The World According To Frod

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The World According To Frod This 'Page' is especially for those who don't understand and perhaps need things explaining. It is a


If Russia's 'excuse' for invading Ukraine, that being to deal with the nazi's across from their border, is true, wherever they decide this should be relocated too, there will still be nazi's on the other side!
Sorry Russia, poor excuse! Your president has never been happy since the end of The Soviet Union! Putin picks on those countries that are not part of NATO, first Georgia more than a decade ago, now Ukraine! He knows he will get away with it, and knows the West can't do much about it!

The difficulty with problem solving is that you need to understand the question! This lot are doing exactly like I did a...

The difficulty with problem solving is that you need to understand the question! This lot are doing exactly like I did at school, looked at the maths exam paper, hadn't a clue, threw numbers at it, failed!

How Kwatengs, to encourage growth, 'budget' compares to other of similar intentions, so Barbers (PM: Heath) 1972 and Law...

How Kwatengs, to encourage growth, 'budget' compares to other of similar intentions, so Barbers (PM: Heath) 1972 and Lawson's (PM: Thatcher) 1988!
Barbers, biggest growth' budget ever resulted in inflation more than tripling and inflation more than doubling! The value of the US $ dropped too! There was a war in the Middle East and the price of oil tripled too! Eventually a general election, Labour elected, massive pay settlements followed coupled with massive income tax increases.
Lawson's growth budget also resulted in a doubling of inflation and interest rates! Mind you, we had North Sea oil to fall back on and stuff to sell off! Thatcher only lasted three more year's!
Kwatengs statement: Well, inflation already running a 4 times it was a year ago! We have (like 1973) a war in Ukraine, gas prices three times higher (like oil in 1973). Interest rates 3.5 times higher in less than a year! The value of the £ against the US $ massively down! We have very little to fall back on, nothing left to sell off! So he plans to borrow!
This country, comparatively speaking is well off! Why do we need to borrow with all the debt that goes with it! The UK has money, it just needs to be distributed fairly to allow us to maintain our current standard of living!
This Government's chosen route is leading us to disaster!

This was Sri Lanka's route to disaster basically, the country went broke earlier this year!My concern is that 'Thick' Li...

This was Sri Lanka's route to disaster basically, the country went broke earlier this year!
My concern is that 'Thick' Lizzy's economic policy is to follow a similar pattern, her proposals include tax cuts, a reduction in VAT, etc, which will all lead to further debt! She needs to listen to the experts and not to advisors who are employed to tell her exactly what she wants to hear!


Why do people refer to it as 'this war in Ukraine '? The 'war' is way bigger than that, Ukraine is just the latest 'battle'! During 'this war' there have been battles in Ukraine before, Georgia before that!
Ukraine, Georgia, are 'distractions', 'diversions', to the overall intentions, they're skirmishes! The real war is going on the background, basically those that have access to the resources have control, Russia with it's oil and gas, and it's ally China! China has for year's been exerting it's influence on less wealthy, more vunerable states, the list is lengthy! These countries think they benefit but nothing is further from the truth!
Let's take an example, Sri Lanka. China has invested heavily in its infrastructure but Sri Lanka cannot repay it's debts, effectively bankrupt! It cannot afford fuel and we cannot help so, guess what, it turns to Russia (China's ally) who is seeking customers, and a deal will be done! And, whilst the Foreign Office advises us not to visit, Sri Lanka is encouraging tourism from Russia!
Sri Lanka, in normal circumstances, would like to think that, as a Commonwealth country, we would help but have we? No! We, in the West are about to loose an ally and Sri Lanka won't be the last!
Europe, NATO, are going to box themselves in and, with little in the way of natural resources, remember, we used ours up getting rich over the years whilst exerting our influence on others, our 'era' is coming to an end! This 'war' is not being fought on a battlefield!


Will people stop saying 'Boris was a good leader who got us through Covid and Brexit! He was 'there' during Covid, invariably ignoring what his health experts advised! And, as far as Brexit again, he was 'there', the Brexit decision had been made beforehand and he just agreed to what his right wing 'chums' wanted! The Covid crisis would have been handled much better by anyone, yes anyone, else and Brexit well, if he hadn't been around in the first place we would have probably had never to go through that sh*t in the first place! That man has been a disaster, like all 'me, me's' only interested in himself!

