
Justice4Cyn TX SenPerry Stalking Case Not A Political Ad. This Is A Criminal Matter. justice4cyn.com
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Police Investigating Mr. Perry said in March, 2020"Cynthia's privacy is not to be invaded again.  You are not to contact...

Police Investigating Mr. Perry said in March, 2020
"Cynthia's privacy is not to be invaded again. You are not to contact her or her family in any form, directly or indirectly ever again. She's not to be broke and have to ask for help again. Get your hands out of her wallet. Stop taking her money or doing things that cost her money or take up her time. Respect her and the law or we will do it for you. I'm not Oklahoma cop. We don't turn a blind eye to the stuff you do. We are not a bunch of Hillbillys. We don't do business like they do. You respect women and their rights and the law and if you can't, we are more than happy to do it for you. "

Look at what we got because Charles said "no" and then proceeded to give us a whole lot more to get:


Every minute my privacy is invaded, every contact of any kind to Cynthia or her family, every loss and every problem gets the officers that got all the inside information on Mr. Perry's alleged crime that's reviewed on the blog, furious with him. They are p**song people off that in the future, they are really really going to wish he had not pi**ed off.

Ask the Governor or The Muffin Man when sensitive information from inside your criminal organization gets into the hands of law enforcement who is doing the right thing with it if it was up to him.

Tulsa Woman Suing Texas Senator For Stalking

Actus reus generally involves three elements or components: (1) a voluntary act or failure to perform an act (2) that ca...

Actus reus generally involves three elements or components: (1) a voluntary act or failure to perform an act (2) that causes (3) a social harm condemned under a criminal statute. Homicide, for instance, may involve the voluntary shooting or stabbing (act) of another human being that results in (causation) death (social harm). The Indiana Code, in part, provides that a “person commits an offense only if he voluntarily engages in conduct in violation of the statute defining the offense.”2

duress:a crime is excused when committed to avoid what is reasonably believed to be the imminent infliction of serious physical harm or death.

duty to intervene:the legal obligation to act.

entrapment:defense based on governmental inducement of an otherwise innocent defendant to commit a defense (subjective test) or based on governmental conduct that falls below accepted standards and would cause an innocent individual to commit a criminal offense (objective test).

extortion:the taking of property from another by threat of future violence or action, such as circulating secret or embarrassing information, threat of a criminal charge, or threat to inflict economic harm

false imprisonment:intentional and unlawful confinement or restraint of another person.

Larceny, embezzlement, and false pretenses are all directed against wrongdoers who unlawfully interfere with the property interests of others, whether through “taking and asportation,” “converting,” or “stealing.” The commentary to MPC Section 223.1 explains that each of these property offenses involves the “involuntary” transfer of property, and in each instance, the perpetrator “appropriates property of the victim without his consent or with a consent that is obtained by fraud or coercion.” An example is the Texas law on consolidation of theft offenses, which combines theft, false pretenses, embezzlement, and other offenses against property.21

The crime of stalking is recognized in every state. Some of you may recall the stalking and killing of young television actress Rebecca Schaeffer and rock star and former member of the Beatles John Lennon, as well as the attack on tennis star Monica Seles. Margaret Mary Ray stalked late-night talk show host David Letterman for a number of years. A recent study estimates that one out of every six women and one out of every nineteen men in the United States will be the victim of stalking during her or his lifetime.36 In the late 1980s, California and Florida became the first states to adopt legislation punishing the crime of stalking. Every state and the District of Columbia over the course of the next ten years adopted similar legislation. The offense of stalking was developed because the type of acts that constitute stalking in many instances did not fall within the definition of a criminal assault or other types of crime. Stalking often involves a series of legal acts, such as telephone calls, emails, and driving past an individual’s home, which create anxiety, fear, and terror.Stalking statutes, although differing from one another, share several general elements.Acts. The acts that constitute stalking include following another person, placing another under surveillance, repeated unwanted contact, lying in wait, threatening, vandalizing, or a combination of these acts.

P. 206

Stalking entails a series of acts that intentionally or knowingly are undertaken to intimidate, frighten, or terrorize another individual. This may involve surveillance, repeated unwanted contact, lying in wait, threatening, vandalizing, or a combination of these acts. States also have adopted cyberstalking laws that prohibit stalking when carried out through electronic communication or a combination of electronic communication and verbal expression and acts.

CASE ANALYSISIn People v. Shadden, a California court of appeals discussed whether the r**e victim had been kidnapped by the defendant. Moving the victim 9 feet constituted aggravated kidnapping, the court held.

