Ben Shapiro provides students at UCLA (his alma mater) a well-needed education & validation. Speech, part 1
Ben Shapiro, co-founder of the Daily Wire, addresses an audience of hundreds at UCLA, his alma mater, which has been plagued by antisemitic Marxist unrest over the past year. Knowledgeable and articulate, Mr. Ben Shapiro's presence (arranged by Young America's Foundation) cuts through the campus fog like a laser beam:
Ben Shapiro’s UCLA audience question and answers ground-rules
How Ben Shapiro handles UCLA audience’s (sometimes contentious) question and answers (Part 1)
(Q&A Part 1 of 3) At UCLA, a hotbed for Islamo-Marxist unrest, Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro engages a variety of audience challenges on socio-politics and religion. Presented by Young America's Foundation. Please watch:
Part 4 of Ben Shapiro addressing UCLA audience Answers questions amusingly:
(Q & A Part 3) Young America's Foundation presents Ben Shapiro of Daily Wire at University of California, Los Angeles - here answering audience questions on campus anti-Zionism and the Democrats' approach towards the Middle East conflict:
Intro to Ben Shapiro at UCLA video - viewable on Democracy Broadcasting News’ page
Ben Shapiro provides students at UCLA (his alma mater) a needed education. Part 1
UCLA alumnus, Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire addresses an audience of hundreds at his alma mater, which has been plagued by Islamo-Marxist, antisemitic unrest over the past year. Mr. Ben Shapiro's appearances are presented by Young America's Foundation
Ben Shapiro answers UCLA speech-attendees’ questions. Part 1
(Part 2 of 3) Ben Shapiro, of The Daily Wire, takes on questions from an audience at his alma mater, University of California at Los Angeles, which has been a hive for Islamo-Marxist, anti-Zionist activity all year. Presented by Young America's Foundation:
SoCal patriot, Ed Badalian, a newly released Jan 6th protester, reunites w/ '20 BevHillsFreedomRally founder Shiva Bagherin near UCLA
Released Jan 6 political-prisoner, Ed Badalian, 29, reunites with 2020 Beverly Hills Freedom Rally founder at Westwood, UCLA area march
At UCLA during Muslim/Marxist encampment, Canadian gentile diplomat sets the record straight on Zionist rights to Jewish Palestine / Israel
On the site of the anti-Zionist protest encampment at UCLA, Canadian career diplomat, James Lynch, who worked in the Middle East (including Israel and Palestine) recounts the legitimate re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in Palestine - which co-sovereignty was also offered for a second Arab state - which Arab Palestinian leaders rejected, and welcomed a war to annihilate the nascent Jewish state from 5 surrounding Arab countries - which Israel won.