I don't how involved we are with the war in Ukraine! Ok, we're not actually fighting but the 'West' have imposed sanctio...

I don't how involved we are with the war in Ukraine! Ok, we're not actually fighting but the 'West' have imposed sanctions, are sending weapons, frozen bank accounts, etc. Some, Germany, Italy, Hungary, and others are still buying Russian oil and gas, they can't do without it! The price has increased causing inflation! Now we want our pay packets to increase to compensate! Strikes are threatened all over, not just the UK!
Meanwhile, Putin is chumming up to China. China is buying his oil at knockdown prices! This will enable China's economy to grow whilst we in the West go into recession! Being a capitalist society, we will buy goods from the cheapest source, yes China. China knows that! Russia also knows that too and this war will last as long as it takes to destabilise western economies!
Remember WWII, (& WWI), Churchill knew that whoever controlled the fuel sources, will win, hence campaigns in North Africa! Putin controls the World's fuel resources and, whilst he has an outlet, he doesn't give two 'f's'! Putin also doesn't give two 'f's' as to how many of his troops die!
Is Russia suffering, well it's currency isn't, same value as it was before they invaded!
The human is a nasty species, some nastier than others if it means survival. Who's going to win well, the way things currently stand, not the West. Putin knows that we'll rebel amongst ourselves and, guess what, we've already begun why, because we can't maintain our standard of living!


Does anyone see similarities between what's going on now and the early 1970's?
1973: 4th Arab, Israel war! Both sides declared victory! Think about who the superpowers supported! 2022: War in Ukraine, same superpowers, opposite sides!
1973: Oil price rise! 2022: Energy price rise!
1974: Miners wanted a considerable wage increase to keep up with a reduction in living standards. 2022: Rail workers want a wage increase to keep up with a reduction in living standards.
Now this is different but relevant, 1973: UK joins the EU. 2020: UK leaves the EU!
Government: Conservative.
What happened. 1974, 3 day week, general election, Labour (Wilson) elected. 2022: Take guess!
1974 onwards: Miners awarded substantial pay rise, increased Government borrowing, and a devaluation of the Pound, considerable tax hikes for those on higher salaries. The 70's finished with the winter of discontent. 2022 onwards: Have another guess!
Does anyone look at history? Obviously not!


Some simple economics, there is no political bias to this statement but there must be a politician who understands!
The Government needs taxes to raise income, income that balances the books! So what's their plan, austerity! No, austerity means people spend less! What needs to be encouraged is turnover, we spend and in the process, pay tax! If we don't spend, no tax raised! In order for us to spend a bit more means more money in our pockets!
So where does this money come from, good question! One possible answer is it comes from those accounts where this cash is just sitting around! So who has boundless amounts of cash, the wealthy! If they don't want to 'invest' in their country then make them! The funny thing is, if the wealthy were to take their stagnant money and they were to encourage turnover, they would become more wealthy! But will they, no! The rich have no interest in the rest of us!
I live opposite a pub, 10.30pm one bar lights out, three people in the other! That isn't going to keep them going is it! And the vicious circle dictates that less people equals higher prices and, guess what, higher prices equals less people in!
But will this happen, no not while our politicians are on salaries looking after 'Number 1' and not whilst we have a government who only look after the rich and have no interest in the rest of us! Austerity only effects the bottom of the pile, they had little to spend before having even less to spend, so out go any little luxuries, luxuries that many businesses rely on, businesses that are now paying less tax as a result!


Just seen one Facebook blog ask 'What would happen if Russia were to launch a nuke on the UK?' Short answer, they'd get one back! Now, whether that would stop them doing just that, well another short answer which is 'that depends on whether they value their citizens lives!' And there lies the crux of the matter!


