
PuzzleMove We craft puzzle fun 🧩 🇺🇦

How many triangles of all shapes and rotations can you count in the Star? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Su...

How many triangles of all shapes and rotations can you count in the Star? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Triangles in Hepta-Star (by Peter Grabarchuk). How many triangles of all shapes and rotations can you count in the Star? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Трикутники в Гепта-Зірці (автор Петро Грабарчук). Скільки трикутників усіх форм і розворотів можна нарахувати в Зірці? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Angry Birds Match - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Rovio Angry Birds Angry Birds Match

Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Commen...

Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

8 Spirals (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


8 Спіралей (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які 2 спіралі однакові? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which pattern, when folded along its dotted lines, can create a 1x1x1 cube with no holes? Solution will be posted exclus...

Which pattern, when folded along its dotted lines, can create a 1x1x1 cube with no holes? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

W-Cube (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which pattern, when folded along its dotted lines, can create a 1x1x1 cube with no holes? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


W-Куб (автор Петро Грабарчук). Який макет, складений вздовж пунктирних ліній, може створити куб 1x1x1 без отворів? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which three different chess digits can assemble the 5x5 chessboard? Digits should not overlap each other, Queens or bord...

Which three different chess digits can assemble the 5x5 chessboard? Digits should not overlap each other, Queens or borders of the chessboard. Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Queens & Digits (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which three different chess digits can assemble the 5x5 chessboard? Digits should not overlap each other, Queens or borders of the chessboard. Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Королеви & Цифри (автр Петро Грабарчук). З яких трьох різних шахових цифр можна зібрати шахівницю 5x5? Цифри не повинні перекривати одна одну, Королеви або межі шахової дошки.Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comment...

Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Three 6-Petal Flowers (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Три 6-Пелюсткові Квіти (автор Петро Грабарчук). Яка квітка найдовша? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Chrome Valley Customs - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Space Ape Games Chrome Valley Customs

Which color has the largest visible area – Purple (P) or Yellow (Y)? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscri...

Which color has the largest visible area – Purple (P) or Yellow (Y)? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Diamond Chips (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which color has the largest visible area – Purple (P) or Yellow (Y)? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Алмазні Фішки (автор Петро Грабарчук). Який колір має найбільшу видиму область – фіолетовий (P) чи жовтий (Y)? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which top view is correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ...

Which top view is correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Tetracubes View (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which top view is correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Вид Тетракубів (автор Петро Грабарчук). Який вид зверху правильний? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

3D figure consists of 7 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write y...

3D figure consists of 7 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

T-Cubic Views (by Peter Grabarchuk). 3D figure consists of 7 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Види T-Куба (автор Петро Грабарчук). 3D фігура складається з 7 кубів. Які види правильні? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Merge Gardens - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Merge Gardens Futureplay Games

Which three pieces can create the Rectangle Chessboard shown on the top-right? Solution will be posted exclusively for t...

Which three pieces can create the Rectangle Chessboard shown on the top-right? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Broken Rectangle Chessboard (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which three pieces can create the Rectangle Chessboard shown on the top-right? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Розбита Прямокутна Шахівниця (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які три фігури можуть створити прямокутну шахівницю, показану вгорі праворуч? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which two cubic chains are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the...

Which two cubic chains are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

12-Cubes Chain (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which two cubic chains are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


12-Кубовий Ланцюжок (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які два кубічні ланцюги однакові? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Commen...

Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

7 Spirals (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


7 Спіралей (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які 2 спіралі однакові? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comment...

Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Four 5-Petal Flowers (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Чотири 5-Пелюсткові Квіти (автор Петро Грабарчук). Яка квітка найдовша? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Gordon Ramsay: Chef Blast - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Gordon Ramsay Outplay Entertainment Gordon Ramsay's Chef Blast

Which pattern, when folded along its dotted lines, can create a 1x1x1 cube with no holes? Solution will be posted exclus...

Which pattern, when folded along its dotted lines, can create a 1x1x1 cube with no holes? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

L-Cube (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which pattern, when folded along its dotted lines, can create a 1x1x1 cube with no holes? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.

