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By Dolapo Ogunsola, IITA Ibadan The IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) is recognised as one of the pioneer models for youth e...

By Dolapo Ogunsola, IITA Ibadan The IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) is recognised as one of the pioneer models for youth engagement in the agriculture sector. Since its inception in 2012, IYA has led several initiatives involving the young and old in providing jobs and ensuring food sustainability. As the world celebrates International Youth Day (IYD) on Friday, August 12, 2022, IYA acknowledges the importance of the critical roles of people across generations in achieving a sustainable future for the youth....

By Dolapo Ogunsola, IITA Ibadan The IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) is recognised as one of the pioneer models for youth engagement in the agriculture sector. Since its inception in 2012, IYA has led several initiatives involving the young and old in providing jobs and ensuring food sustainability. As...

Seulement 9% de l’utilisation d’énergies fossiles, le Kenya doit  être l’un des rares pays du continent africain qui res...

Seulement 9% de l’utilisation d’énergies fossiles, le Kenya doit être l’un des rares pays du continent africain qui respecte les dispositions de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat dans le domaine de l’énergie, celles qui consistent à tourner le dos au pétrole, au gaz et autres sources d’énergie responsables du réchauffement climatique. Petit à petit, le Kenya constitue son mix énergétique....

  Seulement 9% de l’utilisation d’énergies fossiles, le Kenya doit être l’un des rares pays du continent africain qui respecte les dispositions de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat dans le domaine de l’énergie, celles qui consistent à tourner le dos au pétrole, au gaz et autres sources...

Ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the UN ...

Ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the UN Climate Champions hosted the "African Roundtable on Initiatives to Accelerate Climate Action and Advance the SDGs" and "Coordination Meeting of the African Group of Climate Change Negotiators and National UNFCCC Focal Persons" from 2-4 August 2022. The events brought together key public and private stakeholders to showcase the success stories of private sector investments in climate areas and investment-ready climate initiatives in the Member States towards ensuring enhanced actualising enhanced climate action at scale and speed to strengthen African economies and build resilience....

  Ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the UN Climate Champions hosted the “African Roundtable on Initiatives to Accelerate Climate Action and Advance the SDGs” and “Coordination Meeting of the African Group of Climat...

C’est l’une des initiatives de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) et les Champions du climat des Nations Unie...

C’est l’une des initiatives de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) et les Champions du climat des Nations Unies à cette veille de la COP27 prévue pour novembre 2022 en Egypte. Il s’agit d’une " Table ronde africaine sur les initiatives visant à accélérer l'action climatique et à faire progresser les ODD"», doublée d’une autre réunion, celle de la « coordination du Groupe africain des négociateurs sur le changement climatique et des points focaux nationaux de la CCNUCC » du 2 au 4 août 2022....

C’est l’une des initiatives de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) et les Champions du climat des Nations Unies à cette veille de la COP27 prévue pour novembre 2022 en Egypte. Il s’agit d’une ” Table ronde africaine sur les initiatives visant à accélérer l’action climat...

L’initiative vient d’un groupe de ministres africains de l’énergie. Face aux engagements manqués en matière de financeme...

L’initiative vient d’un groupe de ministres africains de l’énergie. Face aux engagements manqués en matière de financement du climat et du développement, les africains veulent prendre leur destin en main sur la question de l’accès à l’énergie et le développement des ressources en Afrique. Un document en cours d’élaboration par un comité technique de l’Union Africaine va être présenté aux ministres qui vont le porter aux chefs d’Etats africains à l’occasion de la COP27 en Egypte....

L’initiative vient d’un groupe de ministres africains de l’énergie. Face aux engagements manqués en matière de financement du climat et du développement, les africains veulent prendre leur destin en main sur la question de l’accès à l’énergie et le développement des ressources en A...

As climate change worsens and dangerous weather events become more frequent/severe daily, experts convene to discuss the...

As climate change worsens and dangerous weather events become more frequent/severe daily, experts convene to discuss the valuable contributions of young people to climate action and the role of youth skills in achieving climate change mitigation and resilience building. This was accomplished through a webinar hosted by the Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet) on July 15th 2022 in commemoration of the World Youth Skills Day, in collaboration with the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (...

