Lions ROAR for a variety of reasons, including to communicate with other members of their pride, to establish territory, and to attract mates. Roaring is a powerful vocalization that can be heard over long distances, and it's often used by lions to intimidate rivals or warn other animals to stay away. Lions may also roar in response to danger or to call their cubs back to the safety of the pride.
When lions ANGERED or feel threatened, they may exhibit a range of aggressive behaviors, including growling, snarling, and baring their teeth. They may also lash their tails, flatten their ears against their head, and make direct eye contact with the perceived threat. If the threat persists, lions may attack by lunging, biting, and clawing. However, lions are generally not aggressive towards humans unless they feel cornered or provoked, and most lion attacks on humans occur when people encroach on their territory or disrupt their natural behavior.