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Her novels î -you don't know what a star is if you haven't met me.💌

- it's me against the world.💕🧘‍♀️


should i drop?


-when it rains it pours 🫧
- insert 15


I got home, I found my mother washing dishes.

" heyy!" I greeted her

" hey... ehh kanti what time is it?" she was amazed at how I got home early

" idk, maybe it's half past 9"

" why aren't you at school?" she asked in a concerned tone

" we were late, the security at school told me that she wouldn't allow me to pass because it was late" I said walking towards my room

" is that so?" she stared at me

" yes" I answered shortly

" good we will go to church together... or you have something else to do?"

I groaned "arghh!... I will go with you"

" glad" she smiled then turned to her dishes.

1hour later.
we walked out of the house then locked the house going to church.

》at church
we remained sitted as my father preached, we sang, we prayed it was kinda nice. I prayed about my relationship with siya it. I felt a lil relived.

》at home

we found ntando sitting in the dining room. doing her homeworks, I passed her then went to the kitchen made a sandwich for myself then carried it to my room ate then fell asleep.


i was so cute in childhood i don't know what happened now.


teachers also need counseling okase kwatele horr ka tshega.


nothing holds you back more than your insecurities.


- when it rains, it pours🫧
- insert 14


aii I can't be mad forever. let me juss forgive her I know she didn't mean and she had the right to behave like that.

" I forgive you"

she chuckled " really?"

" yes but you owe me for that" I said firmly

" I will make it up to you" we hugged each other v tightly

mmh this feels good. I love her sm.
we pulled away, we began to chat and gossip that's our thingg.


yesterday night we almost got caught. Buhle and I were busy committing adultery when my baby momma came unannounced yhoo I was scared and trembling at the same time, but I managed to make a way out of the the situation. next time I've to play safe shem.

so today Buhle called me to fetch her, I told her I can't because I want to play this game safe. kodwa yena she decided to dump me , I'm happy about the decision she had made because she will no longer be a nuisance to me, but at the same I'm sad because I will no longer be able to quench my thirst and I will miss her. kodwa I don't care that's the decision she decided to make.

from now on I will be focusing on myself and baby mama, no more cheating. juss joking.



-when it rains, it pours.🫧
-insert 13


I hid behind the wall as I waited for ntando to walk away so that I can go and see my man. since vele we didn't go to school i think i should make this day worth it.I missed him last night we had fun until we were interrupted by his so called cousin. a young beautiful woman on her twenties i think. that's when siya hid me in his wardrobe, I didn't get it why I had to hide myself from his cousin. was he ashamed of me?

I saw ntando going to Mbali's mansion I guess she was going to apologize. she had to. that's not my business. I made my way to the bus stop. then made a call

[ On the call]

me: babe
siya: sigh* yeah ufunani?
me: hawuu babe?
siya: babe I am still busy.. ufunani
me: well bengithi I bunked school today.
siya: so?
me : come and fetch me
siya: moes I have already told you that im still busy
me: manjerh you won't come?
siya: yes I'm busy
me: what are you busy with?
siya: with somethin important
me: I don't think things of ours will work let's just end it
siya: because I'm busy?
me: besides that...
siya: okay it's fine

he cut the call

what have I done? was there a need for me to spit those words? I tried calling him back but it led me straight to voice mail. mmh... he won't forgive me. I don't know what to do. I tried calling him again it was voice mail.

I dragged my feet home, heart broke, my spirit was down. if they provoke me at home they are going to know me vv well because I ain't I'm the mood of arguing with anyone.



your energy is luxury, so act like it.


-when it rains, it pours.🫧
- insert 12


I was shaking and my pus*y was throbbing too. I don't understand this feeling. ohh I forgot to mention that me and sibonelo once had a little affair. mbali never knew about that till today.I looked at him I don't know what to say, he was there staring at me he seemed not to believe my story.

" can you plss show me Mbali's room? " I pleaded

he smirked and walked closer to me I could feel his breath brushing my neck because he was too close, and that made my pus*y throb even and became wetter than before. he knew how to seduce me damn. I stepped back.

" I will show you her room... if only you kiss me" he said taking a step.

" sibonelo you know we can't be doing this" I breathed out

" choose wisely"

" aii lemme go" I was about to walk away when he caught my hand.