As climate change worsens and dangerous weather events become more frequent/severe daily, experts convene to discuss the valuable contributions of young people to climate action and the role of youth skills in achieving climate change mitigation and resilience building. This was accomplished through...

Climate-induced displacements are becoming unavoidable. The International Review of the Red Cross that examined the lega...

Climate-induced displacements are becoming unavoidable. The International Review of the Red Cross that examined the legal aspects of climate-induced forced displacement in the Sahel region of North Africa confirmed that the Sahel region is being adversely affected by climate change, leading to the displacement of thousands of people, both cross-border migrants and internally displaced persons. Climate disasters add to the stress of socioeconomic factors like population density, income inequality and degrading environment....

Climate-induced displacements are becoming unavoidable. The International Review of the Red Cross that examined the legal aspects of climate-induced forced displacement in the Sahel region of North Africa confirmed that the Sahel region is being adversely affected by climate change, leading to the d...

“The conservation of the Mangrove forests could influence the magnitude and duration of Kenya’s benefit from her planned...

“The conservation of the Mangrove forests could influence the magnitude and duration of Kenya’s benefit from her planned blue economy,” said the Kenya Platform on Climate Governance (KPCG). This was stated in a press release on the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem - July 26th 2022 in Kilifi county, Kenya. Anne Tek, the National Coordinator for the KPCG said conserving the mangroves will improve the coastal environment and boost the contribution of the blue economy to the national gross domestic product (GDP)....

“The conservation of the Mangrove forests could influence the magnitude and duration of Kenya’s benefit from her planned blue economy,” said the Kenya Platform on Climate Governance (KPCG). This was stated in a press release on the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosyst...

By Million Belay, Bridget Mugambe Africans have long been told that our agriculture is backward and should be abandoned ...

By Million Belay, Bridget Mugambe Africans have long been told that our agriculture is backward and should be abandoned for a 21st-century version of the Green Revolution that enabled India to feed itself. Western science and technology, in the form of seeds modified by science and technology, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, petroleum-fueled machinery and artificial irrigation were key to that miracle, we are informed, and we too need to tread that path....

By Million Belay, Bridget Mugambe Africans have long been told that our agriculture is backward and should be abandoned for a 21st-century version of the Green Revolution that enabled India to feed itself. Western science and technology, in the form of seeds modified by science and technology, synth...

By Elias Ngalame The Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Keriako Tobiko, has saluted the initiative by the Pan Afr...

By Elias Ngalame The Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Keriako Tobiko, has saluted the initiative by the Pan African Media Alliance, PAMACC and AfricaonAir to reinforce and enhance the capacity of media professionals to better report on climate change. The Cabinet Secretary, who was a guest of honour at the opening of the launch of the Africa Climate Story Media Initiative (ACSMI)...

By Elias Ngalame The Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Keriako Tobiko, has saluted the initiative by the Pan African Media Alliance, PAMACC and AfricaonAir to reinforce and enhance the capacity of media professionals to better report on climate change. The Cabinet Secretary, who was a guest....

Kigali, Rwanda: Raquel Muigai and Agnes Oloo are joint winners of the 2022 African Climate Change and Environmental Repo...

Kigali, Rwanda: Raquel Muigai and Agnes Oloo are joint winners of the 2022 African Climate Change and Environmental Reporting (ACCER) Award. The duo were announced winners of their TV production entry, Dry death, which looked into the impact of climate change on riverine ecosystems. The two reporters are from the Royal Media Services, Kenya's largest broadcasting house. Winning in the Radio, Print and Online categories were Ridwan Karim Dini-Osman (Ghana), Temwa Mhone (Malawi) and Cece Siago (Kenya), respectively....

Kigali, Rwanda: Raquel Muigai and Agnes Oloo are joint winners of the 2022 African Climate Change and Environmental Reporting (ACCER) Award. The duo were announced winners of their TV production entry, Dry death, which looked into the impact of climate change on riverine ecosystems. The two reporter...

By Masood Ahmed and Vera Songwe When G20 Finance Ministers meet this weekend in Bali, their meeting will likely be no mo...

By Masood Ahmed and Vera Songwe When G20 Finance Ministers meet this weekend in Bali, their meeting will likely be no more harmonious than their Foreign Minister counterparts managed ten days ago. But the world, and developing countries in particular, deserves better. The reality for the world’s poorest countries is getting bleaker by the day, and decisions taken by G20 Finance Ministers can avert complete collapse....

