Glasgow, Scotland will be 850 years old in 2025.
Here are some highlights of Glasgow's history:
6th century: St. Kentigern (Mungo) established a religious community at Glas Gu, which means "green place" in Gaelic. A fishing settlement grew into a small town.
1136: The first stone cathedral was consecrated.
1170s: Glasgow was granted a burgh charter.
12th century: Glasgow was granted the status of a city.
1526: Archbishop Blackadder founded a hospital in Glasgow.
18th century: Glasgow's population grew rapidly, reaching 84,000 by the end of the century.
19th century: Glasgow's population continued to grow rapidly, reaching half a million by 1871.
20th century: Amenities in Glasgow improved, including the opening of the Kelvingrove Art Gallery in 1901.
21st century: The IMAX cinema opened in 2000 and the Clyde Arc Bridge opened in 2006.
Glasgow's oldest areas include Townhead, which contains the Glasgow Cathedral and the Provand's Lordship. One of the oldest buildings in Glasgow is the Cathedral, with parts dating from the early 12th century.