Oblivio Records was founded December 29th '12 by PABLoKEY
Demos at [email protected] English:
Oblivio Records: Oblivio is a latin word that means forgetfulness. Because its main focus is the revival of past tendencies and the recreation of music and sounds that have been in oblivion, specially organic and original ones. Music that came from handcrafted wooden and metal instruments, fused w
ith contemporary trends and movements, is the basis on which Oblivio thrives. Technology, when implemented wisely and carefully, can be a great addition to these particular sounds, and synthesized sounds can become the perfect companion for such essential and pure sound tools. All of this is what the label represents: true, passionate artists that are not only DJs or producers, but also musicians that can bring their knowledge about organic instruments into their creations and give birth to new and unique experiences. Oblivio Records: Oblivio es una palabra en latin, que traducida al español es Olvido, por que Olvido? por que el sello se basara especialmente en re-crear y re-nacer las tendencias, los sonidos, y la musica que se ha venido dejando en el olvido al pasar de los años,
toda esa musica organica, que venia de intrumentos reales hechos con diferentes tipos de maderas y hierros a mano, todo mezclado con la nueva tendecia musical contemporanea donde todo es echo en computador y todos los intrumentos son sintetizados,
de esa manera presentaremos artistas que no son solamente djs, ni productores, sino que tambien tienen una carrera de musico e instrumental desde un inicio.