About Artalk
Artalk is a website and magazine project dedica
ted to art review. Art is only a medium through which we gain insight about them. We believe that art and society are inalienable. Art responds to everyone in the society, regardless of their education, wealth and age. Everyone is entitled to look at art the way they wish to. That’s what we call art for all. We humbly wish that more people can write and read about others’ comment on art. Through this process, we reflect upon our own opinion, and understand others’ better. Once the silent conversation is developed, we become more compassionate about sufferings and understanding when conflicts arise. To say that art review contributes to a peaceful world may sound exaggerating. But yes, that’s what we believe.
800-1000字,精簡易懂,並附展覽相片3-5張。相片最小為1MB,用iPhone 拍攝的話請選擇以最大的file size 送出。來稿請寄 [email protected]
我們歡迎任何人士投稿。如有疑問,請不要放棄投稿念頭,先給我們send 一個msg了解一下就好了=)
Submission guidelines:
All submissions should be sent to [email protected] . Try to write in reader-friendly language and keep your work between 800-1000 words. Attach 3-5 pictures (1MB minimum size) of the exhibition you are writing about. If you take pictures with your iPhone, please send it in full size. We welcome work from anybody. If you are confused, please message us and we'd work out a way!