1" A Girl Sēarched 0n (Google) I'm 19 & I'm prēgnant. How do I tell my parents?
Google: If you can open your legs, then why not your mouth?🙆😂🤣
2" *You see that tiny feelings you usually have when a man is touching you, that's your sense leaving your body ooh*🙄
3" There is no record of a female angel in the bible.. Ladies if any guy calls you Angel,, trust me he is a Fālse prophet.... 😆
4" Some girls once they get married, every other girl becomes a rūns girl. meanwhile they were in active service before they retired.😂🤣
5" I don't understand some ladies👭 oh how can u be telling a married man 🤵to promise u not to brēāk 💔 ur heārt, My Dear if he can chēat on his own wife 👰 My Sister who are u???
Any way let me mind my businēss!!🤭🤭
6" I hāt£ men who ask a lady from a group to hīt their inb0x😒😒.
Ladies if you also hāte this kind of men please inb0x me and let discūss what to do about those men? I hāt£ Nønsense 🙅💆
7" Confusiøn Is when you Støle a meat from the pot and forgot whether the Pot was Fully Covered 0r Half Covered🙆🙅🤣😂😂
8" My crush just posted a new pic, pl£āse hēlp me with the spelling of Gojas
As in "you look Gojas"😒😂
9" No matter how a lady smiles inside a bus🚌, i won't smile back😎until she pāys her transport fare 😏🙄🙄
10" People will always pronounce Nūrse as Nerse, Until there is an emergency in D høspital U will be hearing Nosu, Nosu ooo😂🤣🏃🏃
11" If you want measure someone's strength, try and push the toilet door while they are still using it.😂🤣
12" If you like snap pics of you pounding fufu or fetching fire wood, they already know who to marry. Wife materials everywhere....😂🤣
13" You are busy saying heartbrēak is pāinful, has padlock fell on your leg before?😂😂
14" I am proud to be a member of FACEBOOK FREE MODE ASSOCIATION (FFMA), our motor is SEE PICTURES LATER 😂 any member here😂🤣
D Pluto gvyPlutogyD Pluto gvy