As we come to the end of 2024, we are celebrating our anniversary as a radio show on Sub FM for 16 years. Originally founded winter of 2008 by Fish Finger & The Builder, Heavy Traffic started out broadcasting from Santa Cruz CA. We (LB & Konfusion) were often guest DJ's in the first year or so, but then we started sharing host duties in late 2009, and officially took over hosting every week in 2011. khariszma came on board in just the last year, so our family continues to grow! In 2017 we expanded into our record label- with a whole other roster that also continues to grow! Thank you for all of the years of support.
We would like to take a minute to reflect & recognize all of the artists we have had thru the studio over the years. Some still around, some have moved on in life, but everyone we could think of/find flyers or recordings for are listed. If we forgot you- please forgive us! It a lot to dig through 16 yrs of memories.
Here's to 2025- we hope to keep it up for years to come!
Big up Whistla for giving us a place to call home.
Find LOADS of archives on our SoundCloud, or on the subfm archive page - search Heavy Traffic.