Been having a little read, history, superpowers! We go back, all 'superpowers' throw their weight around, control, we did it 1700's, 1800's, the French also, the Romans did it way back! And if something didn't go the way 'we' liked it, we/they dealt with it! The Mongols charged through Asia centuries ago, now where are they! Yes, all 'spent powers'.
Five permanent members of the UN Security Council but we'll discount France and The UK (see above).
Right then, Russia! The way it exerts control, if it's threats aren't heeded, is to send in the troops (Chezhnia, Georgia, now Ukraine). These countries are 'independant' but that doesn't stop them.
The USA! The way they exert control, if it's threats aren't heeded, is to place economic sanctions (Cuba, Venezuela, etc.)
Both 'superpowers' manipulate, or try too manipulate, as to who, and in what format, the Governments of those countries who don't 'agree' to their way of thinking. Russia by way of ensuring the opposition 'aren't available' come any election, The USA by 'backing' coupes.
Then, when these actions don't work, as they invariably don't, as I said, they force their influence on those countries. For the USA, easy, only two other countries border them, so they do it economically. Russia can't do this, for example, to impose sanctions on Ukraine wouldn't work as they, in turn, will shut off Russia's oil and gas pipes that run through their country, Russia would be worse off. Also, Venezuala, Cuba, etc. being distant from those that support them find it difficult getting help. Ukraine, with adjacent land borders, can easily turn to others! But, Russia, this doesn't mean you can use force that results in death and hardship to those who have nothing to do with the decision making.
To both The USA, Russia, and, I add, China (Tibet, South China Sea, Taiwan), I say, you have no choice but to live with your neighbours. Russia, there are no more nazi's in Ukraine that we've had communists in The West. Both have strong views but, luckily in a small minority, the majority within their own country see to that. But, even though Ukraine was for year's part of the Soviet Union, it isn't now, so learn to live with your neighbour. It won't be long before you two superpowers are spent powers, recede gracefully and, in the meantime perhaps both of you should be more concerned about China.

Its not just about Ukraine having a pro western government who wishes to join the EU is it! Like nearly all wars, it's a...

Its not just about Ukraine having a pro western government who wishes to join the EU is it! Like nearly all wars, it's also about the supply of energy! The nation's that have this resource, wish to control this resource!


Heard on the news earlier that Ukraine has joining NATO as part of their Constitution! I don't believe that but, if that's correct, isn't that part of the problem! The West is acting (especially the USA and the UK) as if they are already!
I can see, but not necessarily understand, why Putin is making his threats, he doesn't want NATO to expand any further. Does The West need to expand NATO, I wouldn't have thought so, Sweden and Finland are not in NATO! Putin has a pro Russian ally in Belarus, he wants the same in Ukraine! If he requires a war with them to do so then he will just go ahead. He won't be able to afford it for long and once his soldiers start dying he will become even more unpopular at home!
We, In the West, can't afford a war and we won't survive without Russian gas. I'm afraid all we can do is see what Putin does and provide Ukraine with intelligence, after all they have to defend their country, we can't be involved any more than that.


. . . and whilst I'm here, posting, how about this observation!
China offering to help India, China in Africa, South America! China, low Covid cases (yes, that we know about), all other major economies, high Covid cases! China getting on with life as before, the rest of us, no! I don't think I'm the only one that thinks there is some 'management' behind this virus, if you haven't had some manipulation in creating this virus, you have certainly done, or will do, very well out of it, from your winning position!


The trouble is Boris, you hire nasty little sh*ts to help you create policy and these nasty little sh*ts take advantage once too often and you have to 'let them go', they become even nastier little sh*ts, as you're finding out! Cummings bullied his way into your 'parlour' and I can only imagine it was because he had something on you! Well, he certainly has and we are all going to get to know about it! Have I any sympathy, no, not one ounce, the sooner you, and all the other sh*ts are gone the better!


I'll tell you why I haven't been driving the day centre buses recently, lack of ventilation, windows closed! Open a window, vehicle moves and, hey ho, the space is ventilated but trying to get people to understand that has been difficult!! More tricky is explaining how this achieved in a building, especially a building without a/c because just opening a window, a door, doesn't achieve this! Now, with my architectural hat on some advice! If you open two windows/doors, one at either end of a room, you create a draught, ventilation, and this space then becomes much safer! Exactly the reason why outdoor, public space, structures cannot be enclosed on more than than two sides! This is why the Council restricted the use of some 'pods' at one, or two, pub's (a Post elsewhere)! Ventilate all spaces that people enter and we'll reduce Covid spread! Simple really!