-Cube 🇺🇦

L-Куб (автор Петро Грабарчук). Який макет, складений вздовж пунктирних ліній, може створити куб 1x1x1 без отворів? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which color has the largest visible area – Blue (B) or Orange (O)? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribe...

Which color has the largest visible area – Blue (B) or Orange (O)? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Rectangle Chips (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which color has the largest visible area – Blue (B) or Orange (O)? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Прямокутні Фішки (автор Петро Грабарчук). Який колір має найбільшу видиму область – синій (B) чи оранжевий (O)? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Subway Surfers Blast - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Games Surfers Blast Surfers

3D figure consists of 12 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write ...

3D figure consists of 12 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

O-Cubic Views (by Peter Grabarchuk). 3D figure consists of 12 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Види O-Куба (автор Петро Грабарчук). 3D фігура складається з 12 кубів. Які види правильні? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

How many triangles of all shapes and rotations can you count in the Star? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Su...

How many triangles of all shapes and rotations can you count in the Star? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Triangles in Hexa-Star (by Peter Grabarchuk). How many triangles of all shapes and rotations can you count in the Star? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Трикутники в Гекса-Зірці (автор Петро Грабарчук). Скільки трикутників усіх форм і розворотів можна нарахувати в Зірці? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which two cubic chains are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the...

Which two cubic chains are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

10-Cubes Chain (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which two cubic chains are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


10-Кубовий Ланцюжок (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які два кубічні ланцюги однакові? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Grid consists of six streams. Each row, column and stream of the grid contains six different digits - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and ...

Grid consists of six streams. Each row, column and stream of the grid contains six different digits - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. What digits should be placed instead of four question marks? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Strimko 6x6 (by Peter Grabarchuk). Grid consists of six streams. Each row, column and stream of the grid contains six different digits - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. What digits should be placed instead of four question marks? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Стрімко 6х6 (автор Петро Грабарчук). Сітка складається з шести потоків. Кожен рядок, стовпець і потік сітки містить шість різних цифр - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 і 6. Які цифри слід розмістити замість чотирьох знаків питання? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comment...

Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Three 5-Petal Flowers (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which flower is the longest? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Три 5-Пелюсткові Квіти (автор Петро Грабарчук). Яка квітка найдовша? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Commen...

Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

6 Spirals (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which 2 spirals are the same? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


6 Спіралей (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які 2 спіралі однакові? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Angry Birds Match - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Angry Birds Angry Birds Match

3D figure consists of 7 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write y...

3D figure consists of 7 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Z-Cubic Views (by Peter Grabarchuk). 3D figure consists of 7 cubes. Which views are correct? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Види Z-Куба (автор Петро Грабарчук). 3D фігура складається з 7 кубів. Які види правильні? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.

Which three pieces can create the Rhomb Chessboard shown on the top-center? Solution will be posted exclusively for the ...

Which three pieces can create the Rhomb Chessboard shown on the top-center? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

Broken Rhomb Chessboard (by Peter Grabarchuk). Which three pieces can create the Rhomb Chessboard shown on the top-center? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


Розбита Ромбова Шахівниця (автор Петро Грабарчук). Які три фігури можуть створити ромбову шахівницю, зображену вгорі по центру? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.


Chrome Valley Customs - puzzle crafted by PuzzleMove Space Ape Games Chrome Valley Customs

There is a group of consecutive numbers from 2 to 88. What digit is the most frequent in this sequence - 2 or 8? Solutio...

There is a group of consecutive numbers from 2 to 88. What digit is the most frequent in this sequence - 2 or 8? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers. Write your answer ✅ in the Comments ✍️

2 to 88 (by Peter Grabarchuk). There is a group of consecutive numbers from 2 to 88. What digit is the most frequent in this sequence - 2 or 8? Solution will be posted exclusively for the Subscribers.


2 до 88 (автор Петро Грабарчук). Існує група послідовних чисел від 2 до 88. Яка цифра в цій послідовності зустрічається найчастіше - 2 чи 8? Рішення буде опубліковано виключно для Підписників.



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