#houdinivfx #3dgraphics #3dsimulation #sidefx #rebelway #3dart #particles #flipfluids
#houdinivfx #mantra #3dvfx #3dartist #3dart
#houdinivfx #maya3d #axiom #autodesk #sidefx #3dgraphics #3dsimulation #substancepainter #mantra #topgunmaverick #dcsworld #helo
#dcsworld #topgunmaverick #f14 #tomcat
#maya3d #wip #wireframe #3dmodeling #3danimation #3dartist #autodesk
Houdini magic FX tests..
#houdinivfx #lighting #magic #3dgraphics #3dart #nvidia #rebelway
Airstrike explosion test in Houdini with custom emitters. Rendered in Mantra.
#houdinivfx #houdini #explosion #pyro #3dgraphics #3dsimulation #3dart #mantra
First render of the New Year!
#houdinivfx #pyro #explosion #3dgraphics #3dsimulation #3dartist
Death Star II full 360 render!
MkIV version with updated panel lines. I think I did the Mk1 back in 2016 and slowly been making it more detailed since!
#starwars #deathstar #deathstar2 #spacestation #3dprinting #maya3d #3dmodeling #returnofthejedi #gambody #gambody3d
Houdini water sim test!
FLIP tank simulation. About 70gig cache for main sim and whitewater. Slowed down with timewarp in After Effects.
#houdinivfx #watersimulation #3dsimulation #3d #3drender
#aftereffects #whitewater #foam
Death Star lower section is a 3 day print.. seems to be going well so far... 😀
#deathstar #starwars #3dprint #3dprinting #3ddesign #gambody #gambody3d #crealityender3 #ender3max #modelmaking #3dprinter #3dprinted
Death Stat interior printing...
#starwars #deathstar #deathstar2 #gambody #3dprint #3dprinting #ender3 #creality #ender3max #3ddesign #modelmaking
Houdini GPU Pyro explosion sim test. Solver scale 0.5. Rendered in Mantra.
#houdinivfx #houdini #vfx #explosion #3drender #mantra
Droideka progress..
Droideka Painting progress! Weathering and Led wiring next... bubble shield might have to be deactivated on this one...
Oil wash weathering
Mk1-3 Command Pod weathering
#KSP #KerbalSpaceProgram #3dprint #painting #resinprinting
500 Followers on my Instagram!!!!!
Thanks for all the support everyone 😊
#maya3d #mayaarnold #ncloth #mayabifrost #alembic #3d #3drender #3dmodeling #3dart #3danimation #substancepainter #aftereffects
#dalek #drwho #specialweaponsdalek #turntable #maya3d #arnoldrender #substancepainter #3dmodeling #3drender #3d #3dart #360render
Finishing up on a big print for the Droideka!
#droideka #starwars #3dprinting #3dart #gambody3d