Let's join through live and prevent toothdecay, toothache, and many more dental problems. #dentist #drbiplob #premierdenta
Let's talk about oral health and diseases. #liveevent #drbiplob #dentist #oralhealthawareness #premierdentalnepal #दन्तस्ब
Lack of proper oral health care can lead to permanent tooth loss at very young age. Stay aware #dentist #drbiplob #premier
Kids tooth should be regularly monitored #drbiplob #dentist #premierdentalnepal #दन्तस्बास्थय #प्रिमि
Kids Oral health needs regular monitoring. #stayaware #kids #tooth #health #eruption #dentist #drbiplob #premierdentalnepa
Kids Oral health and toothdecay #tooth #decay #toothdecay #kids #drbiplob #premierdentalnepal #दन्त #स्वास्थ्
Join our live today at 945pm and let us discuss about oral health #live #nepali #dentist #drbiplob #premierdentalnepal #दन
Join our live today at 930 pm, get free consultation. Know about wisdom tooth problems and treatment options. #nepalidenti
Join our live now and get information about oral health #join #livenow #nepali #dentist #drbiplob #premierdentalnepal #दन्
Join our live now and get free oral and dental health consultation. Let's us make our Oral health good. #Nepali #Dentist #
Impacted wisdom tooth should be removed to maintain good oral health #wisdomteeth #tooth #pain #gumswelling #gum #swelling
It's essential to take care of your oralhealth and hygeine before it's too late. #savetooth #tooth #mobile #toothmobility