" you are not going anywhere without kissing me" I looked in my eyes I looked away

" someone will find us doing that" I tried finding an excuse

" I don't care!.. kiss me " he closed his eyes then leaned I was about to kiss her when the door opened Mbali stood near the door watching us I pushed sibonelo.

" mbali it's not what it looks like , I swear"

" nah continue sorry for interrupting you" she walked back in her room then closed the door.

I pushed sibonelo hard against the wall he smirked then bit his lower lip. he knew how to turn me on .

" I blame you!" I said walking away

" no you don't... u wanted this, I know you're already wet..you should come and visit me some other time"

I blushed yes I do then continued walking towards a room I assumed it was Mbali's. I knocked twice then i opened the door.

" ngithe ungene?" she asked

" mbali I'm here to apologize. I'm deeply sorry about what I've said to you earlier on. "

she kept quiet playing with her teddy bear I remember that was a gift from me last year on her birthday. she was not bothered by my presence.

" i am sorry, I promise I will never repeat the mistake."I brushed her hand

15+ likes 10+comments.


should i drop insert 12?


growth is uncomfortable because you've never been there before.


-when it rains, it pours🫧
- insert 11.


I dragged my feet to Mbali's mansion. Mbali stays in a upstairs house. their house is bigger than any other house in our hood. they say they are the richest, but I say they're not rich nor poor. because I know them more than they do. Buhle, Mbali and I always argue on the fact that mbali comes from a rich family. that pi**es her off she hates being told that she's rich.

(david)Mbali's father is a manager in clicks whereas (nompumelelo) her mother is a nurse at our local hospital. mbali also have (sibonelo) her big brother which she tends to hate the most, mbali doesn't have a good relationship with her family. idk why, when I ask her she would just say " nami angazi ngifana nawe" mbali is a psychopath shem.

I walked in the mansion, I pushed the big door wide open. I walked in looking up. I closed the door and stood behind it looking around it's been a while since I got into this mansion. after examining the house I finally decided to go upstairs to Mbali's room. yhoo the stairs are tiring. when I stepped on the last stair I was already breathing heavily. there are many rooms which one is Mbali's?

I decided to open each door till I find Mbali's room. I made my self comfortable in doing that because I knew nobody would find me in action cause Mbali's parents went to work, I think his brother already left to school.

I opened each door but Mbali's room was no where to be found. I see that they have done some renovations here. there's no way I was going to find Mbali's room I decided to shout out her name. I stood near the balcony

" mbali"

the door opposite to were I stood opened. sibonelo walked out dripping sweat wearing a towel covering only his lower body, I swallowed a huge lump. looking at his muscles and his six packs I have never seen such a thing in my life. he stared at me. his stare made me wet. boy!he cleared his throat.

" uhhm... mm... I was looking for Mbali's room I couldn't seem to find it."


silent readers are the reason why I’ll stop writing i swear.


-when it rains, it pours.🫧
- insert 10.


from my view I'd tell one that Mbali was about to break down into pieces, I knew that i've cut her deep with my words. I felt guilty for doing that, I didn't give her time to explain herself, just because i am selfish. I'd tell that Mbali was going to cry herself to sleep i know her if she's hurt she does that, I hate seeing her hurt or upset, now that it was my fault, I made her to feel like.what kind of a friend does that make? a bad friend right?

actually it was never my fault it was Buhle's fault, she could have said that earlier on before we reached this level. i no longer know Buhle anymore! the Buhle i know was never like this.

" you have turned into someone I no longer know... should I say a slt or something? " I whispered the last part

" Ntando what have I done?" she was trembling

" 'what have you done' Buhle?.... you've done a lot Buhle, a lot! I don't want to mention all the things cause I know I will end up whipping your ass... yonke into it's all your fault Buhle! buka manjerh Mbali is angry at me.do you want to know why?" I stared at her she nodded " because of you, you couldn't be honest with me!" I shouted.

" Ntando I'm sorry I'll try to talk to Mbali" she sniffed

" it's all your fault Buhle all your fault... results of you sleeping around" I laughed in disbelief

she glared at me

" you ruined everything and you can't stand up for it nor for yourself, you..."

