Our dream was to be able to travel the world with our kitties so we started training them when they were 4 months old. It can take weeks-many months to desensitize cats to various environments so don’t give up 😊 #cattraining #cats #cutecats #furbabies #cattravel #catsoftheworld #adventurecats #kittens #britishshorthair
Todd’s love language is chimken & treats 😸. Louie meanwhile was patiently waiting for his turn to tell us what he wants. #talkingcat #cat #smartcat #cutecat #catsoffacebook #britishshorthair #britishshorthaircat #catsareawesome #kucing #catlife
What do you think Todd and Apollo were discussing? #cats #chonkycat #catlife #britishshorthair #britishshorthaircat #catlovers
The sweetest reindeer ❤️ #catlover #cutecat #neko #britishshorthair #britishshorthaircat #reindeer #Christmas #kucing #catsofinstagram
The best car passenger 🥹❤️ #chillcat #cat #cutecat #BritishShorthair #carride #britishshorthaircat #catsoftheday #neko #kucing #catsoffacebook
The sounds Louie makes when he eats his licky treats 😹. Louie & Todd reminded me that all Made by Nacho Recipes are 30% off from Nov. 27-Dec. 3 so I made sure to stock up on all their favorite goodies ❤️. #talkingcats #cats #smartcat #cutecats #catsoffacebook #britishshorthair #britishshorthaircat #lifewithcats #catsareawesome
Todd is so sweet with other cats 🥹❤️. Louie was also there and he had a blast - stay tuned for videos of all four of them. #cats #christmas #chicagochristmas #christmasparade #cutecats #catsofinstagram #furbabies #Chicago
His slow motion roll overs kill me 😂 #smartcat #catsareawesome #cat #britishshorthaircat #cutecat #britishshorthair #cattricks #pets #catsoffacebook
Of course Todd got cream all over his face 😹 #cats #catlife #starbucks #pupcup #cutecats #christmascat #reindeer #britishshorthair #catsoftheday #christmas2024
The way Todd tried to cheat with his talking buttons 😹 #cats #winterolympics #cutecats #catlife #catchallenge #catsoffacebook #olympics
The way Todd forms a scarf around his brother with his tail ❤️ #cats #christmasshopping #catlovers #cutecats #sweetcats #britishshorthaircat #catsoftheday #christmas2024
Todd’s as smart as he is loving ❤️ #talkingcat #cat #catlove #sweetcat #catsoffacebook #smartcat #catlife #catsareawesome #britishshorthair