Kirby Heart Being

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Kirby Heart Being
Rumble: "KirbyFoster222"

The economic system is engineered to farm all of earth's gold to ruling elite families as well as the Vatican through "w...

The economic system is engineered to farm all of earth's gold to ruling elite families as well as the Vatican through "world banks". Their game is to industrialize earth into robot genocide, and ATP soul energy harvesting I talk about in the book UNLOCKED MIND found on

United States Corporation is an internal soul Re-Venue Service: , ran through FED "modern money mechanics". (FED = a private corporate bank ran by blood cult murderers) This is a slavery banking system created by ancient Phonecians to enslave their entire population; hence it being passed down to Egypt, then to Britain and into America for utter enslavement of humanity. What a mind f**k...

"Fractional Reserve Banking" by world banks who print money for their owners and charge governments to print out currency for their bonds at interest is an inner enslavement of your soul. Then add in taxes to complete a cartel ponzi scheme like never seen before in the history of mankind.

There has not ever been more slaves in existence of mankind with the creation of BANKS. AGAIN, please check out my life's work in the censored book "Unlocked Mind" found on WWW.FLATEARTHFIGHTCLUB.COM -I wish to help heal Earth and protect our sons and daughters of it's future. (Including the animals and trees.) ♡

☆Strawman Facts At Bedtime With Monk Zylio (Part 1 of 2)☆





☆Strawman Facts At Bedtime With Monk Zylio (Part 2 of 2)☆




Please check out my censored book "Unlocked Mind" found on

They didn't expect so many warrior spirits. They didn’t expect us to stand together. They didn’t expect us to walk from ...

They didn't expect so many warrior spirits.
They didn’t expect us to stand together.
They didn’t expect us to walk from our careers, to leave our shoes behind.
They didn’t expect us to boycott our old ways of living.
They didn’t think we would give up our social activities.
They didn’t expect us to do without restaurants, sports, nor concerts.
They didn’t expect us to find new and better organic things to do.
They didn’t expect the free thinkers to be so resilient.
They didn’t expect our souls to be so filled with passion and strength.
They didn’t expect our intuition to be so tuned in.
They didn’t expect the fire within us to put all of hell to shame.

It has become very clear. ...those who have made their choice will not waiver in their decision. There is nothing which can be said, done, or taken away which will coerse us into submission. We do not fear death and therefore choose life!

We choose to live life in this sacred temple with honor, dignity, and truth. ...because life is precious and also temporary, it will be over our dead body that we will comply with orders from their mind control. We know our soul is infinite.

We free thinkers will always seem crazy to those who can't see beyond conventions. We are being ridiculed for evolving past people's comfort zones. Self educated people who escape the shackles of deception will not ever be fooled by institutionalized propoganda.

I say we because I am not alone. There are me's in every country, city, and town. There are me's isolated in the mountain's and me's strategically placed in positions of power. Our resolve is being tested like never before which may seem hard right now but we always knew this was not going to be easy.

The opportunity to create our own reality is upon us. Times such as these force us to do what is necessary. Not just necessary for our survival but what is necessary for a life worth living.

Nothing is what it seems so keep an open mind. We are waking up collectively as a species at a speed not ever seen before. So buckle up, keep your eyes on the ball, and enjoy the ride, because things are going to get a lot more weird and crazy before they get better.

So to all those who have been called, conspiracy theorists, misfits, crazy nut jobs, and delusional; do not ever give up! Keep doing what you are doing and stay focused. People are waking up to their own cognitive dissonance. We got this.

❤️ See you on the other side.❤️

Waking masses nonstop!

They didn't expect so many warrior spirits. They didn’t expect us to stand together. They didn’t expect us to walk from ...

They didn't expect so many warrior spirits.
They didn’t expect us to stand together.
They didn’t expect us to walk from our careers, to leave our shoes behind.
They didn’t expect us to boycott our old ways of living.
They didn’t think we would give up our social activities.
They didn’t expect us to do without restaurants, sports, nor concerts.
They didn’t expect us to find new and better organic things to do.
They didn’t expect the free thinkers to be so resilient.
They didn’t expect our souls to be so filled with passion and strength.
They didn’t expect our intuition to be so tuned in.
They didn’t expect the fire within us to put all of hell to shame.