By Masood Ahmed and Vera Songwe When G20 Finance Ministers meet this weekend in Bali, their meeting will likely be no more harmonious than their Foreign Minister counterparts managed ten days ago. But the world, and developing countries in particular, deserves better. The reality for the world’s p...

By Elias Ngalame The African Forest Forum (AFF) is seeking to promote and enhance the involvement of women in forestry. ...

By Elias Ngalame The African Forest Forum (AFF) is seeking to promote and enhance the involvement of women in forestry. A zoom workshop to that effect was organized last week to empower women and other AFF members getting them involved in forest management within the context of climate change. According to a release by AFF, the project is in line with its policy "to empower all marginalized groups, particularly women and youth whose representation, priorities and needs are seldom addressed in the forestry sector....

By Elias Ngalame The African Forest Forum (AFF) is seeking to promote and enhance the involvement of women in forestry. A zoom workshop to that effect was organized last week to empower women and other AFF members getting them involved in forest management within the context of climate change. Accor...

Africa's leading climate advocacy network, the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), has reiterated its call for...

Africa's leading climate advocacy network, the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), has reiterated its call for a “true African COP” at the forthcoming 27th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) set for Egypt in November. The pressure group said the COP27 must not be ‘African’ merely by the fact that it will be held on African soil....

Africa’s leading climate advocacy network, the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), has reiterated its call for a “true African COP” at the forthcoming 27th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) set for Egypt in November. The pressure group sai...

Kigali, Rwanda: Pan-African journalists convening at a Media Training on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Gove...

Kigali, Rwanda: Pan-African journalists convening at a Media Training on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali have identified quality stories on climate change and the environment as the missing links in pushing COP27 to discuss issues that prioritise Africa. The journalists were convened by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), a consortium of more than 1000 organisations from 48 African countries that brings together a diverse membership drawn from grassroots, community-based organisations, faith-based organisations, non-governmental organisations, trusts, foundations, indigenous communities, farmers and pastoralist groups....

Kigali, Rwanda: Pan-African journalists convening at a Media Training on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali have identified quality stories on climate change and the environment as the missing links in pushing COP27 to discuss issues that prioritise Afric...

Bonn, c'est terminé. Les discussions relatives à la préparation de la Cop 27 ont pris fin sans qu'il soit possible de di...

Bonn, c'est terminé. Les discussions relatives à la préparation de la Cop 27 ont pris fin sans qu'il soit possible de dire exactement, ce qui en est sorti de ses pourparlers. « Nous continuons les discussions, avance chaque participant ». Pourquoi est-il si difficile de s'entendre face à un phénomène dont chacun sait qu'il n'en sortira pas indemne ? Élément de réponse dans ce dernier point de Didier Hubert Madafime, envoyé spécial…...

Bonn, c’est terminé. Les discussions relatives à la préparation de la Cop 27 ont pris fin sans qu’il soit possible de dire exactement, ce qui en est sorti de ses pourparlers. « Nous continuons les discussions, avance chaque participant ». Pourquoi est-il si difficile de s’entendre face à...

Lorsqu’on lui demande ou, en sont les négociations, Seyni Nafo, lâche sans détour. « C’étaient déjà complexe, le niveau ...

Lorsqu’on lui demande ou, en sont les négociations, Seyni Nafo, lâche sans détour. « C’étaient déjà complexe, le niveau de complexité ne fait que se renforcer ». A demi-mot, ça à l’air de ne pas bien se tourner à l’intérieur des salles de réunions. Il y a deux choses, le reconnait-il, qui rendent compliquées les discussions, l’adaptation et les pertes et dommages....

Lorsqu’on lui demande ou, en sont les négociations, Seyni Nafo, lâche sans détour. « C’étaient déjà complexe, le niveau de complexité ne fait que se renforcer ». A demi-mot, ça à l’air de ne pas bien se tourner à l’intérieur des salles de réunions. Il y a deux choses, le reconn...

Kigali, Rwanda: A pan-African climate advocacy network and its sub-regional members have called on governments to tackle...

Kigali, Rwanda: A pan-African climate advocacy network and its sub-regional members have called on governments to tackle climate change in health and curd climate-related deaths, especially in the Black continent. This was made known during a meeting organized by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali, Rwanda....

