We are stars
[{we are stars}]
[{what do the plantkingdom say}]
and the rain kept raining
[{and thr rain kept raining}]
[{paranoid dellusions}{collective unconcious patterns made out of man-made concepts not true to human nature or the makers of such concpets}{thank you dear beautiful flower, hope you will not be too annoyed by the man-made concepts spoken about, and your beauty will blow those man-made concepts out of us}]
Cause and solution
[{cause and solution}{insta-self}{dragon feather}]
Why we need true selves
[{why we need dragon feathers and insta-selves}{reconect life force~music spirit}{reconect spirit and soul of books}]
cosmic self
[{reclaim our cosmic self}]
Feather stories.
[{feather story}{dragon feather vessel is for initiated, jungian, gnostics, priests, stars or spiritual linages eith deeper journey and integration process}{insta-self is for them who is not initited into jungian, gnostic, priesthood, tibetan yoag, esoteric traditions}]
Dragon feather
[{dragon feathers}{your own}{own your own}{your own self}]