It has become very clear. ...those who have made their choice will not waiver in their decision. There is nothing which can be said, done, or taken away which will coerse us into submission. We do not fear death and therefore choose life!

We choose to live life in this sacred temple with honor, dignity, and truth. ...because life is precious and also temporary, it will be over our dead body that we will comply with orders from their mind control. We know our soul is infinite.

We free thinkers will always seem crazy to those who can't see beyond conventions. We are being ridiculed for evolving past people's comfort zones. Self educated people who escape the shackles of deception will not ever be fooled by institutionalized propoganda.

I say we because I am not alone. There are me's in every country, city, and town. There are me's isolated in the mountain's and me's strategically placed in positions of power. Our resolve is being tested like never before which may seem hard right now but we always knew this was not going to be easy.

The opportunity to create our own reality is upon us. Times such as these force us to do what is necessary. Not just necessary for our survival but what is necessary for a life worth living.

Nothing is what it seems so keep an open mind. We are waking up collectively as a species at a speed not ever seen before. So buckle up, keep your eyes on the ball, and enjoy the ride, because things are going to get a lot more weird and crazy before they get better.

So to all those who have been called, conspiracy theorists, misfits, crazy nut jobs, and delusional; do not ever give up! Keep doing what you are doing and stay focused. People are waking up to their own cognitive dissonance. We got this.

❤️ See you on the other side.❤️

They have YOU docile and under their mind control hypnosis. I ASSURE YOU; nobody is safe from these damaging frequencies...

They have YOU docile and under their mind control hypnosis. I ASSURE YOU; nobody is safe from these damaging frequencies being emitted into human brains while they sleep and ultimately into human DNA. One must come to the realization that one is not operating at their full capacity even when they think they are. We are only able to access maybe only five to ten percent of our brain powers and functions. This also means we are not using our neurological system properly, nor is our DNA properly aligned. (most likely removing us of our strengths and magical powers) ✨️ Take the time to BE ALIVE and PAY ATTENTION! Make moves that directly involve the most highest and stand strong in good moral values at all times, especially when no one is watching. The most highest always is... Good discipline could mean the difference between life and death in this realm.

Voting is for slaves. Voting renders you incompetent of natural law. ✨️ Knowing this knowledge and knowing NO ONE knows ...

Voting is for slaves. Voting renders you incompetent of natural law. ✨️

Knowing this knowledge and knowing NO ONE knows about it definitely sucks the energy out of me (though I am grateful for being aware of it)... I got a bit depressed knowing how real this sovereignty all is, yet how brainwashed we all are from ever attaining it... Teach our sons and daughters, so we can hope the mass slavery ends in generations to come.

Please check this out, and watch it all the way through. It is by far the most incredible knowledge to me, and so incredibly important to all of humanity. I pray 24-7 for our future generations to master this knowledge. This gentleman's name is "David Strait".

You won't regret seeing this. I assure you.

No one is aware of natural law in America nor of the legalese language and magic in the grammar code which can tell a "Watcher" if you are lying or not by the words you choose; and even a magistrate or lawyer of black magic know if you are a slave of authority or not. Those who lie about God's Law and being Sovereign will be killed or enslaved with a computer chip in their body that they will have a social credit score on. If you disobey; they turn off your chip by beheading you via guillotine. The implant chips are already here in China. This is NOW. US government purchased hundreds of thousands of guillotines years ago. There are mass coffin liners placed all across America like a murder squad clean up crew is coming through.

YouTube David Wynn Miller; Jordan Maxwell, and David Strait so you can protect yourself from being beheaded when they round everyone up into the FEMA re-education prison kill camps, for learning that the FED world banks are a huge scam and courts are corrupt to the deepest degree, and that there is more land sound of an ice wall on our plane earth. (Research Refractional Banking) Then YouTube magic in Language and Court.