Kigali, Rwanda: A pan-African climate advocacy network and its sub-regional members have called on governments to tackle climate change in health and curd climate-related deaths, especially in the Black continent. This was made known during a meeting organized by the Pan African Climate Justice Alli...

By Jiata Ekele Kigali, Rwanda: African journalists and news experts are undergoing training on how best to report on the...

By Jiata Ekele Kigali, Rwanda: African journalists and news experts are undergoing training on how best to report on the climate and cover negotiations at the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The training workshop taking place in La Palisse Hotel, Kigali Rwanda June 22-23, 2022 is being organized by the…...

By Jiata Ekele Kigali, Rwanda: African journalists and news experts are undergoing training on how best to report on the climate and cover negotiations at the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The training workshop taking place in La P...

By Kwame Acheampong Ghana, like many developing countries in the tropical zone of West Africa, is already experiencing c...

By Kwame Acheampong Ghana, like many developing countries in the tropical zone of West Africa, is already experiencing climate change impacts that include unpredictable rainfall patterns, rising temperatures, and the greater frequency of extreme weather events including floods. Climate change also affects agricultural production in Ghana, especially in northern Ghana. According to UNEP, Climate change is expected to: render rainfall patterns increasingly unpredictable and erratic; increase mean temperature by 1.5 – 5.2°C by 2090; and increase sea level by 34.5cm by 2090....

By Kwame Acheampong Ghana, like many developing countries in the tropical zone of West Africa, is already experiencing climate change impacts that include unpredictable rainfall patterns, rising temperatures, and the greater frequency of extreme weather events including floods. Climate change also a...

By Kelly Macnamara From crop-wilting drought to the creeping devastation of rising seas, climate change is already bring...

By Kelly Macnamara From crop-wilting drought to the creeping devastation of rising seas, climate change is already bringing death, destruction and hefty costs to vulnerable nations, spurring growing calls for richer countries to help them cope in a warming world. The contentious issue of “loss and damage” has been a major focus of an ongoing United Nations climate talks in Germany tasked with laying the groundwork for the…...

By Kelly Macnamara From crop-wilting drought to the creeping devastation of rising seas, climate change is already bringing death, destruction and hefty costs to vulnerable nations, spurring growing calls for richer countries to help them cope in a warming world. The contentious issue of “loss and...

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has extended two grants to the tune of $9.25 million for the rollout of the Climate ...

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has extended two grants to the tune of $9.25 million for the rollout of the Climate Disaster Risk Financing in Malawi. This will assist the country with the effects of climate change. The two grants will be part of the Africa Disaster Risk Financing Programme (ADRiFi) in Malawi. The move will boost the country’s resilience against climate-related shocks and food insecurity....

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has extended two grants to the tune of $9.25 million for the rollout of the Climate Disaster Risk Financing in Malawi. This will assist the country with the effects of climate change. The two grants will be part of the Africa Disaster Risk Financing Programme (ADR...

By Nnimmo Bassey – Director, HOMEF There are communities in the Niger Delta that would compete to have the dubious notor...

By Nnimmo Bassey – Director, HOMEF There are communities in the Niger Delta that would compete to have the dubious notoriety of being the oil spills capital of the world due to the regularity of oil spill incidents they experience. Ikarama community in Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa State is one of such communities. A major community in the Okordia clan, it is also well known for her location on a road that forks off the East- West Highway at Zarama where the highway crosses the Taylor Creek....

By Nnimmo Bassey – Director, HOMEF There are communities in the Niger Delta that would compete to have the dubious notoriety of being the oil spills capital of the world due to the regularity of oil spill incidents they experience. Ikarama community in Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa Stat...

BONN, Germany - The Presidency of the 27th round of climate negotiations to be held in Egypt has promised to create enab...

BONN, Germany - The Presidency of the 27th round of climate negotiations to be held in Egypt has promised to create enabling environment to facilitate as many African representatives as possible. “We are really keen to support full participation of African nongovernmental organisations, Civil Society Organisations (CSO) and African communities at the forthcoming Conference of Parties on climate change (COP27)...

BONN, Germany – The Presidency of the 27th round of climate negotiations to be held in Egypt has promised to create enabling environment to facilitate as many African representatives as possible. “We are really keen to support full participation of African nongovernmental organisations, Civil So...