Is it that difficult to meet up with five other mates, sometimes referred to as 'family members', 'your bubble', at home, and get completely rat arsed! Obviously, so it must have been ever so traumatic counting down the days so you can finally go out to the pub and do it! Bloody freezing isn't it, oh you won't notice now a couple of hours in!


Alabama 3

Maroon 5

Smoked Salmon Bagel 4

I've heard of, and heard, the top two, not the third! Oh, it's a menu item, and the price, ok! Good name for a band mind! €, £, $, ¥, stick it in! And the decimal, it's £4.00, you don't need the 'pence' when you're selling a house! Ah, it's trendy, 'kin 'el!


I try not to be gloomy on this 'Page' but it is difficult and this post won't help.
Been looking at estimated income, and outgoings, for the next year, it isn't pleasant reading and that's before the Government asks us to pay for Track & Trace, so . . . for a pensioner . . . :
Income: £8862 up to £9081 (in my case), rise of 2.5%
BUT: Tax free allowance only up £70, 0.56%
SO, any other income will now be taxed earlier!
Anyway: Basically you gain all of 0.56% before you are taxed.
Expenditure (so far):
Council Tax: Well, brown bin now charged adding 3.3%. Add to that the annual rise, estimate, say 4%. Total: 7%
Gas & elect: Increases on the way. Gas 9%, elec. 5%
Petrol: Up 9% in a year.
SO: As a pensioner, I get a 'pay rise' of about 2% in real terms whilst my expenses have risen by 7.5%, effectively 5.5% 'poorer' in a year.
AND, still to be added, all the other increases as businesses attempt to recoup their losses, probably higher than 5%, nearer 10% I reckon!
BASICALLY: We're **cked!


Within days of a Brexit deal being made with The EU we have secured our first exports to countries across the planet! Yes, our 'World leading' version of the Covid virus has now got 'customers' not only in Europe despite border officials making distribution as difficult as possible, but Canada, Australia, and others now have their own British coronavirus!


I sometimes wonder whether we're in the middle of a world war, but not one that is fought on more traditional lines with guns, bullets, and the like!
Think about it! Go back a year, a bit more! Boris wins an election, decisively, the UK will 'split' from most of Europe. Trump is seeking re-election. Bolsonaro, off on a right wing tangent in Brazil. Maduro refusing to budge in Venezuela (something Trump must have noticed as he's now following a similar path). Macron and his 'ethnic' troubles too. We're, in the, so called, West are in conflict! Putin see's his chance to change Russia's constitution, another 'prompt' for 'czar Trump' to note!
Then along comes this virus! Whether intentional or, as we're told, 'bat made', that doesn't matter. What matters is that this 'virus' has 'infected' us in the, so called, west way more than elsewhere! This virus has got us fighting amongst ourselves, pro, or anti Brexit in the UK, Trump not accepting the election results (something, until now, reserved for third world dictatorships), Bolsonaro burning the Amazon - part of the West's global warming battle, . . . !
All 'quiet' in the west's normal enemy spots isn't it. Putin, quiet, North Korea's Kim, quiet, China, quiet. They're quiet because their traditional enemy's are squabbling amongst themselves!


A Simple Understanding, that's all I want!
Latest information on Covid-19 suggests that the virus can 'live' on some surfaces for up to 28 days, for example, mobile phones, our new, shiny money, credit cards, kitchen surfaces, etc.
So, if this is the case then we're either **cked or have all had it! Let me explain . . .
Went to a petrol station today (for work), remembered to put on a cellophane glove, filled up, went to pay, mask on. Guy takes my payment card (hands, on card), takes the details, passes it back. Hands me a receipt (hands, paper) to sign, passes me a pen (hands, pen). Ok, I sanitize my hands before setting off. If I had used cash, we would have both touched the notes, coins, along with many others beforehand.
I get home, wash hands (touch tap to turn on), 20 seconds! I don't have hospital type taps so I have to use my hands! Same goes for handles on doors, grab rails on buses, etc., even with the best intentions the virus could be lurking on these surfaces!
Mobile phones, how many of you still put them down, was that surface ok! How many of you clean your phones with disinfectant wipes?
These few examples show that with the best will, that it is, if what we're now being told is true, that avoiding any contact with this virus is all but impossible.
So, when I say 'latest information' it's because I don't know what, or who, to believe anymore. I treat the general media with great scepticism, after all, it's controlled be Murdoch, and similar. I similarly tend to take Government press releases, announcements, etc., with a pinch of salt as, when the're not lying to us, they having their arms twisted by business, the banks, the wealth, and the media. Social media is no better, probably far worse, all who use it are amateur journalists at best, and lack less credibility than 'official' media, often failing to mention their information source, or worse, making it up!
We have no choice but to believe in what we want to believe in.
Me, I think far more people have had this virus than the statistics show if we're to believe what we're being told!


