In the 1920's a scientist named Walter Kilner experimented with a dark blue chemical dye called 'dicyanin', which he poured into a glass screen, and when he gazed through the screen he found that he was able to see the aura of the
person standing in front of him.
He was able to see the person's aura because the specific colour of the dye blocked out a large portion of the white-light spectrum, and left only a small
portion which helped concentrate his perception of the aura.
HOWEVER, FOR A VERY BRIEF PERIOD OF TIME BACK AROUND 2010 THE PUBLIC COULD BUY THE DICYANIN VERSION, BUT NO MORE…… Dicyanin is a blue dye. It is not a drug. It is not physically dangerous. It is not poison. However, you cannot buy it. The chemical company that makes Dicyanin assigns a security code to its customers. To see how high Dicyanin is classified we asked a government chemist if he could order some. His security code allowed him to buy all the L*D or He**ine or Co***ne he wanted but when he requested DicyaninDye he was told he was not cleared high enough to obtain it.
Dicyanin Dye has "special" properties. If you make a window using two panes of glass with Dicyanin Dye between and look into it you can see the Astral
World directly. Now, if you are a psychic or meditation student, you can see the Astral World too but this dye allows ANYONE to see it. Now you see why it has a higher security rating than He**in. If people could buy this simple dye [freely available in the 1940's] they could prove to themselves and anyone else the existence of another Plane of reality.
Private researchers used Dicyanin Dye before the Government locked it away in the 1940's. This gives an approximation of the time when the decisions were being made to censor all available knowledge so that new generations could be "programmed"
into a belief system that was manufactured by the Government and which had no relation to true reality.
What's the Deal with Dicyanin & Dr. Kilner?
Dr. Walter Kilner was a distinguished British physician in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who became one of the first radiologists in practice. In 1911, he published The Human Atmosphere, a book about his experiences and observations using a certain coal tar dye to enhance the ability to see the human aura. The book was reissued in 1921, shortly after his death, as The Human Aura, and remains today one of the best collections of detailed, candid observations of the aura available in the West.
Seeing the aura & techniques on how to enhance that ability are near to my own heart, as I can see the auric field around people and magical objects to a certain degree. It is clear to anyone who is an experienced Witch, Magician, or Occultist, that being able to sense what we call the aura is a vital ability, whether those sensations are interpreted by the brain and mind as visual or otherwise. This ability allows one to deal with the Inner forces directly, with no intermediaries or reflectors (such as Tarot cards, Rune sticks, etc.)
Beyond that audience, if it were possible to offer definite, physical, reproducible proof of the existence of the human aura, there would be a revolution in scientific thinking about our own nature, the nature of the Universe, and our place within it. Not only that (as if that weren't enough!,) there would be vast areas of research and understanding open to us that are now closed.
Researcher George Andrews, in his book EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS AND FOES
[ILLUMINET PRESS., P.O. Box 2808., Lilburn, GA 30226] quotes a statement made by
Valdamar Valerian, director of LEADING EDGE RESEARCH:
"...A friend of mine and four of his friends experimented with crystalline structures a
year or two ago (mid-1980's - Branton), and they figured out how to cut them along
certain planes so they could actually see the aura or energy field around people.
That's when they discovered that all people aren't 'people', or the people they thought
they were. It appears that some E.T. humanoids have a dark blue ovoid aura.
(Note: Aura cameras developed by Chuck Shramek -- yes, the same Chuck Shramek
of the 'Hale-Bopp Companion' controversy -- and others clearly show the 7 multi-colored
'chakra' points of the human soul/spirit matrix. Presumably since reptilians have NO
soul, they would have NO multicolored auric field. - Branton). It so happens that all the
people they checked that met this criteria also wore dark glasses and made every
attempt to act like they really wanted nothing to do with people in general.
"They followed one of these people out into the desert where he evidently had a
trailer. After waiting until dusk, they made a pretense of needing help and knocked
on the door. After a short while, the light went on and the man came to the door.
OF CIRCLES. It works. The only trouble is that it costs $2,000 to put a pair of those
glasses together..."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpTlUhvD7Qc&t=329s movie they live 1988
http://soundofstars.org/auragoggles.htm ADDITIONAL INFO ON THIS TOPIC CAN BE FOUND IN THIS LINK..