BONN, Germany - After the release of the latest climate related scientific report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Clim...

BONN, Germany - After the release of the latest climate related scientific report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in February, a team of experts and environmental technocrats from different countries are sitting in Bonn, Germany from June 6 to 16, to analyse the findings so as to advise policy-oriented needs during the forthcoming 27th Conference of Parties (COP27)...

BONN, Germany – After the release of the latest climate related scientific report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in February, a team of experts and environmental technocrats from different countries are sitting in Bonn, Germany from June 6 to 16, to analyse the findings so...

A Bonn, les négociateurs commencent à faire le point, après une semaine de négociations. Résultat, rien de substantiel, ...

A Bonn, les négociateurs commencent à faire le point, après une semaine de négociations. Résultat, rien de substantiel, selon eux, surtout sur les pertes et dommages, sinon, la volonté des pays riches de ne pas être flexible sur le financement de la mise en œuvre de ce volet du réchauffement climatique. Et en plus, s’ajoute la délivrance du visa d’entrée en Allemagne à compte-goutte et selon certains négociateurs, à la tête du client....

A Bonn, les négociateurs commencent à faire le point, après une semaine de négociations. Résultat, rien de substantiel, selon eux, surtout sur les pertes et dommages, sinon, la volonté des pays riches de ne pas être flexible sur le financement de la mise en œuvre de ce volet du réchauffemen...

BONN, Germany - As the first crucial week of negotiations come to a close at the 2022 midyear Bonn climate talks, green ...

BONN, Germany - As the first crucial week of negotiations come to a close at the 2022 midyear Bonn climate talks, green groups are beginning to raise red flags on the seeming lack of progress on agenda items for the meeting, amid important delegates being denied entry visa. The campaigners are accusing negotiators from rich and developed countries of blocking real progress on the issue of financing for loss and damage, put on the front burner of the negotiations by poor countries....

BONN, Germany – As the first crucial week of negotiations come to a close at the 2022 midyear Bonn climate talks, green groups are beginning to raise red flags on the seeming lack of progress on agenda items for the meeting, amid important delegates being denied entry visa. The campaigners are acc...

By Elias Ngalame African Forest stakeholders have been urged to buckle down to work in readiness for the upcoming 27th C...

By Elias Ngalame African Forest stakeholders have been urged to buckle down to work in readiness for the upcoming 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Egypt. As part of its policy to empower forest stakeholders and vulnerable communities in Africa to better confront the challenges of climate change, the African Forest Forum (AFF)...

By Elias Ngalame African Forest stakeholders have been urged to buckle down to work in readiness for the upcoming 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Egypt. As part of its policy to empower forest stakeholders and vulnerable com...

By Elias Ngalame Forest experts in Africa have reiterated the need to reinforce efforts in sustainable land use and fore...

By Elias Ngalame Forest experts in Africa have reiterated the need to reinforce efforts in sustainable land use and forest management in the continent to secure a better future. The experts were speaking at a workshop organised by African Forest Forum (AFF) from June 6 to 10, 2022 at Pacific Hotel, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The regional workshop according to AFF was to share the conclusions and recommendations of studies conducted over the past three years as part of two funded projects, one by the…...

By Elias Ngalame Forest experts in Africa have reiterated the need to reinforce efforts in sustainable land use and forest management in the continent to secure a better future. The experts were speaking at a workshop organised by African Forest Forum (AFF) from June 6 to 10, 2022 at Pacific Hotel,....

Les pays concernés, sont ceux dont la vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques ne font aucun doute, avec un certain tra...

Les pays concernés, sont ceux dont la vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques ne font aucun doute, avec un certain trait caractéristique à savoir : être vulnérable aux effets du climat, enregistrés des pertes économiques et être confrontés régulièrement aux évènements hydrométéorologiques. Ce sont ces pays dont parle le rapport commandé par le Vulnerable Twenty (V20), un groupe de ministres des finances. Ces pays auraient été riches si le changement climatique n’existe pas....

Les pays concernés, sont ceux dont la vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques ne font aucun doute, avec un certain trait caractéristique à savoir : être vulnérable aux effets du climat, enregistrés des pertes économiques et être confrontés régulièrement aux évènements hydrométéoro...



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