If you are clueless about flat earth, go to No one knows what this realm really is. Everything the government and NASA have ever told us is a complete lie. We now have access to technology and communications, which allow us to see past their bu****it. Those still asleep will die when the end time war comes to all of Earth. Those without a sense of direction on a flat earth plane and expert survival skills will perish.

Please research google maps and go look at your FEMA camps and Walmart guard towers and BIG BROTHER cameras in your town. Check out the black light street lights, and GWEN Tower radiation frequency death sticks are being set up on every city block in the United States corporation like the lab rat system it is. Check out the mind control patents the government holds as well; after you understand what Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars is... Ignorance is a choice. You literally have a CPU in your face 24-7. ie Your Phone.

For more information and to work with Ben Barlow and David Straight, go to www.statenational.usTake Back America!


Once you become enlightened by these subjects; you will only want to surround yourself with high vibrating entities and truthers:

Maritime Law
Natural Law
Occult Wisdom
Deep Underground Military Bases
DNA Manipulation
Human Cloning
Tartarian Empire
Mud Flood
Religion Origin
Zeitgeist (3 movie documentaries)
Sun Cultism
Nano Dust (Smart Dust)
Chemical Trails
Ruling Families
Spells, Curses, Hexes in Language
Flat Earth
NASA, Hollywood, CIA (built by N**i Scientists)
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
Wizard of Oz Allegory
Akashic Records
Shakra Alignment
Giant Trees
Free Energy
Symbolism On Money
Secret Societies
Vatican Ownership Of People
Satanic Worship
Child Trafficking
Pleasure Island (Epstien Island)
666 Dark Symbolism in Disney
Government (Mind Control in Latin)
Mind Control
MK Ultra
Roman Empire Rewriting History
New World Order
Lunar Calendar
Presidents All Related
Presidents are CEOs of U.S.
Natural Rights
Latin code in all languages (not a dead language)
Past Advanced Technology
False Flags
Government Patents/Mind Control
Television Weaponry
Sacred Geometry
Star Forts
The Golden Age
Infinite life (no beginning nor end)
Crystal Minerals
Healing Technology/Pyramid
English Language created for slaves of Egypt
Sound Technology Curing All Diseases
United States Owned By Vatican
America Freeland Owned By Sovereign Man
Wold Bank Control System
Federal Reserve Private Entity
Counsel on Foreign Relations
Birth Certificate Fraud
Licenses: a lie of your senses
Government Curriculum (Brain Washing)
Poisoned Water
Irish Origins of Civilization
Phoenicians History

The elite are dark rulers; who have lost their connection to the light. They are forming our timelines with their knowledge and keeping us all in a frequency prison. My book, can be found on


Rumble KirbyFoster222... I am getting messages from tiktok they are deleting this account and account -all my platforms are censored.

I'm Monk Zylio on YouTube
I'm Flat Earth Fight Club on YouTube


GO TO Bitchute and Rumble and find me there. ((Kirby Foster))





Flat Earth Fight Club


To control the masses, the heliocentrism theory must be introduced early and often, so it becomes a deeply ingrained belief. While at the same time, belief in a flat earth is always portrayed by the educational authorities as evidence of abject ignorance and even insanity.


A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things but cannot receive great ones. They don't like when your authenticity is louder than their facade. Check out the private hand made book, "Unlocked Mind" on


So, if Earth is a spinning ball...


I can hear the MONEY PRINTERS starting! 🖨


Who Dat???


They are not enlightened.
They hide the enlightened wisdom.
The enlighted wisdom is stolen from humanity.
Only man and woman can use the magic they hide in the vatican vaults.
If only you knew; the soul cannot be fooled.
If humanity gained their wisdom and magic back; all the evil on earth would dissappear.

Unlocked Mind

Graphene molecule and the US dollar. They always show us.

Graphene molecule and the US dollar. They always show us.


Not only are dinosaur’s a hoax, the education system was purchased by the Rockefellers and the murderous Gate's great grand daddy in 1902 making the education system a hoax as well.

(ie. The indoctrination system designed to keep us ignorant and helpless.)

The dinosaur hoax must also be maintained because it validates and underpins the Rockefeller-coined term "fossil fuels" and the entire concept that oil (and by extension every industry connected to oil products) is a finite resource, rather than the renewable resource that it is.

