I'd always loved writing so I guess it evolved from that. At first it was just lame songs about the every day dramas in life. I gave it up after a while but I got back into it when I was about 17. I began writing lyrics on a bit of paper that I used to carry with me. Slowly, these lyrics grew and choruses and verses were forming and each day I'd write a little more until I had a full song in front
of me. By 18 I was writing constantly, scribbling down lyrics to songs as often as I could and trying to find music which would fit in with the lyrics I had written. About a year later, I started co-writing with Courtney Warr. We'd each be working hard to come up with new and exciting lyrics which could be used in a song. It wasn't long before our first co-written song, 'What If', was completed and posted on facebook. We received a lot of positive feedback and decided to continue co-writing songs. Then, Courtney suggested we co-wrote a rap song. To this day, that song remains untitled, but we have co-wrote several more songs as well as songs individually which can all be found on this page and on our own facebook profiles. I never expected to hear that the songs were any good, it was just an interest I had but sure, I'd love it if my songs were recorded some day. I don't have any Youtube uploads just yet but hopefully that's something that will happen in the near future. In the meantime, please enjoy reading the lyrics on this page and if you have any questions, feel free to post them and I'll reply as soon as possible.