Coming Soon: A Brand New World with JESUS at the Helm. 1000 of peace and joy! No war, no violence, no hunger or sickness, no mourning. Full video:
Hearing God's Whisper: A Serene Walk Through Duke Gardens 🙏👣
Hearing God's Whisper: A Serene Walk Through Duke Gardens 🙏👣
Join me on a Spiritual Journey through breathtaking Sarah P. Duke Gardens, part of Duke University in Durham, NC 👣🙏. Duke Gardens is also near the Duke Divinity School, providing seminary students access to a beautiful and peaceful environment in which to seek the Lord.
#dukegardens #dukedivinity #naturewalk #christiannature
Easter Hope: Bringing Light to a Weary World
Easter Hope: Bringing Light to a Weary World
In a world that often feels burdened and weary, Easter brings a message of hope and renewal. "Easter Hope: Bringing Light to a Weary World" is a heartfelt exploration of the profound meanings behind Easter and how it can inspire us to find light in the darkest of times. 🌟
Whether you're seeking comfort, strength, or a reminder of the enduring power of hope, this message is for you.
Prayer for a "God First" Life
Jesus went into the Wilderness for 40 days in order to be tempted. He was tempted in every way we are, but he was without sin. He demonstrated how to live by the Spirit and not the flesh.
Church in the WILD- Christians Praying for the PEACE of Israel and Palestine
Church in the WILD - The Body of Christ praying for PEACE in the Middle East while hiking in God's beautiful creation. #prayforpeace #PrayforIsrael #PrayForPalestine
Unshaken: God's Protection Amidst Life's Raging Storms
When life's storms rage around you, stand on the firm rock of God's promises.
Hey everyone... I encourage you to get outdoors today and spend some time alone with God! What is he saying to you today?
Finding Freedom: Surrendering to God's Transformative Power
Repentance is not about striving harder or working tirelessly to avoid sin. It's about surrendering to God's grace and allowing Him to transform us from within.
Beginner's Bible Study in the WILD
Join me on a "Beginner's Bible Study in the WILD".