Make your 140 characters sparkle
Deliver sparkling designs and pictures in real time. Media is evolving within microseconds. Multimedia and mixed media in art, design, music and verbal communications are revolutionising and redefining print, audio and video as it is known. The newspaper itself as a media is at its fin de siecle; at the end of an era when print reigned as the thought leader in huma
n development, how adequately has traditional media been meeting, facing and addressing the challenges of the changing environment of news delivery; and how can social media take up the challenge to improve on its flawed model? What are the roles and responsibilities of journalist and media houses in the current explosion of information and are they too on their death beds? How can traditional practitioners, institutions and mechanisms adapt to the new environment? Is there an ideal fit between the old and new media forms, methods, techniques and practices? How can individuals, NGOs, corporations and governments take advantage of the opportunities presented in this milieu that puts media production and access at their fingertips. Our short courses, orientations, seminars and workshops, aim to examine the avatars of media in our society today and process its possession of our lives. All our offerings can be custommade to the needs of individuals, groups and organisations, professionals and corporations, and can be made available in virtual or actual forms. Some modules include and can be customised to your needs:
Understanding Media – Orientation
Press Kits, News Releases
Media Language Globalised language
BLogging Interview Preparation
News placement
Matching product to Media
News Conference Preparation and Management
Corporate News/Image Management
News & Crisis Management
Conscious Use of New & Social Media
Addressing Media with Bias
Media Ethics for New/Social and Conventional Environment
By Request only.