It's quite simple, avoid other people! For some, easy, for others . . . !! If it isn't crucial, or vital, don't do it! You catch things from people! All viruses are invisible!


As if shutting the pub's earlier, at 10pm, is going to make any difference! I understand fully that we must think about the economic impact of Covid-19 whilst coming up with a solution to rein back the rise in cases!
Let's look at what we must keep 'going', this being business, and education! But, as we are a service based economy, much of this is in the hospitality sector but, it is the hospitality sector that is one of the main contributers to the spread of this virus! We need this sector but not at all costs. I think people who must go their 'local', a meal out, etc., need to do their bit to help, if they want this sector of the economy to survive they need to do more than buy a few pints, or a 3-course meal. They need to 'contribute' even when the business is closed!
And why not! Help your favourite haunts with the money you save by not going out, with regards pub's, for many this is their 'front room' and if you want this to be here once Covid has gone, you should think about helping out now! For every £1.50 spent on a bottle of ale from a supermarket, put another £1.50 'in the pot', same for having a takeaway rather than a meal out. Look, we're all going have to 'pay' for the damage this virus is inflicting but if you leave it until the government puts our taxes up many businesses will have disappeared, namely 'your' pub, your favourite restaurant!


Ha, more maths: Brexit!
72% of the population at voting age voted 52% for, 48% against, in the referendum on whether to leave the EU!
So, approximately 37% of us voted to leave (35% to remain)! 28% didn't vote! Surely the figures should be presented as such, a majority did not vote to leave, or vote to remain!
Now, if you're looking to blame anyone because 'our system' says 'The majority voted to leave', try having a go at those who didn't set foot into the polling booth! That is why many countries insist on a 2/3rd's majority when we vote on major changes!


Some more maths, sorry!
The economy, getting it going! First, essential shopping, that never stopped, ok we were restricted on how many of us could go into a supermarket, say, at a time but, eventually, we all get what we need! But, let's now look at non essential business, it's 'opening again', and the restrictions placed on them.
Flights: reduced capacity, say 60% load factor, but cost of planes, infrastructure, fuel, etc will mean fares will have rise to avoid making a loss! I reckon by 40%.
Gigs, I could pick other examples,: Reduced capacity, say 50%, will bands charge less (they'll have too), will rent on venues reduce (uummm, greedy landlords), less income from drinks sales. I reckon ticket prices up by 60%.
Talking of drink sales, pub's: Social distancing will reduce the numbers going to the pub by 50%. That's 50% less beer (etc) sold. Firstly, brewers income from sales will drop so they'll be looking at recouping some of that, doubt they'll drop a landlords rent by much either! Landlords can't survive on a 'take' reduced by 50% footfall. I reckon prices will rise by 80%, more!
This isn't looking promising. And, add to this a massive shortfall in tax revenue for the government, I think we're heading into a 1920's scenario! Anyway, this is only an observation!


Have copied and pasted this 'pages' description, the 'about' because there are still one, or two, out there who take everything so seriously!

This 'Page' is especially for those who don't understand and perhaps need things explaining. It is also written in jest & meant to be understood in the same way, although we do appreciate that some out there might not get it! Don't take us seriously, FFS!


Watching a FA Cup game on the TV! The piped sound, good idea but wouldn't it be a bit more realistic if they could get another machine to throw bog rolls on to the pitch!

Grooming! Probably not one of the most throughout headlines in todays Metro!

Grooming! Probably not one of the most throughout headlines in todays Metro!


