Welcome to Boy Meets Phone! I started this site for two reasons. First, I love technology; especially mobile tech. Since I hacked my first phone I was hooked on learning and exploring what these phone can do. It is amazing how fast the industry has grown in what in all actuality is a short period of time. In less than 40 years it has gone from a concept to something over 4 billion people use in th
eir everyday life's. It is how we stay connected to the important people, how we find out what is going on it the world. And for some people, the only internet connection they have. The second reason I started BoyMeetsPhone.com is that mobile technology is confusing. When I talk to the average person about mobile tech I am looked at like I am speaking Mandarin Chinese. The is one of the downsides to the rapid growth of the technology. It can become very difficult to keep up. With a new phone being announced or leaked out every week, so many different operating systems, smartphones and feature phone, things can easily become overwhelming. My goal with this site is to not only give you the news and review. When I can, I will try to break down and explain what's going on. Not everything is as it seems and when it comes to an investment like mobile tech you want to know exactly what you're getting into.