Lippman, M. (2020). Essential criminal law (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.

If you made a problem or caused a loss, now is the time to fix it because they will do it for you in the near future and...

If you made a problem or caused a loss, now is the time to fix it because they will do it for you in the near future and if they have to do it for you, you won't like that any more than you them getting us all what you just said. It's not up to you. Never has been and never will be. We have always controlled the flow of information and never ever was it up to you.

Charles that dolly of your's solve any problems for you or create them? Name one problem that thing solved for you. What kind of grown man emasculates himself by playing with little girl toys like that? Stop with the embarrassing crap you do already. It has never solved your problem but has absolutely created more than you can fix.

Was Cynthia getting this puzzle when you had her held hostage up to you? Did you like them doing that? If you made a problem, fix it or they will do it for you and you will not like how they do it any more than you like everything else they do and in a decade not one time was it up to you.


In a civilized society we do not just get keys to vehicles that don't belong to us and go through glove compartments, mess with the engine, take tail lights or headlights out and damage property without consequences.

How many times have you don't this to a woman and thought made you tough guy?  How many men are typically involved in ga...

How many times have you don't this to a woman and thought made you tough guy? How many men are typically involved in ganging up on a woman like that? What about that type of domestic violence makes you tough or manly in your delusional fairy tale make believe world? What do you the rest of the world thinks about it? You tell us. You know everything. You get in people's faces and tell them how tough guy you are and you control Oklahoma and look what we can do and get away with so you tell us. How does that make you tough? You don't have a dude you can pick on to make you feel tough? You go at a woman and a granny at that?

How many times have you broken into a woman's car, vandalized by taking her tail light out to have her pulled over and harassed by a cop? How many times? Does that make you feel tough guy? Does that wct of domestic violence make you think people respect you and think you are tough? Pick on a dude.

How many times have you done this?

Which cop said "They want me to pull her over again. I think I might call in a protective order instead. I haven't ruled that out. "

Which Oklahoma Lawman said that?

She said No!!!!!" Mr. Perry. You did just p**s us all off again though. She wants no contact with you, certainly not by hacking. She said "No!" Are you so mentally slow you can't understand the word "No!". Tuesday you ask? For what? Your kidnapping? She said No!!!! Go away!!!! Get away from her, Depraved Weirdo!!! "

Perry asked what a good day for kidnapping her would be. He asked if Tuesday would work. That's how mental he is.

Police Investigating Mr. Perry said in March, 2020
"Cynthia's privacy is not to be invaded again. You are not to contact her or her family in any form, directly or indirectly ever again. She's not to be broke and have to ask for help again. Get your hands out of her wallet. Stop taking her money or doing things that cost her money or take up her time. Respect her and the law or we will do it for you. I'm not Oklahoma cop. We don't turn a blind eye to the stuff you do. We are not a bunch of Hillbillys. We don't do business like they do. You respect women and their rights and the law and if you can't, we are more than happy to do it for you. "

Look at what we got because Charles said "no" and then proceeded to give us a whole lot more to get:


Every minute my privacy is invaded, every contact of any kind to Cynthia or her family, every loss and every problem gets the officers that got all the inside information on Mr. Perry's alleged crime that's reviewed on the blog, furious with him. They are p**song people off that in the future, they are really really going to wish he had not pi**ed off.

More here:


"Charles said they wanted to find a way to talk to us without you knowing, behind your back. We didn't call them. We are tell you which is exactly what your family should have done when you first moved to Oklahoma to be with them and get away from Charles. Going behind your back like they did was not cool and they don't have our support because they did that to you." The investigating officers to Cynthia

Charles Perry's guy said "When Charles pesters Cynthia and takes her money, things don't go well for us. We are seeing things happen we haven't seen before. She always finds out beforehand not after. "

Police Recording from 9/2023

"You don't like that every time Charles Perry plans ruin to her she finds out beforehand?"


