10-4, 10-4...welcome to Q4! As we kick-off October and move into the final period of 2024, it is the perfect time to evaluate and hone in on your Vision for the year. Where do you stand? What pivots do you need to make now to close out the year strong?
At Timebug, we create some simple tools - including an amazing time management app; but in this case, I walk you through a printable one-pager, that prompts you to state your Monthly Vision for October, and then stay on track with it over the next 4 weeks.
DM me or visit www.timebug.io
to get the PDF, which you can print and fill out the old fashioned way or by using a PDF editor. Good luck!
Credit to the Blueliner Marketing team and specifically Eduard Balaz for creating these productivity tools and resources!
Timebug is technology based, data-driven, interactive solutions to the time management and personal goal setting problems that we all face in the modern world.