Submit to:
Submission Requirements:
FICTION (these guidelines also apply to screenplay submissions):
-Up to three submissions in Word Document format (separate documents for multiple pieces, please.)
-While all submissions will be reviewed regardless of word count, our aim is to give exposure to as many students as possible; therefore preference will be
given to pieces under 2000 words.
-Make sure your name does not appear in the document. NON-FICTION:
-Up to three submissions in Word Document format (separate documents for multiple pieces, please.) Non-Fiction includes but is not limited to:
-Creative Non-Fiction
-Personal Essays
-Responses to Literature
-Op-ed Journalism
-No more than 10 double spaced pages per piece.
-Make sure your name does not appear in the document. POETRY:
-Up to five poems in a single Word Document.
-Please clearly demarcate separate poems. Title your submission with the first poem.
-Make sure your name does not appear in the document. TRANSLATION:
-Up to three pieces of original translation in Word Document format (separate documents for multiple pieces, please. Each original piece and translation should be included together within a single document.)
-All translation submissions should include the original piece in its source language. The name of the author and source language should also be indicated.
-While all submissions will be reviewed regardless of word count, our aim is to give exposure to as many students as possible; therefore preference will be given to pieces under 500 words.
-Make sure your name does not appear in the document. ART:
-File type must be .jpg or .pdf
-300 dpi
-No watermarks
-Make sure your name is not anywhere on your piece. WE ACCEPT WORK FROM ALL STUDENTS AT THE NEW SCHOOL. Submissions should NOT include the name of the author anywhere in the document or in the body of the text. Submissions sent in the body of an email will not be read. All text submissions should be in .doc or .docx as a single file attachment. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31st, 2016