" Ntando I've heard enough! how many times am I supposed to apologize!? was it my fault that you called Buhle names that have been stuck on to your, that you didn't know how to tell her?you now got a good chance to that?!" she shouted " honestly speaking Ntando I don't know what kind of a sister you're, sister who can't hear nor comfort her lil sis even in tough situations." tears blurred her vision. she walked away, leaving me standing in the middle of the street like a fool.

ohh the last part hurt, I'm confused am I the one whose at fault? I don't get it.like was I supposed to stand with her even though she did sinfulnes?what she is doing could ruin our father's reputation.. do good sisters act like that? or good Friends at like that? honestly I no longer know what I'm supposed to do or which side I'm supposed to take.

standing here made me realize that it was never Buhle's fault of how i reacted towards Mbali. I accused her because I didn't want to admit that i am the reason why mbali is upset rn. now Buhle is also upset at me, does that make me a bad person? that I made my loved ones sad? I have alot of unanswered questions and I'm more confused rn.

the way I've reacted can make me lose people i adored the most in this world. I could lose them just like that truly speaking I do think that I can afford to lose, I think it's time for me to swallow my pride and apologize to them. I have wronged. and they're both the reason why I react that way. I admit it, it was my fault but also their fault too. I will go and apologize and they also have to apologize too.

15+likes 8+comments.


dropping soon, are you guys awake?


(Choose a number guys)

01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03: Do you regret anything?
04: Are you insecure?
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
11: Do you like someone?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
14: Do you miss someone?
15: Have any pets?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
26: What are you craving right now?
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
31: Does somebody love you?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
54: Is cheating ever okay?
55: Are you mean?
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
59: Do you like the snow?
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?


-when it rains, it pours.🫧
-insert 09.


we ate our breakfast in silent, after less than 20mins buhle walked in wearing her school uniform.

their mum asked buhle" ohh sewuqedile?"

" yebo"

" sweetheart are you going to drop them off?" she asked their father

he shocked his head that told us he was disagreeing. he didn't want to say a word that proved that he was still angry he knew if he said a word it won't end well. now we are supposed to walked all the way to and we're already late argh.

we stood up in silence picked our school-bags then said our goodbyes, we walked out. there was no sunrise that showed us that we were already late.

" aii guys we are late, mina angiyi...." I was interrupted by Ntando

" manjerh ufuna siyenze? sithi nathi 'asiyi'!?...yazi I'm sick and tired of you!, entlek wena you were sent to come and destroy our lives? firstly you turned buhle into a slt then you me to also turn into a hoe?like you? yazii wena..kudala ngik'bona ukuthi you are nothing but a homewrecker! buka izenzo zakho ubuhle aka' lalanga endlini all because of you! I backed up you!" ntando said fuming with anger

buhle kept quiet

" ohh it was fault that buhle didn't sleep at home? ask her ukuthi ulele kuphi... and also ask her when did we meet and where go ahead ask her!" I shouted

" guys you are making noise" buhle said trying to calm us down

" yeyii wena! uyazin nge noise?" Ntando tried to slap her but she blocked the slap

" Ntando it was my fault... mbali had done nothing wrong she was only trying to help me out...angilalanga ekhaya nor did I sleep at Mbali's house, i slept at Siya's house he dropped me off next to our gate that's when i met Mbali... it was never Mbali's fault" buhle broke down

" ukhalelani!?" ntando shouted

I could tell that she was angry and I was also hurt, hurt because she called me names I never thought she would ever say

" so now I'm the hoe right?" I asked ntando she only kept quiet, I clicked my tongue

I walked away heading back home, i couldn't hold my tears anymore I knew if I stayed longer I'd end up crying, and I don't want that to happen. atleast i will be banking school today.


busy drafting.


thank you.🤭🤭


-when it rains, it pours.🫧
- insert 08


aii we were struggling with our lie shem, we had no other options left for us to try them out, but to ask Ntando for lil help. I wonder if uzovuma. as I was sitting next to her I pinched her one her thigh. she flinched a little bit and looked at me with a side eye, i signaled her to help us

" aii baba I've heard of that" Ntando said

yhoo atleast

mam Dlamini placed her juice and looked at Ntando " but you never mentioned that when I came into your room and asked you where was Buhle"

" you said that she was in her room you don't know" she added

" yeah i said that because I never thought that Buhle will be truly sleeping at Mbali's when they told me that it never sounded serious that's why ngi ngay'thathanga serious" she gulped down her juice not wanting to face her parents

they kept quiet then continued eating.