When adult men learn that dinosaurs are a hoax and cry to me about it; all I can think about is other countries like China, Russia, The Vatican, and Israel just sending their armies over to our lands of feminine men and unfaithful women to just absolutely annihilate our cities and way of life, and then take our sons and daughters as war slaves and s*x trafficking objects (war treasures).

It is already happening through family courts and hollywood entertainment. America is worst than many 3rd world countries with all the missing children. It is a target.

NPCs believe dinosaurs were real. Real humans with a soul know dinosaurs are a hoax to hide our true history (ie her story; ie earth's story and our true past) including GIANTS and FREE ENERGY.

(Come support the TikTok)


The tricks are over. NASA fake. 🤣 CERN fake, too. Nukes are fake. They exist to conjure evil, but what they project is illusion. Even a fake alien invasion. Fake birth certificate banking bonds. Fake currencies. Fake GMO foods. Fake news. Fake ball earth. Fake religions. Fake languages in courts. We see past the illusions now.

Please contact me on Tik-Tok. My accounts are and

I'd like to have you as a friend on these accounts. I share the content from these Tik-Toks everywhere on public posts to space agencies, churches, government sectors, and everywhere I go for the matter. I download and spam these videos from these accounts everywhere I can... Will you do it with me? See you there if so. They shadow ban my accounts, so I need help sharing them. ♡

Website ONLINE:

Rumble: "KirbyFoster222"
Bitchute: "KirbyFoster"


These artists tell you the truth if you quiet your mind and listen.

Unlocked Mind


[What coloring book?] WHERE!?!?

My words and intellect far supersede your cognitive dissonance; so yes, I have hand drawn some flawless illustrations for those too incompetent to think for themselves; or critically think in general, but if this is a coloring book; then it is the most perfect and well built coloring book of ultimate occult truths and censored information, hidden from all of humanity ever made; AND ALREADY COLORED FOR YOU!

I wrote this book over the last fifteen years. I use this book for my own family and life. I live by this book personally, while practicing the GOLDEN RULES of life. I believe this is what our sons, and their sons (and/or daughters) need to be taught in order to save earth and wake the masses. I have put my heart, mind, spirit, and soul into uncovering these intricately hidden truths for years.

I have masters degrees in this matrix beast system we exist in, yet also have been well aware of hidden truths in life since I was only 17 years old, deeply researching the dark web and leaked hidden intelligence information as a nightly study hobby. I am 35 years old now in this meat pack body; pushing 3000 is the spirit cycle realm, and well aware that our souls are infinite. I'd like you to KNOW me; see me. Experience the akashic records channelings I have had and written about through my life experiences.

Find the book on

-much love and appreciation. ♡

Rumble = "KirbyFoster222"
Bitchute = "Kirby Foster"




Trolling Globe-heads like...



One plus one has never equalled two.


Thank you all who support the truth, keep their awareness up, and want to help save the earth, as well as all life on it. Kirby Heart Being

It is hard to believe how asleep you sheeple are. You do not have any idea where you are, what you are, when you are, no...

It is hard to believe how asleep you sheeple are. You do not have any idea where you are, what you are, when you are, nor who you are. Everything you think is true is a lie. You are actually just a slave but you think you are a God. You have been kept in the dark about the true reality you live in. It is serious. ...and on top of it your ignorance makes you arrogant, which is even worse. There is so much you do not know about reality.

Unlocked Mind - Facebook Group

Meet "Twizzy and Cleo""Frequency Of A Cat Purr"Did you know cats heal bones! House cats actually contribute to our physi...

Meet "Twizzy and Cleo"

"Frequency Of A Cat Purr"

Did you know cats heal bones! House cats actually contribute to our physical well-being. Exposure to the vibration of a cat purring between 20-50 hz increases bone density, provides pain relief, heals tendons etc. Russian athletes, for the Olympic team are known for their increased performance when exposed to cats purring. They even use a machine called "The Purr", tuned to the cat purring frequency of 50 hz. ...just another reason why cats have nine lives and are an idol to some humans as "Gods".



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