An epic sunset to remember on top of Madeira.
#madeira #portugal #travelreels #sunset #picodoarieiro #naturelovers #mountains #visitmadeira
Blue magic !
20 second aerial of a lighthouse located in one of my fave neighbourhoods in Montreal.
Saw this guy kite surfing to the sunset and had to get the drone up! Follow the journey on Instagram @s.bakush
Mental health awareness Charity Bootcamp.
Sunday, November 24th,
1pm- 3pm
7272 Sherbrooke St. W
So I know over the years a lot of people have asked me “where’s the finished mini doc on @ben10_jamin ”. So here’s the explanation. The video was suppose to a 3-5 minute video showing all the content I had of Ben and his growth as a player throughout his collegiate years with the @vaniercheetahs. This teaser promo shoot went really well. I had access to the gym after hours as well as the weight room. I took the opportunity to film a short interview and grab a couple b-roll shots. Everything was good until I got into post production and realized the audio that I was going to use to drive the documentary was not usable and damaged beyond repair. There was frequent “popping” sounds as if there was an interference with the microphones frequencies. On the shoot I wasnt wearing earphones to monitor the sound & so this project taught be a valuable lesson in film. Always have a pair of headphones handy and always monitor the sound before wrapping up an interview.
So the documentary had to be cancelled as we couldnt reshoot it but I was able to create this teaser video that gives people a glimpse into the hype that was around @ben10_jamin. Someone who worked for everything he has got today even though he was counted out numerous of times throughout his career.
#basketball #vaniercheetahs #vanierbasketball #montreal #quebec #hilights #documentary #videoproduction #audio #sounddesign #college #sports #athlete #competition
#throwbackthursday to when I created my very first music video with two of montreals talented emcees @__oneshot @_itsprinceakeem.
So @vaniercheetahsmbb didn’t bring home the gold from the nationals this year after a having an impressive undefeated provincial season record. So I thought I’d remind you of the squad that got it done in 2011.
After the success of the nationals at @champlaincollegesl , the creations I made for the nationals in Calgary, making the 30 second commercial to air on TSN, the @ccaasportsacsc got in touch with me again. They wanted me to come to the championships at @durhamlords and cover the entire tournament and produce a recap video after every day. I would output 4 videos a day the following morning , (13 videos in total) for their social media platforms to help advertise and market the event itself and of course the finals game taking place on the Sunday. I learned the meaning of being a true editing machine!! It was a big challenge for me, but I knew that if I put in the time and the work , the exposure would be there but this time instead of provincially it would be country-wide. I had a lot of fun during that weekend despite the amount of time I spent working but it was the invaluable experience that i gained that made it worth it.
Tag anyone else you see in the video ! Full video on my youtube channel !
As some of you may have seen snippets last week, here is the full video I put together for the new CHic Fashion collection that dropped last Saturday ! The fashion line is a collaboration between Tricolore Sports and Angela Price/ Julie Petry. It was tons of fun filming as I was equipped with a Ronin-s. The Ronin-s gives a lot more dynamic movement to your shots as it stabilizes any movement - so you dont get any annoying camera shake. I hope you enjoy the video.
What do ya’ll think of the fashion line ? Would you need it or leave it ?
After covering the 2008 and 2010 CCAA Mens National Basketball Championships, the CCAA asked me to create a 30 second tv commercial that would be aired on TSN2 during the mens university championship broadcast. It would be used to help promote the upcoming 2011 championship at Durham college in Ontario.
I accepted the challenge but I knew nothing about TV or about the specs that were required to deliver a video for TV broadcast standards. I ended up editing the video about a week out from the due date and gathering some resources from my college including one of my film teachers who then introduced me to someone who was qualified to create the transfer of a digital file onto a physical BETACAM HD tape for broadcast standards.
It was quite the journey and there was some luck involved but the end result was national exposure! I remember recording the segment on Live TV and having a “ok I can do this” moment. It was my first time that I had ever watched one of my pieces of work on live TV. I was proud !
Enjoy !
The year is 2008. 1 year into my 2 year DEC in Creative arts Champlain College Saint-Lambert . At the time Champlain Cavaliers was one of if not the most elite basketball program in Quebec. It recruited top players and it sent off several into D1 programs south of our border. The CCAA Mens National Basketball Championships were being held at our college in March & my teacher at the time knew exactly who to put behind the camera to cover all 12 games.
I had a decent Sony 3CMOS DV tape camera. Yeah, you read that right. DV tape. Kids these days have no idea what it was like to shoot on tapes and then capture the footage in real-time. Anyways. I covered the whole tournament and as a gesture of thanks, I went home with all this footage and decided to create a video (this one you’re about to watch) featuring all the best highlights from our home team - The Champlain Cavaliers. Arguably my most important video in my career. I did all of this for FREE and it ended up exposing me to the CCAA - ACSC . Later, their marketing staff reached out to me to help cover future National Basketball Championships.
I learned several of things through this one weekend in 2008. One, i learned to be disciplined. The games started at 8AM on a weekend. Two, I learned to capture a full game from multiple angles without missing a highlight. I had to think quick and align my vision accordingly. Three, and one of the more important lessons I learned from that weekend was that it was OK to do work for FREE. FREE can get you a lot of exposure and pay off in the end. Finally, I learned something later on that I wish I knew back then and it was to ALWAYS, ALWAYS, archive your footage and media manage every project. You never know when you’ll want to/need to go into an older project and revamp it or recreate/up-convert it from SD to HD , from HD to 4K and maybe in the future 8K. Unfortunately, as i state
S.Bakush Films & Photography 3D Animation
Check it out ! - The final S.Bakush Films & Photography 3D Animation