capacity. Let everything I touch from now on prosper instantly and mightily.
6. Father, please command every siege against my legs to be over tonight. Turn my mourning to dancing: accelerate my progress. Empower me to move, to run errands for you.
7. Father, please command every siege against wombs physical and spiritual to be over now.
8. Father, please command every siege against my mouth to be over tonight. Everything stopping my mouth from testifying of your greatness, remove it tonight. Let me begin to sing, shout, testify, prophesy and decree for you.
9. Lord have mercy on my nation.
10. Individual request


(Receive with faith)
Whoever must send for you as a helper of destiny, may God connect you to them in the Name of Jesus!

I decree and declare, step into strange dimensions of favour. I pray for you, begin to experience the marvelous hands of God upon your life in the Name of Jesus!

I pray for your children, every spirit hijacking people's children to cause them pain, I curse them now in the Name of Jesus. Let the heritage of being blessed follow them!

I pray for you, the grace that distinguishes a man above his fellows, let that grace rest upon you in the Name of Jesus Christ. I declare speed to your accomplishments!

The favour that enthrones, in the Name of Jesus, let it rest upon your life. Whatever makes for emptiness in your life, may the favour of God stop that season now!

Whatever has left your life that should not have left, I stand and prophesy as commanded, everything that has left your life, let it come back to perfect order now in the Name of Jesus!

May God shift systems and shift structures for the sake of your requests. We command speedy answers to these requests!

Whoever has said where is your God, may God use your requests written as an answer to them.

I command every spirit that is behind every sickness and disease to go now. Be healed in the Name of Jesus!

We command peptic ulcer, joint pains, migraines, and every blood conditions, be healed now in Jesus Name!




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