Every Cup of Prenz

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Every Cup of Prenz Hi, I'm PG! Join me at Every Cup of Prenz for my take on life, college, career, and crafts.

Are you feeling anxious or stressed about the future? Do you find yourself constantly worrying about what tomorrow will ...

Are you feeling anxious or stressed about the future? Do you find yourself constantly worrying about what tomorrow will bring? If so, you're not alone. Many of us struggle with anxiety and fear about the unknown, especially when it comes to our future.

However, the good news is that we don't have to carry the weight of the future on our shoulders. As Matthew 6:34 reminds us, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Living in the present moment and trusting that the future will unfold as it should can bring a sense of peace and freedom to our lives. We don't have to have all the answers, and we don't have to control everything that happens in our lives. Instead, we can focus on what we can control - our thoughts, attitudes, and actions in the present moment.

So, how can we learn to let go of worry and anxiety about the future? Here are a few tips:

1. Practice mindfulness😌. When we're caught up in worry and fear, it's easy to get lost in our thoughts and lose touch with the present moment. Mindfulness can help us stay grounded and focused on the here and now.

2. Take action on things you can control🏃‍♂️. While we can't control everything, there are often things we can do to prepare for the future. Take action on the things you can control, such as saving money, making healthy lifestyle choices, or investing in your education or career.

3. Surround yourself with positive influences🫂. The people we spend time with can have a big impact on our mindset and outlook on life. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and encourage you to focus on the present moment.

Remember, each day has enough trouble of its own. Let go of worry about the future and focus on making the most of each moment in the present. Trust that the future will unfold as it should, and have faith in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Remember, progress is progress no matter how small! Keep pushing towards your goals one step at a time, and you'll get t...

Remember, progress is progress no matter how small! Keep pushing towards your goals one step at a time, and you'll get there before you know it! 💪🏼

Embrace setbacks and failures as stepping stones to success. Keep learning, keep growing. 🌱

Embrace setbacks and failures as stepping stones to success. Keep learning, keep growing. 🌱

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗼𝘄"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your lif...

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗼𝘄

"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life." - Eckhart Tolle

This quote from Eckhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now, emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. It's easy to get caught up in regrets about the past or anxieties about the future, but the truth is that the only time we truly have is the present. By focusing on the Now and being fully present in each moment, we can experience greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment.

Take a moment to pause and breathe. Notice the sensations in your body, the sounds around you, and the thoughts passing through your mind. Embrace the present moment and let go of any worries or distractions. By doing so, you can tap into the power of Now and live a more joyful and meaningful life.

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve JobsThis quote from Steve Jobs reminds us tha...

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

This quote from Steve Jobs reminds us that our time on this earth is limited and we need to make the most of it. It is so easy to get caught up in the expectations of others, whether it's friends, family or society as a whole. But if we spend all our time trying to please others, we risk missing out on what we truly want in life.

So, take a moment to reflect on what you really want out of life. What are your passions and goals? What makes you happy? Once you have a clear idea of what you want, make a plan to achieve it. Don't let anyone else dictate how you should live your life. Remember, your time is precious and valuable, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Let these words be a daily reminder to live your life to the fullest and pursue your dreams. With hard work, dedication and a positive attitude, anything is possible.

If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.If you can't change something, it's time to let it go....

If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.

If you can't change something, it's time to let it go.🍂

If something's out of your control, it means you can't be responsible for it. So, stop trying to control everything. If you want to make sure that something happens, then do it by talking about it, not by trying to force it. ☕️

Exist on your own terms. That is all.🫶You are not here to please anyone, you are not here to make anyone feel good or ba...

Exist on your own terms. That is all.🫶

You are not here to please anyone, you are not here to make anyone feel good or bad about themselves, and you are not here to have a "wow" moment with your life—you're here to live it. To be yourself, at this moment, and then move on from there.

Your existence is valid, regardless of what anyone else thinks. You don't need other people's approval, or to be defined by their standards. You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself, and you have the power to make your own choices—whether they turn out well or not.

This is the only life we get—and if you don't take advantage of that, then you're wasting it.

I hope you're having a relaxing break, and that you're taking time to focus on your mental health. At this time of the y...

I hope you're having a relaxing break, and that you're taking time to focus on your mental health. At this time of the year, it's important to consider how we can make our daily habits more positive and healthy. Here are some daily habits that you can use to improve your mental health during the upcoming fall season.

Whichever mental health practices you choose to implement in your life this season, I hope they bring you peace and happiness!


You will be too much for some people. Those aren't your people.You'll be too loud for some, too quiet for others.Too bol...

You will be too much for some people. Those aren't your people.

You'll be too loud for some, too quiet for others.

Too bold, or too shy.

Too messy, or too neat.

Too ambitious, or not enough so.

Don't let anyone tell you that you're too much—or not enough—of anything.