" s**t we're late!" I said looking at my watch which was on my wrist

" girl mind your tounge" bab Dlamini stared at me

" sorry sir buy we're late... buhle ain't you going to school" I looked at Buhle waiting for a reply

" angiyi.." she was interrupted by her mother

" you're going to school either you like it or not, first you don't sleep at home then you come up with some cooked stories now you're saying angiyi , not la kwam uyangizwa?!" she shouts

I guess our story didn't work

" yebo mama"

" go and wear your school uniform you're already late!"

Buhle jumped from her seat and runs towards her room, yhoo she's scared, I wanted to laugh but I can't afford to be scold. anyway I'm hungry lemme make myself a little something something,

I looked at Ntando's direction she gave me a funny look, do I care? no I don't, I was only trying to help her lil sis out


I know it was Mbali who made Buhle to do such things, she's a bad influencer I know her vv well, I think we had both reached our destination, we should cut ties, I can't afford to have a friend behaving like this I literally can not.


- when it rains, it pours🫧
-insert 07.


as we were about to have our lil prayer, Buhle and Mbali barged in without knocking cabanga? tjoo baba will sort them out for sure. I wonder they have been, from my view I could tell that Buhle didn't sleep nor did she went for a jog, she is going to explain herself cabanga ukuthi kuya dlalwa lana neh?

they both joined us on the table Mbali said the greetings whereas Buhle kept quiet playing with her fingers, I sensed danger. where were they? hmm

" Buhle bewukuphi?" my mother asked her

she continued playing with her fingers, if she does that I know that she did something wrong or was about to tell a lie, I know her vvv well, she can't fool me. I was getting angry of how she behaves

i shouted "khuluma marn wena!"


I was startled by Ntando's tone, she never talks to me like that, only if she is angry or irritated she then talks like that, tjoo I'm getting scared no one is going to back up for me. how could I be so clumsy? actually Siya is the one who I had to put the blame on and the one who was clumsy I told him to bring me back before 5 o'clock but he chose not to listen nxaa

what am I going to say? clearly Mbali will not back up for either, I had to find another way

" I was sleep walking " I said still facing down, I could tell that no one was buying my story.

" when did you start sleep working buhle?" asked my father in a calm manner

" i..i..i s-sta.." I stuttered and Mbali came to my rescue

today is my bad day shem!

" uhm bab'dlamini.. my mother asked Buhle to come and sleep over at my house because she was not around and she knew that I was scared to sleep alone."

" that sounds new to my ears, nkosikazi?have you ever heard of it?" baba asked facing my mother's direction

" no I've never heard of it before" my mother replied sipping her glass of juice giving me a side eye

hayii ishubile manjerh mmh.



my page doesn't allow long inserts guys. please REACT and FOLLOW it gives me stamina to post again no silent readers.


just stop for a minute and recommend a good song


-when it rains, it pours🫧
-insert 06


i woke up around six, & guess what? i am late. yesterday i went to groove i came back today at 4, i quickly ran to the bathroom i wiped myself i don't have time to bath i lotioned while brushing my teeth i wore my school uniform, s**tt I have forgot to do my homework, aii ntando will borrow me hers. I went downstairs after packing my books.

I checked the and it was already late, let me go and check up on Ntando and Buhle I'm pretty sure they are having breakfast I will then eat with em.

i went grabbed the gate keys and went to unlock the gate, I saw a blue GTI parked to ntando's yard.

" mahlambe ama'sponsor aka baba Dlamini" ( maybe are baba ntando's sponsor's) I said to myself .

i walked towards the car I want to see the type of man or woman driving that car, such a car in a township iyho.

i tried looking inside the car, all I could see was two people kissing, aii maybe those are some strangers you never know, i hurried towards the gate because I knew that i was getting late.

as i was about to open the gate, the passenger's door opened. Buhle got out if the car, our eyes locked. i was shocked to see Buhle pastor's daughter a whole 14y/o? stepping out of that man's car I'm pretty sure that man has a family and all that. from my view i knew that she did not sleep at home, she was not wearing her uniform.

i clapped my hands in defeat "wehh! Buhle... ubuyaphi?"

she kept quiet

" who was that man?"

she looked down playing with her fingers

" it looks like I have no choice but to tell ubaba Dlamini" I said opening the gate

She hugged my leg crying "ngiyak'cela ungaba tsheli" she pleaded

"Sukuma sukuma!... okay tshela mina, who was that guy?"