"Well, she said that everyone is very upset, offended and uncomfortable with what he's doing to her. Crime tends to upset, offend and make everyone uncomfortable. Her people are very intelligent, calculated, strategic and methodical. They do their research and homework or they don't do anything. They understand what people want and it's not this. So, until Mr. Perry is arrested or he gets a grip on reality, it will happen again tomorrow. It's been ten years of this and until he understands what people want and don't want, nothing will change. "

Text to Mr. Miller:

"They talked to some guy for a long time about how to find the people helping me. He said a lot of things and I'm paraphrasing just a little bit in a nut shell he said "You are looking for a literal needle in a haystack. First thing you have to do though is get real about what they are doing and what is important to them and their priorities and you can figure that out by looking at what they do in response to what you have done for the last ten years. Nobody has sought you out and told you 'Its us. We can go behind her back and take your million and make all this go away. Nobody in ten years has done that. They know you are looking for them. They know why. They know to the penny how much money you have and how much to the penny you have taken from Cyndi. Their priority is not that because in all these years you can't anyone at all to talk to you but for ten years you have watched their responses to what you are doing to her. You clamp down on her, they clamp down on you so for them their priority is her happiness, her safety, and her well being, like it or not and understand it or not. There has to be a reason she is such a high priority for them and her rights and her safety and her happiness, but they will never tell you nor is it any of your business but consistently for a decade now, they have reacted in such a way that you should know by now, that is their priority, like it or not. "

"You have a fire and you want it put out and yet you are not putting water on it. You are putting gasoline on it wishing the gasoline would do what the water would do. Maybe try just using water so you are spending a whole lot of time and money planning something only for her to find out beforehand and the whole deal is a bust. That's what is real. You really do have a fire. You really are pouring gasoline on it wishing it would do what water does and you really are perpetually disappointed and yet refusing to face those facts and put water on that fire and until you do, it will only get worse, not better. Gas makes a bigger not better. It makes it worse. No matter how bad you wish that were not true, it is true.

"So for Mr. Perry to do this for now a decade, his light bulb is not just turning on for him anymore is it?"
"Okay what do the rest of them have that is causing them to have same line of thinking that isn't working even for them?"
"I don't know. "

So he went into their failure to grasp reality as has already been said before many times. He also said "Let's say it's the CIA for example and Tanzania. Who at the CIA and who in Tanzania? They know you are looking for them and you have one response. You hurt Cyndi, you have problems you never had before. There is no other response. Her happiness, her safety and well being and her rights are the priority. Like it or not, that's their priority. Why that is I don't know, none of my business but the reality is that's what is important to them whether you like it or not or understand it. '"

We don't confirm or deny who it is ever, but we can agree with everything else he said. We get the help, not them. They get caught when they go at Cynthia and never have they told anyone why that is. They act instead likes it's not really happening and they have for now ten years."

Stalking in person or through proxy is a criminal act. It's 2 when it's intended to coerce a change in testimony. It's 3 when it's intended to coerce cooperation with human trafficking. It's 4 when it's intended to coerce Cynthia to go to a place where you can murder her. It's 5 when you commit perjury by intentional deception or concealment to arrange for a government paid for kidnapping. We just got more information on your crime because you thought you had a choice when he told you to comply with the law and leave her alone.

The stalker in these videos, Neal, is a criminal. He's stalking and stalking us a crime in all 50 states as is hacking, cloning electronic devices and voyeurism. That is not a relationship. It doesn't go both ways. It's crime. Cynthia rejected Charles Perry, moved, then moved again to get away from him. He thinks they are married. He actually told someone who said "She won't see you or be in the same room with you and can't stand you. She moved twice to get away from you. She doesn't like you. You fishing a marriage license and taking everything and everyone she cares about is part of why she rejects you. You creep her out. Voyeurism typically creeps women out. She doesn't want to talk to you. " Perry replied "All married couples have problems. " He's that loony. Cynthia hasn't been in the same room with Mr. Perry since 2013. She rejected him. He harassed and threatened and caused major loss. She moved. He went where she was. He did it again and been relentless in his attempts to ruin her. "Charles Perry has spared no expense in trying to ruin Cyndi. He hasn't spared no expense trying to make her like him. He's spared no expense trying to ruin her. That is not what people do who want a real love life or a date. That's what criminals do who fixated on a victim possibly due to sa**sm and psychosis. He has mommy issues or something and a bad whackjob problem. "

This girl screaming "Leave me alone" is not the crime, Mr. Perry. Neal is not the victim here and Loree doesn't have a temper. He's terrorizing her. That's the crime. You are exactly the same as this piece of garbage. This conduct is criminal because it is deviant, outside social norms and it makes the rest of very uncomfortable. It's not making people uncomfortable because it's a crime. It's crime because it makes everyone else very uncomfortable.


Why can men not be gentlemen enough to leave a woman alone when she asks nicely one time? What combination of words do we use to make you go away?




"If Mr. Perry did this to Cyndi in a bar, the bouncers would throw his ass out, so why are we putting up with it? " Officer asked to pull Cynthia over several years ago and he did not. It was beneath him.




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