Dear mums, As you lead through this breastfeeding special, I want to say something to you—mother to mother. Brace yourself for a number of challenges on your parenting journey. When well-meaning friends and relatives encourage you to ‘start a family’, they only about highlight the adorable parts of it, interspersed with the practical aspects of having a progeny. But let me assure you, it’s not forever a world of cute cuddles and toothless grins. Yes, they’re a plenty, and a joy to behold, but there’s more. And of the many challenges you will face in your journey, breastfeeding could be the first one. Or it could be your favourite blessing. From latching issues to painful conditions, you could face a plethora of situations that may push you over the edge. Or, you and your li’l one could easily find your flow (pun intended), and be forever attached at the, well, teat! Whichever one be your fate, know that you will persist. Know that you will be putting your best foot forward, that you will optimise your resources to give your child the finest of everything—nutrition, love, care and values. And this, my friends, sums up your entire life as a mum! It’s not going to be easy. But you will find a way. And whatever way you find, will be right. Garner knowledge. Equip yourself to provide. And then allow yourself to be led by your baby, within the limitations of your circumstances. I have said it in the past, and I’m going to say it again. Yes breast is great, but fed is best! We talk about all the way your ‘girls’ will change as soon as you get pregnant. We talk about all the breastfeeding firsts and we also talk about social stigmas associated with nursing along with bursting myths and giving you dietary advice… Read. Learn. Follow as much as you possibly can. And as our brave cover mum Dishha Mehta Desai says, remember to take care of yourself too!
- Swati Chopra Vikamsey, Editor
Visual : Falguni Kharwa Photography