Another calculation, sorry! Back in March we were told that the number of people who will contract Covid-19 would double every 3 days! Ok, day one, one person! So, times 2 equals 2 people day four, 4, day seven, still only 1.024 after 30 days! Carry on with the calculation and you get to 67 million after 78 days! Ok, lockdown, social distancing, even the British version of it, reduces the increase! So let's reduce the multiplication factor! At a guess, I'd say 1.5 million have had it, one person out of every 50!


Covid-19, it's likely spread, the maths, and the pub's opening, a calculation! Right then . . .
At a social distancing of 2 metres, we have a 1% chance of catching the virus. Shorten that to 1m this increases to 3%! One metre distancing is the minimum in order to get pub's, restaurants, operating and earning!
Ok, let's take 100 people, at 1m, we could get the virus passed on to 3 others! But, not all that 100 will be infected, I reckon, say, 5 out of that 100! So, to have the virus passed on to (possibly) 3 others, we need 2,000 people to come within one metre! That'll equates to 660 to 1, or for 100 people to come close we have a 0.15% chance of catching it (or 0.05% at 2m)! Of course, averages are a fine thing but if we do pass 'that one person', uummm!
I hope this helps you to make a decision!


This 'R' factor, keep it below '1' we keep being told! Ok, I did assume it was like the 'every family having only two children, two parents, two kids', population stays the same! That I understand but, unlike parenthood where you can 'stop', you can't control this virus! For example: A million people have the virus and out of this million you pass the virus on to 900,000, the 'R' is 0.9, yes! So 900k pass it on to .9 people = 810k, then 730k, and so on. Let me think, that adds up to 2.7million already, not including the initial amount! Thats similar to the half life of radiation! Something isn't quite right here!


Saw that I've been given a 'stay' on my vehicles MOT, six months, due to Coronavirus! Have now been advised that my parking zone period will been extended by 3 months! All good but it got me thinking! I can't fly so does my expiry date on the frequent flyer programme get pushed back! Getting refunds on booking cancellations will get sorted, for example, flights, summer festivals, but what about annual club memberships, season tickets, etc., are these going to reflect the situation?


The WHO latest release: 'The Kids Are Alright'. I'm not sure but happy to listen to whatever they come up with in times like this!


Can I take the chance to remind those who have recently started self isolating that British Summer Time begins tomorrow so please remember to add back the hour at the end of your 14 days!


Men are definitely more efficient after 4, 5 pints, cook tea, wash the car, hoovering, all the things they normally avoid! Probably quite good at driving too but, as that's against the law, we'll never find out, will we!

A quiz! Might be a bit challenging! One end of Maidenhead St. closed off! Think about it!

A quiz! Might be a bit challenging! One end of Maidenhead St. closed off! Think about it!


You know how you can 'unfollow' someone on Facebook, 'block' even! Does anyone know if you can 'unfollow' Brexit posts because they are clogging up my 'wall'! Something like a spam search where the word 'Brexit' is picked up and the post hidden!


Brexit route No.37!
Get our dear PM to revoke Article 50 which will be against the will of the people's vote (referendum)! For doing that, she has to quit. The Tories appoint a new leader, then hold a General Election on a specific manifesto, probably a Brexit with a deal (who knows but at least they'll have to make a decision). Any of their candidates not happy with that, deselect them, they can fight an election as independents (join UKIP for all I care) on their No Deal Brexit. The opposition then campaign on a Remain platform but must promise another referendum (that's democratic isn't it). If the Tories get elected, we exit the EU under the rules they went to the country on. If Labour get elected (sorry Lib Dems.) we have a 'people's vote' asking 'Stay in or, leave with the deal they may have renegotiated'. As for the 'Far Right, No Deal' lot, they will be seen off because they won't get any seats just like UKIP last time!
Sounds fair doesn't it. I'm working on Brexit route No.38 now, it's good to have a plan! ps. I possibly don't have a clue but nor have our Government, or our MP's!


It is in the genes! When you travel, you observe and can't help noticing cultural differences and working out the overlap! We all know us British have got our grumpiness from the Australians, immigration going back a couple of hundred year's. Well, it's similar here in Malaysia! If you've ever been to India, every man is a business man, same with the Indian's here! On the phone all the time, talking deals, concluding none (probably because they're always on the phone)! And the Asians, confiscate their mobiles and society would collapse!




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