BULLET Teaser Trailer
Thirty-two chess players are invited to an elite secret tournament where the ultimate prize has the potential to change their lives forever. Yet with each round, a lethal dose of deadly consequences unexpectedly escalates the stakes, severely altering each player's intense, terror-stricken state-of-mind.
An interview with our actor @vigilbose on the set of CLOWNS.
Release Date: March 2023
Written/Directed by Alexander Kane
Casting by Midnight Oyl Casting
Starring: Ellice McCoy, Paul Seiber, Jeremy Marr Williams, Deirdre McCullagh, Daniel Martin Elliot, Vigil Bose, Angel Brown, JR Michael and Erica Ortiz
@collab_effort @midnightoylcasting @bornartsymedia
Cast: @ellicemccoy @danielmartinelliott @vigilbose @brooke_pac @jr_michael27
Crew: @blackfaczqsg49 @offthemind1 @novvakeyy @wondertwins16 @official_lawlz
#CLOWNSthemovie #CollabEffort #BADLABEntertainment #MidnightOylCasting #movies2022 #thrillermovie #behindthescenes🎬 #halloweenmovieseason #DMVfilms #DMVproductioncompany #DMVmovies #DMVacting #MakingMovies
A small little interview with an actor on the set of Clowns.
Starting off our new year with CLOWNS 🤡!
Release Date: January 2023
Written/Directed by Alexander Kane
Casting by Midnight Oyl Casting
Starring: Ellice McCoy, Paul Seiber, Jeremy Marr Williams, Deirdre McCullagh, Daniel Martin Elliot, Vigil Bose, Angel Brown, JR Michael and Erica Ortiz
@collab_effort @midnightoylcasting @bornartsymedia
Cast: @ellicemccoy @danielmartinelliott @vigilbose @brooke_pac @jr_michael27
Crew: @blackfaczqsg49 @offthemind1 @novvakeyy @wondertwins16 @official_lawlz
#CLOWNSthemovie #CollabEffort #BADLABEntertainment #MidnightOylCasting #movies2022 #thrillermovie #behindthescenes🎬 #halloweenmovieseason #DMVfilms #DMVproductioncompany #DMVmovies #DMVacting #MakingMovies
The Q&A part of the CLOWNS & BULLET screening!
More from the screening of CLOWNS and BULLET
Written/Directed by Alexander Kane
Casting by Midnight Oyl Casting
Starring: Ellice McCoy, Paul Seiber, Jeremy Marr Williams, Deirdre McCullagh, Daniel Martin Elliot, Vigil Bose, Angel Brown, JR Michael and Erica Ortiz
@collab_effort @midnightoylcasting @bornartsymedia
Cast: @ellicemccoy @danielmartinelliot @vigilbose @brooke_pac @jr_michael27
Crew: @blackfaczqsg49 @offthemind1 @novvakeyy @wondertwins16 @official_lawlz
#CLOWNSthemovie #CollabEffort #BADLABEntertainment #MidnightOylCasting #movies2022 #thrillermovie #behindthescenes🎬 #halloweenmovieseason #DMVfilms #DMVproductioncompany #DMVmovies #DMVacting #MakingMovie
A little snippet of CLOWNS (2022)
CLOWNS throwback for your feed.
Release Date: October 2022
Written/Directed by Alexander Kane
Casting by Midnight Oyl Casting
Starring: Ellice McCoy, Paul Seiber, Jeremy Marr Williams, Deirdre McCullagh, Daniel Martin Elliot, Vigil Bose, Angel Brown, JR Michael and Erica Ortiz’s
#CLOWNSthemovie #CollabEffort #BADLABEntertainment #MidnightOylCasting #movies2022 #thrillermovie #behindthescenes🎬 #halloweenmovieseason #DMVfilms #DMVproductioncompany #DMVmovies #DMVacting #MakingMovies
BULLET Concept Trailer
BULLET Concept Trailer
Thirty-two chess players are invited to an elite secret chess tournament where the ultimate prize has the potential to change their lives forever. Yet with each round, a lethal dose of deadly consequences unexpectedly escalates the stakes, severely altering each player’s intense, terror-stricken state-of-mind.
Release Date: January 20, 2023
Written & Directed by Alexander Kane
Produced by Leah Cason
Co-Produced by Robert Andrews, Jr.
Casting by Midnight Oyl Casting
COWNS Extended Trailer #2
CLOWNS Extended Trailer #2
CLOWNS is a tale of revenge. A filmmaker-turned-serial killer hunts down and captures the key individuals in his life responsible for his downward spiral.
EXIT Trailer
EXIT Teaser Trailer
Eight strangers awaken to find themselves trapped in an underground parking facility for 72 hours. Two dead bodies have been found. Each stranger is suspicious of the other. Either of them could be the killer. As this cat-and-mouse game of mystery and suspense unfolds, the fate of eight will be decided by two.
THE BOX Trailer 2007
This intense crime/thriller starring Gabrielle Union, Giancarlo Esposito, and Yul Vasquez is Alexander Kane's very first co-production.
Released: January 2008
CLOWNS Extended Trailer #1
CLOWNS Extended Trailer 2021
CLOWNS is a tale of revenge. A filmmaker-turned-serial killer hunts down and captures the key individuals in his life responsible for his downward spiral.
Clowns Teaser Trailer
CLOWNS Teaser Trailer