Olly Alexander will represent the United Kingdom in Malmö with the song "Dizzy" 🇬🇧
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #UnitedKingdom #UK
#Eurovisionunitedkingdom #EurovisionUK
Joost Klein will represent The Netherlands in Malmö with the song "Europapa" 🇳🇱
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Netherlands
Silia Kapsis will represent Cyprus in Malmö with the song "Liar" 🇨🇾
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Cyprus
Nemo will represent Switzerland in Malmö with the song "The Code" 🇨🇭
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Switzerland
Baby Lasagna will represent Croatia in Malmö with the song "Rim Tim Tagi Dim" 🇭🇷
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Croatia
#Eurovisioncroatia #Dora2024
Megara will represent San Marino in Malmö with the song "11:11" 🇸🇲
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #SanMarino
#Eurovisionsanmarino #unavocepersanmarino2024
Mustii will represent Belgium in Malmö with the song "Before the Party's Over" 🇧🇪
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Belgium
LUNA will represent Poland in Malmö with the song "The Tower" 🇵🇱
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Poland
Silvester Belt will represent Lithuania in Malmö with the song "Luktelk" 🇱🇹
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Lithuania
#Eurovisionlithuania #Eurovizijalt2024
Saba will represent Denmark in Malmö with the song "Sand" 🇩🇰
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Denmark #Eurovisiondenmark #DMGP2024 #DanskMelodiGrandPrix2024
5MIINUST & PUULUUP will represent Estonia in Malmö with the song "(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi" 🇪🇪
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Estonia
#Eurovisionestonia #EestiLaul2024
Natalia Barbu will represent Moldova in Malmö with the song "In the Middle" 🇲🇩
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Moldova
#Eurovisionmoldova #EtapaNațională2024
ISAAK will represent Germany in Malmö with the song "Always on the Run!" 🇩🇪
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Germany
#Eurovisiongermany #DasDeutscheFinal2024
Angelina Mango will represent Italy in Malmö with the song "La Noia!" 🇮🇹
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Italy
#Eurovisionitaly #Sanremo2024
Dons will represent Latvia in Malmö with the song "Hollow!" 🇱🇻
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Latvia
#Eurovisionlatvia #Supernova2024
Windows95man will represent Finland in Malmö with the song "No Rules!" 🇫🇮
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Finland
#Eurovisionfinland #UMK2024
alyona alyona & Jerry Heil will represent Ukraine in Malmö with the song "Teresa & Maria" 🇺🇦
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Ukraine
#Eurovisionukraine #Vidbir2024
Sarah Bonnici will represent Malta in Malmö with the song "Loop" 🇲🇹
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Malta
#Eurovisionmalta #MESC2024
Nebuloosa will represent Spain in Malmö with the song "Zorra" 🇪🇸
Let us know your thoughts below!
#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Spain
#Eurovisionspain #BenidormFest2024
Gåte will represent Norway in Malmö with the song "Ulveham" 🇳🇴
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#ESC #Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024 #Norway
#Eurovisionnorway #MelodiGrandPrix2024