You are who you are, and that's all you need to be!

Change is hard. But it's also good.🤗If you're feeling like the past six months have been a little bit crazy and you can'...

Change is hard. But it's also good.🤗

If you're feeling like the past six months have been a little bit crazy and you can't wait to get back to your old routine, I’ve got some tips for you.

Here are some small ways you can shake up your life, starting today!

It's okay to not want to be around certain things and people anymore.You're human and you don't need to justify your exp...

It's okay to not want to be around certain things and people anymore.

You're human and you don't need to justify your experiences to anyone, whether that's a desire to spend less time with someone or a feeling you can't explain. You're allowed to want things, even if they seem like they make no sense.

The best way to take care of yourself is to let go of what doesn't serve you anymore. If there's something in your life that's making you feel overwhelmed or stressed out, it's okay (and healthy) not to let it hang around anymore. I'm here to tell you that it's okay to let go and move on, whether that means just for now or for good.

Being uncomfortable for a year or two can be really hard. It's really hard to do something that you don't want to do or ...

Being uncomfortable for a year or two can be really hard. It's really hard to do something that you don't want to do or say something that you don't want to say, but being uncomfortable for a little bit now can mean being comfortable for the rest of your life.

Sometimes we have to do things that we don't like right now so that we can be better off in the future. If you're struggling with school, and it's hard to keep going because it's not fun and it's scary, just remember that if you stay in school, and you work hard, you will have more opportunities later on in life. You'll have better jobs, and more money, and your kids will have a better life too.

If you're feeling a little uncomfortable, you're on the right track.

The good stuff never happens in your comfort zone. And when it does, it's usually short-lived. Getting out of your comfort zone means you can grow, learn something new, and discover whole new worlds (and sometimes whole new versions of yourself).

But getting comfortable with the discomfort isn't easy. It can be overwhelming to be faced with the unknown. Even if it's just an uncomfortable chair or a weird food, it can feel easier to avoid engaging with that thing than to push through and make it work for us.

The key is to take small steps first. Don't force yourself into a whole new career field or move across the world—just do something small to stretch yourself a little bit each day. You'll start to feel more confident doing things that are outside of your comfort zone, and soon you'll feel like you can handle anything life throws at you!

Are you letting other people's choices and outcomes get in the way of your own happiness?We're all guilty of seeing anot...

Are you letting other people's choices and outcomes get in the way of your own happiness?

We're all guilty of seeing another person's success and thinking, "I wish I had that," or, "I wish I could do that." But here's the thing: you can! You absolutely can. But first, you have to focus on yourself and what you want.

When your mind is constantly wondering if other people are doing better than you, it's not focused on what YOU want to be doing. And when your mind isn't focused on what it wants to do, it doesn't do those things.

So instead of spending all your energy wondering why other people get the good stuff when life seems so unfair, turn around and look at the amazing things you have. Water your own grass—and don't be afraid to make it greener while you're at it!

Just remember: with a little water and love, your grass can be just as green as anyone else's!

There are people who will try to get to know you—and not just who you are, but the real you. And there are people who wi...

There are people who will try to get to know you—and not just who you are, but the real you. And there are people who will criticize you because of who they think you are.

And that's all good, but it's important to realize that these two groups will rarely overlap. You don't need to let the people who only see an image of you in their minds get to know the real you.

You're not responsible for helping them see what they're missing. But on your side, there will be people who love you and respect you no matter what—people who aren't afraid to get to know the real thing. That's where you can feel safe: with those people. Let them see the real you and love every bit of it!

You are so worthy. I know it, and you know it. But people not recognizing your worth doesn't change that fact.So don't l...

You are so worthy. I know it, and you know it. But people not recognizing your worth doesn't change that fact.

So don't let them make you feel like less of a person. You are amazing, and no one can take that away from you.

Have you ever woken up with a ton of motivation, only to have all that get-up-and-go washed away by the time you actuall...

Have you ever woken up with a ton of motivation, only to have all that get-up-and-go washed away by the time you actually got going?

It happens to the best of us.

Here are six ways to get yourself re-motivated and back on track.

I've been thinking a lot about how we can be kinder to ourselves, and that's why I wanted to write this post.I was talki...

I've been thinking a lot about how we can be kinder to ourselves, and that's why I wanted to write this post.

I was talking to my friend about how she always feels like she has to be doing something for other people. Whether it's taking classes because someone told her she'd be good at them, or joining clubs because someone told her it would look good on her resume, or working out because someone told her she should lose weight. And it's not just my friend—it's all of us.

We often feel like we have to live our lives in order to impress other people.

But what if we didn't? What if we just did things because they made us happy? How different would our lives be? How much more fulfilled would we feel? How much more of our true selves would we get to express?

That's the kind of life I want for all of you.

