is an online magazine covering faith, culture and real life from a gay and progessive faith perspective. spotlights life in 6 primary areas:
• The CULTURE SAVVY section spotlights current trends, especially focusing on LGBT/C artists and issues: politics, news & hot topics, style, travel, tech & gadgets, sports, urban life, art & photography, reviews (film, mus
ic, books, theater).
• REAL LIFE covers topics that hit you where you live. Let's talk about: love & s*x, gay family life, health & fitness, money, Food!, Living Poz (HIV+), Crossings (Transgender community), Recovery (for people recovering from additions and abuse), After 40 (life for the rest of us).
• GOD-TALK is dedicated to spiritual and religious topics: the church, relationship with God, Bible topics, worship, Shepherd to Shepherd (pastors speaking to pastors), everyday life with God-awareness, and Soapbox (encouraging words).
• ENGAGE focuses on making a difference in the world. Living environmentally-friendly, socially conscious, tolerant, in an inter-faith and multi-cultural world: Green (sustainable living. creation-stewardship), humanitarian work, equality and social justice, HIV & AIDS in the 21st century, mission, street-level ministry, caring for others, and life beyond American pop-culture.
• SOUL FOOD. This is where you feed the right side of your brain. Poetry, short stories, music, artists gallery, photo shots, video clips.
• VOICES gives the soapbox back to the community. Speak up, give your opinion, comments, and interact with the world. Tell your life story (if it's interesting!), testify! Write about a life-changing experience, or puff the good work of what's going on in your community. We are looking for new writers as well as regular columnists who have unique and engaging perspectives. S U B M I S S I O N S:
• Features should be 750-1200 words in length. Reviews (Film, Music, Books, Theater) should be 500-750 words. (These are guidelines, not rules set in concrete. But bear in mind online readers' attention span!)
• Submissions should be included in the body of your email. Your suggested title should be in the subject line.
• You should include your name and a 1-3 sentence bio. You may also (optionally) attach a bio pic no larger than 250x250 pixels, and your bio may include your blog address or Twitter id.
• You should preface your article with a 1-3 sentence topic summary (so we can see at a glance what you're writing about).
• Tell us in which section of the magazine your submission would best fit (see Section list above).
• All articles may be edited for length, grammar, content, style and tone.
• By submitting content, you are granting IMPACT Magazine a worldwide, non-exclusive right to publish, distribute or otherwise make it available in original or edited form. You maintain the personal ownership and copyright of your original content.
• Submissions are on a donation basis. Your byline or photo credit plus bio and a link to your website serve as your compensation. We can't make you rich, but we'll help make you famous.
• Send all submissions to [email protected]
H I N T S:
To improve your chances of being included, make the job of the editors as easy as possible:
• avoid hostile or contentious positions. We are edgy, but not bitchy.
• we appeal to a broad audience, so keep your material at a PG-13 rating or below -- well, okay, maybe an R (for "Real life")
• proof-read your submission. You’d be amazed at what you accidentally pasted back in the middle of your paragraph.
• if your article benefits from section headers, suggest them yourself.
• include any keywords or tags that will help readers find your article
• We live in a visual world. If you have photos that could highlight your piece, include them. Make sure you own the rights to them. And then specifically grant us the unconditional right to use them.
• if you are writing about a topic that is time sensitive or in the news right now, include the word "URGENT" in your email subject line.
• spotlights the life, work and accomplishments of the LGBT faith community. Articles and artwork that speak to this worldview will get bumped to the top of the list.
• We do our best to respond to all inquiries, but depending on the workload, that may not always be possible. If you have not heard back from us after 4-6 weeks, you may safely assume we will not be able to use your submission.
• And finally, it should go without saying that your work and your words must not only be accurate and true, but must also be your own.