Shrewd Perplexity is a biweekly podcast that will take the greatest questions of our time, and cloud them in accurately cast confusion. Friends, colleagues, acquaintances, enemies will come together to discuss the burning issues of today. Ever since taking a radio broadcasting unit in my middle school technology class, i have yearned to be on the radio. With that industry ever shrinking and a chos
en career path that does not present any potential opportunity to break into the broadcasting world, a podcast seemed to be the ideal solution. The show will have seasons depending on how many episodes can be produced at a time. A full season will be produced and then aired once fully completed, so that consistent content is provided. This first season is in production and should be finished by the end of December. The minimum goal per season is to have 8 weeks of content. Each episode will be broken up into two parts and feature up to two guests at a time. Part one will air on a Tuesday. Part one is called the Doggy Bag. In the Doggy Bag, the guest(s) for the week are introduced with a short biography and relation to the host. Once we have established the guest(s), each guest(s) will have brought with them their Doggy Bag for the week. In said bag will be the three current events from the previous week said guest just couldn't leave behind. These three current events, along with three the host will bring will be discussed. The topics can be as broad, simple, complex, insignificant or irritating as the guest(s) see fit. The only guarantee is that humorous dialogue will be a direct result. Part two is the meat and potatoes of the show and will air on Thursdays. The Keynote Quarrel. Each week a topic will be posted on all of our social media forums to preview what will be discussed in the Keynote Quarrel for the week. Each topic will be heavily opinion based and produce three answers from each guest(s) and the host. Each answer will be heavily debated, praised, ridiculed and broken down, all in the name of comedic banter. Topics will include, but are not limited to; "Which celebrity that is genuinely regarded as pretty do you find hideous?" "What are the top three songs you would take on a road trip?" "Which Social faux pas do you think shouldn't be?"
This podcast will have both iTunes downloadable audio and YouTube uploaded fly on the wall video for each episode.