The Science of Coffee podcast returns on MONDAY.
Subscribe now—link in bio.
Back in the Berlin studio working on a new Filter Stories episode! After 22 hours of recording in Colombia, it's all about organizing the footage and crafting the narrative. Grateful for the creative process and excited to share the story with you soon. Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes insights!
Just wrapped some final promo lines for my upcoming BBC audio documentary on jaguars in the Pantanal!
I can’t wait for you to hear it—I think it’s one of my finest pieces I’ve ever made.
Tune in November 7th to the BBC World Service’s Documentary podcast channel to hear why the world’ largest tropical wetland is in danger.
I lived out every coffee hand grinder’s dream! At the @mahlkonig R&D lab, we shoved a drill on an old broken $20 Hario hand grinder and turned it electric.
For my podcast episode on the science of coffee grinding (link in bio), I wanted to understand what a ‘good’ grind distribution looks like vs a ‘bad’ grind distribution.
And to do it I used the grind distribution from an entry level $20 consumer grinder was compared to one of the classics of the specialty industry, the $2,000 EK43.
The results? Turns out, grind distributions are just like us: we all like different things!
Hear the story for yourself by listening to ‘Grinding and Freshness, Part 2’ on my The Science of Coffee podcast! Link in bio.
I recently pitched an environmental story to the @BBC about the world's largest tropical wetland (Brazil’s Pantanal) and they accepted it!
The Pantanal is an extraordinary ecological hotspot is facing significant threats, and I spent five intense days on location, capturing sounds and learning from @FrTortato of @Panthera_BR about its unique wildlife. Despite layers of clothing and repellent, I experienced the full force of the wet season's mosquito swarms!
And for once it’s not a coffee story! I’m taking everything I’ve learned creating narrative audio over the years in the coffee world and applying it towards other issues that I’m passionate about, such as the environment.
This in-depth journalism is still only a side hustle though. There are too many other stories I still want to explore in the world of coffee!
I’m in the middle of drafting the final piece, and I expect it to go live to millions of listeners in the next few months on the BBC World Service’s documentary podcast channel.
I recently pitched an environmental story to the @BBC about the world's largest tropical wetland (Brazil’s Pantanal) and they accepted it!
The Pantanal is an extraordinary ecological hotspot is facing significant threats, and I spent five intense days on location, capturing sounds and learning from @FernandoTortato of @Panthera_BR about its unique wildlife. Despite layers of clothing and repellent, I experienced the full force of the wet season's mosquito swarms!
And for once it’s not a coffee story! I’m taking everything I’ve learned creating narrative audio over the years in the coffee world and applying it towards other issues that I’m passionate about, such as the environment.
This in-depth journalism is still only a side hustle though. There are too many other stories I still want to explore in the world of coffee!
I’m in the middle of drafting the final piece, and I expect it to go live to millions of listeners in the next few months on the BBC World Service’s documentary podcast channel.
I went behind the scenes at the never-before-seen R&D department at @mahlkonig!
Listen to the Filter Stories podcast episode ‘Freshness and Grinding, Part 2’ to discover why tiny changes in your grinder setup can have huge consequences.
👉 Link in Bio!
Thank you to everybody who came to my lecture with @CoffeeHistoryJM on how coffee got so cheap! Your questions were hard hitting and excellent.
It was wonderful to meet coffee friends and colleagues at the Expo. The American coffee world continues to change very quickly and it was fascinating to see the latest technology trends in coffee. There are MANY ways to make cold brew, it turns out!
Farming coffee organically often leads to healthier soils, more plentiful birds and insects, and farmers avoid getting sick with agrochemicals.
But, if it’s so great, why is less than 10% of the world’s coffee grown organically?
The fact is, going organic is hard. Much harder than growing coffee conventionally.
In the latest episode of The Science of Coffee series, I travel to Honduras and show you the story of one of Central America’s most successful organic coffee cooperatives, @cooperativaraos (Cooperativa Regional Mixta de Agricultores Organicos de la Sierra).
I explore the four big hurdles standing in the way of a smallholder coffee farmer who dreams of switching over to organic: acquiring specific organic farming know-how, facing initial yield drops ("the trough of despair"), securing higher prices for lower yields, and the necessity of joining a well-managed cooperative.
In the episode, I show you how the RAOS cooperative overcame these hurdles and changed the town of Marcala and the surrounding region into one of Central America’s organic coffee hotspots.
Listen to “Organic Coffee, Part 2: Why don’t we see more organic coffee farms?” at the link in bio.
Brewing green, unroasted coffee!
One day I wondered why do we bother roasting at all? So, one sunny day in Berlin, I got hold of some ground up green beans and brewed up a V60 pourover.
Instead of beautiful caramel brown, the coffee looked yellow-y and green.
I enlisted my flatmate, a former coffee professional, for a blind taste test.
His verdict? It's not terrible!
(But we both admitted we prefer coffee that’s been roasted.)
In my latest Filter Stories episode, I delve into the science of coffee roasting and why today anyone can do it very easily.
Tune in at the link in bio!