Let yourself breathe.Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you, not those who stress you.When we're str...

Let yourself breathe.

Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you, not those who stress you.

When we're stressed, it's hard to be our best, and it's hard to help others be their best.

Take a minute to step away from what stresses you, and try to surround yourself with those who make you feel empowered, supported, and strong.

💯 ❤️

"The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming."—Romans 8:18~I know things look bad now. But...

"The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming."—Romans 8:18
I know things look bad now. But I promise they're going to get better.

It might seem like you're looking at a long road of hardship and disappointment. But I promise that's not what's ahead.

Sure, there are moments in life when we feel like we're stuck in a rut—a place where nothing seems to be going right and nothing ever will. But there are other moments, too: the ones where we feel invincible and unstoppable. The ones where everything seems easy and fun and light. And they're on their way! So hang in there—and if you can't hang by yourself (we've all been there) then allow God to help you. 🙌

There's nothing wrong with being afraid. But if you spend all your time worrying about what could go wrong, you're going...

There's nothing wrong with being afraid. But if you spend all your time worrying about what could go wrong, you're going to miss out on the things that are going right—and you might even miss the opportunities that come your way because of those things.

So stop being scared of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right!

"The relationship you have with yourself affects all the others."~There's a saying that goes, "You can't pour from an em...

"The relationship you have with yourself affects all the others."
There's a saying that goes, "You can't pour from an empty cup." It means that when you're in the middle of a busy week and feeling depleted, it's not a good time to try to give more to someone else. You have to fill back up first.

I think about this all the time, but I also think about how true it is that if you want someone else to give you their best, you must also be willing to give them your best. If you really want someone to listen when you need them, you have to make time for them as well. It's all about balance.

And sometimes, it's easy to forget that the relationship we have with ourselves is one of the most important ones we'll ever have. We're always there for ourselves—we often feel like we're never quite there for anyone else! But the reality is that if we don't take care of ourselves and fully engage in our relationships with others—including ourselves—then we can't fully engage with other people either.

The way you treat yourself—how much kindness and compassion you show yourself, how much patience and understanding you allow yourself—those things affect everything else in your life. When you treat yourself well, it makes everything well.


Do you know what an expert is? An expert is someone who's done something so many times, they're really good at it. Like,...

Do you know what an expert is? An expert is someone who's done something so many times, they're really good at it. Like, really really good. And do you know what an expert used to be? A beginner.

We've all been there. We've all tried doing something—anything—and had no idea what we were doing. We've all tried to write a story or paint or play the guitar or make a friend or climb a mountain and just been… lost. It's okay! That's how you start learning: by doing something wrong, over and over again until it feels right. So get started! Make mistakes! Be a cringey beginner!

You can't control the weather.You can't control what people think about you.You can't control other people's actions.But...

You can't control the weather.

You can't control what people think about you.

You can't control other people's actions.

But you CAN control how much stress you let it cause you. You CAN choose to be happy, to focus on the things that matter, and to let go of the things that don't.

Don't worry about things you have no control over.

Besides, worrying is a waste of time.

Your mind and your time are precious resources—protect them.

Happy Women's Day to all the strong, intelligent, talented, and all-around wonderful women in the world! Don't you ever ...

Happy Women's Day to all the strong, intelligent, talented, and all-around wonderful women in the world! Don't you ever forget that you are loved and appreciated.

Hey, there.I know that things can get overwhelming sometimes, especially when you have a lot on your plate. But the thin...

Hey, there.

I know that things can get overwhelming sometimes, especially when you have a lot on your plate. But the thing is: it's not about getting everything done as fast as possible.

It's about doing good work. And it takes time to do good work.

So if you're feeling stressed out and like you have no time in the world, just take a deep breath and know that it's okay to take your time. You don't have to rush through your life, rush through your work, or rush through whatever else is getting you down. Slow down, breathe, and think of a few things you can do in the next 15 minutes that will improve whatever work you're doing right now—and then do them!

Leaving is one of the hardest things to do. But if it's for your growth, you'll be thankful you did.🤗🌱~ ☕

Leaving is one of the hardest things to do. But if it's for your growth, you'll be thankful you did.🤗🌱

You must learn to do things ALONE so you'll always be good no matter who stays or leaves your life.~ ☕

You must learn to do things ALONE so you'll always be good no matter who stays or leaves your life.

Welcome, March!Wishing you a month filled with much love, joy, and peace.~ ☕

Welcome, March!

Wishing you a month filled with much love, joy, and peace.

May your day start great and just keep getting better.~ ☕

May your day start great and just keep getting better.

Cool, not cold.That's really the point here. We're talking about channeling your inner coolness, rather than becoming a ...

Cool, not cold.

That's really the point here. We're talking about channeling your inner coolness, rather than becoming a dangerous cold person with no feelings or emotions.




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