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#কৃষিকাজ#farmer#real video#viral video#hard work#real hero#
খুশির পরিভাষা/Definition of happiness
খুশির পরিভাষা/Definition of happiness
Happiness or joy is different for each person.
Maybe what you have is someone else's dream.
And your dream is to go from the level you are at to a better level.
We should thank Allah for what He has given us.
Aren't you sorry?
If you regret, you will lose the happiness that you have!
We have to pray or pray, and try to make things better.
Among all the human qualities that people have, the best is patience. Even according to successful people, the main mantra of success is this patience. Nothing can be achieved without patience.
Allah says -
1. “Patience is a tree whose body is cut but the fruit is very delicious”
– Al Hadith
Maybe a very poor person does not have a mobile phone to call.
He is very much in need, if he can somehow buy a simple mobile, then he is very happy.
Again, a rich man has a good mobile, but he is happy with it.
Because if he can buy a nice expensive iPhone then he is happy with it.
And lastly thank the creator to be satisfied with what he has given you.
Mujick cradite
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No task in life is small. Each person has a different role.
We humans are social beings. Dependent on each other.
Those who leave their work and think other work is small, I think he has brain problem.
Because you have not done the work at home. Food is going in your mouth because he is there. He keeps your house clean because he exists and you hate them.
A scavenger, being in the society cleans the dirty garbage from the society.
Because there is a farmer, he works hard to grow crops and we cook and eat those crops or vegetables.
Because there is a master, he educates the nation in good education.
Because there is a doctor, he gives health from illness.
Each person has a different role in mind.
So no work is small but all work is equal.
What is the biggest problem among us if we get any higher degree we are afraid or shy to do small work.
But the Supreme, who has made all people equal, then why should we be ashamed.
If you work and eat, live with honor and not shame, and if you eat dishonestly, you should be ashamed.
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কাজ এর গুরুত্ত
কাজ এর ক্ষেত্রে কেনো লজ্জা থাকা উচিত নয়
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নিজের মূল্য /self worth
নিজের মূল্য /self worth
It is 100 rupees, if I roll it with my hands, kick it, soak it in water, or whatever I do, will its value ever decrease?
will not decrease
So, no matter what anyone tells you, will your value ever decrease? will not decrease
Because I am who I am.
Think about one thing, there are thousands of billions of people in the world, what is the same with someone's appearance? There is no match.
Some say it looks like him, but no one says the same.
In addition, this fingerprint of the hand is not similar to anyone.
No matter what God or God says on earth,
Everyone has been sent with a quality of their own.
So don't sacrifice your life for anyone's words no matter what they say to you.
Because you are the only one piece, if you leave, there will be no one else in the world like you.
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শিশু থেকে প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক হওয়া পর্যন্ত, এত কিছু শিখার পরও, শেষমেষ আমাদেরকে বেকার হতে হয়, আবার এত কিছু শিখার পরও কিছু কারিগরি শিক্ষা নিতে হয় জীবন জীবিকার জন্য, এই ভিডিওর মাধ্যমে সেটি তুলে ধরা হয়েছে।
From child to adult, after learning so much, finally we have to become unemployed, and after learning so much we have to take some technical education for livelihood, this video shows that.
#md firoz hassan #ট্রেনিং#/training#viral #Learning video.
নিজস্ব ইচ্ছা/ own desire
নিজস্ব ইচ্ছা/ own desire
এই ভিডিওতে আপনারা নিজের ইচ্ছার গুরুত্ব সম্বন্ধে বিস্তারিত জানতে পারবেন।
ভালো রেজাল্ট বা সার্টিফিকেট সব কিছু নয়, নিজস্ব ইচ্ছা দিয়ে যদি কাজ করা হয়, তবে সবকিছু অর্জন করা হয়। বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিডিওটি দেখুন।
In this video you will learn more about the importance of your will.
Good results or certificates are not everything, if you work with your own will, everything is achieved. Watch the video for details.
#নিজস্ব ইচ্ছা#own desire#MD FIROZ HASSAN# # knologe vidio#viral video# education
লোকের কথায় কান দেয়ার ফলাফল
লোকের কথায় কান দেয়ার ফলাফল/Md.Firoz Hassan
#লোকের কথায় কান #story #Video #Viral #viral video#Md Firoz Hassan # learning video#knowledge video # top story# education# top 10 video#story block# Bengali story#সময়
সময় ও পরিবরতন/MD.Firoz Hassan
সময় ও পরিবর্তন/MD.Firoz Hassan
#সময় ও পরিবর্তন#somoi# Poriborton#story# knologe vidio#