" ngizok'tshela asambe endlini" she said brushing of the dust on her knees

15+Like>5+ comments


i love my gentt.


-when it rains,it pours 🫧
-insert 05


it's a morning, I was waken up by someone who was pulling the sheets of me.i hate it when someone does that to me, it's not like I'm not gonna come out on this be, reason why I always wake up early it that I be trying to avoid this.

" what?" I said groaning

" vuka! where's Buhle?" Mama asked in a concerned tone

" in her room!" I said pulling the sheets over my head

" she's not there I checked " she pulled down the sheets

I'm getting irritated

" how am I supposed to know where she is if you don't know? " I asked staring at her

" it seems like he didn't sleep in her room yesterday night" she said

" you also see that she didn't sleep in here too... maybe she had gone for a walk early in the morning, idk" I said while sitting on my ass

" maybe because your father is worried about her"

" ehh kanti he cares?" I asked looking away

" mntanami your father cares a lot about you two, after all you're all he has" she said rubbing my hands

"mmh" that's all I could say

" anyways let me go and prepare breakfast for you all" she said as she stood up

" don't be late for school " she said closing the door

" ohk" I said sliding under my covers

aii mara let me juss woke up kuyafann moes, before I get late , lemme check the time it is half 5 and it is still dark outside, ohh I still have time moes, I wonder were Buhle is, yeah maybe she went for a walk, if not she would have told me where she was going in order for me to back up her.

I went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth then bathed, I dried myself then lotioned , I wore my school uniform, arghh! I forgot to polish my school shoes, I did than then wore my blazer did my combo edges applied my lip therapy.

I head to the dining room, found mom and baba eating breakfast, Buhle isn't back I wonder uyephi.

I sat down " morning!"

" yebo nganeyami" answered baba, weeh someone is in good mood

" ubuyile uBuhle?" ( is buhle back?)

15+ likes 5+ comments.


one more.


-when it rains, it pours 🫧
- insert 04


yhoo my man is here! I wonder we're he's taking me. I'm excited. I change into my short pink tight dress, ohh I was told not to wear my underwear, let me juss obey him. I took off my tong. I wore my slides then did a little bit of touch ups here and there, applied my make up lightly and also fixed my edges.

I have to sneak out, cause I know that today I am not sleeping at home, ngiyolala endodeni yam!

I opened my window,I took out my slides then threw them outside, I slowly jumped out of the window. I picked up shoes.then carried them I slowly and quietly walked towards the gate, I tried opening the gate. Damn! the gate was locked.

Hayyi I refuse going back to that house I'd rather jump the wall than going back, I tried many times to jump off till I couldn't anymore.i decided to call SIYA to come and help me.

He quickly picked up

(On the call )
SIYA: I'm losing my patience buhle!
SIYA: mewunga funi ukhulume phela!
ME: babe celu zongisiza
SIYA: ufunani kanti wna?
ME: I need your help with somethin
SIYA: what's that?
ME: woza lana ngasekhaya.
SIYA: nxaa ngiyeza!

He hang up

From his tone you could tell that he is annoyed. that switched off my mood, after a 10mins he came.

"please help down" I said pouting

" bewuyenzani?" (what were you doing?)

"are you going to help me down or not?" now I was the one losing patience

he quietly stretched his arms over me, he held my waist and carried me down. we silently walked towards his car which was parked next to my father's church

he quietly opened the passenger door for me i got in, while he walked around the car to the driver's door. he got in then drove off in silent

" are you mad?"I asked him

"no" he answered shortly

"okay, please return at 4 o'clock" I said

" okay"

" where are we exactly going? " I asked looking at him, yhoo this gent is handsome especially when he's mad

"to my house, hope you not wearing any un**es like i said" he said.



are you guys asleep ? I wanna drop again!




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