Howdy Pards and Pardetts, Wez hassbin jest a tad on tha busy side fer tha last few months, It seem that it wuz jest tha other day tha we wus cuttin up tha "Big Bird" (You do not eat Turkey. Ol Smokie,) fer tha family. Tha "Big Guy" Birthday came and went so fast it wuz jest a blur. Fer we knew it tha "Tax Man" came and went and we aint figgard out if we own nuttin fer doin nuttin. (You are very good at doing nothing. Ol Smokie,) And here it is wez in tha start ov May and I aint figgarded out if I aint dun nuttin. Fer all my Pards and Pardetts that had Birthdays while I wuz doin nuttin, we woood like ta wish yall a Happy Birthday. My Callindar iz still in Novermber 2023 so I aint ta sur whair Ize at. (Even if you had the correct Date on the wall, you still would not know where you were at. Ol Smokie.) Eenneehow Ize gunna be jest a tad on tha buzy side in tha next few weeks trin tha gitts caugth up with tha nuttins Iz aint bin duin over tha last few month. Ta all tha Pardetts that Moms we woood like ta wish Yall a Happy Mothers Day. As my Dad woood say when My Grandmother wuz alive (Died at 102) "Every day with her is Mothers Day."
Weill be checkin with Yall soon.
Adrian and Ol Smokie