Jeyla Glavovic

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Annual international competition and photography festival held in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

High school renuion 🫶

High school renuion 🫶

Flower child with a rock and roll heart! 😇See you on Saturday, June 4 at 21hrs at  in Frankfurt!  is celebrating 10th bd...

Flower child with a rock and roll heart! 😇

See you on Saturday, June 4 at 21hrs at in Frankfurt! is celebrating 10th bday, so we'll rock!


Vidimo se u subotu, 4. juna od 21h na koncertu benda Analiza uma u Frankfurtu! 🤟

A good look starts with jeans. Ready for mani Thursday. wearing .

A good look starts with jeans. Ready for mani Thursday.

wearing .

Bajrambarećola dragi ljudi! ❤️ Neka vas prati zdravlje, uspjeh, lična i profesionalna sreća, i svako dobro!

Bajrambarećola dragi ljudi! ❤️

Neka vas prati zdravlje, uspjeh, lična i profesionalna sreća, i svako dobro!

I demolish my bridges behind me… then there is no choice but to move forward.wearing  soft jersey dress.

I demolish my bridges behind me… then there is no choice but to move forward.

wearing soft jersey dress.

O našoj borbi za zdravlje. O borbi za legalizaciju kanabisa u medicinske svrhe koju priželjkuju i očekuje na hiljade gra...

O našoj borbi za zdravlje. O borbi za legalizaciju kanabisa u medicinske svrhe koju priželjkuju i očekuje na hiljade građana i građanki Bosne i Hercegovine, koji su oboljeli od teških bolesti i kojima ovaj preparat pomaže i otklanja simptome bolesti.

O tome kako je sve ovo uticalo na nas. Na našeg Omara... pročitajte u .gracija koji je u prodaji na kioscima širom BiH u petak, 29. aprila.

Tekst napisala:
Fotografije: Marko Jovančić

Taking a short break. Getting things done. wearing .

Taking a short break. Getting things done.

wearing .

Beyond proud. wearing  floral branch pattern.

Beyond proud.

wearing floral branch pattern.

Queens will always be queens, no matter if they experience success or failure. And you will always be you, so use that t...

Queens will always be queens, no matter if they experience success or failure. And you will always be you, so use that to your advantage, and take the risk of failure in order to reach success.

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.

Detaljnije na linku ispod.

Detaljnije na linku ispod.

Mustafa Skopljak, advokat Džejle Glavović-Očuz koja je privedena u akciji

The red is the saviour.

The red is the saviour.

Svi moramo biti zdravi! A na zdravlje možemo ut​i​cati​. ​Zajednički cilj prevencije bolesti i promicanja zdravog načina...

Svi moramo biti zdravi! A na zdravlje možemo ut​i​cati​. ​Zajednički cilj prevencije bolesti i promicanja zdravog načina života je očuvanje i unaprijeđenje zdravlja!

Iz tog razloga je preporuka jednom godišnje napraviti sistematski pregled -​ prema uputama ordinirajućeg ljekara. Povjerenje sam dala Poliklinici Sunce Agram, jer imaju najobuhvatniju i najbolju uslugu!

Missed suits. Ready for spring and sun. Are you? wearing .

Missed suits. Ready for spring and sun. Are you?

wearing .

Previše je barijera na putu odrastanja djece s Down sindromom. No ono što je važno ovim mališanima jeste uključivanje sa...

Previše je barijera na putu odrastanja djece s Down sindromom. No ono što je važno ovim mališanima jeste uključivanje sa njihovim vršnjacima, odrastanje sa njima kroz redovne vrtiće i redovne škole. Tako radimo i u agenciji - Amina je naša članica već neko vrijeme, profesionalac je, voljena, omiljena, a sve nas nagrađuje ogromnom količinom ljubavi 🖤

Svjetski je dan osoba s Down sindromom, hajde da im pomognemo i uključimo ih u redovne aktivnosti i aktivan život!

Rodeo. wearing .


wearing .

We are educated like never before, earning more than ever, and starting business and philanthropic empires that are chan...

We are educated like never before, earning more than ever, and starting business and philanthropic empires that are changing the world. We’ve come a long, long way… but we have more work to do to change perceptions and ensure equale rights for future generations.

The combined voice of women is powerful and it can uplift our communities.

We should be standing up for other women at work, telling success stories and banding together so that we can't be ignored.

She. And she means business. wearing .

She. And she means business.

wearing .

We need the power of love. wearing .

We need the power of love.

wearing .

Back to basics. Back to black. wearing .

Back to basics. Back to black.

wearing .

Timeless style in mind. wearing .

Timeless style in mind.

wearing .

It's been a while. wearing .

It's been a while.

wearing .

I often find myself aimlessly scrolling through Instagram and, lately, my feed feels increasingly homogenized. Post afte...

I often find myself aimlessly scrolling through Instagram and, lately, my feed feels increasingly homogenized. Post after post, it sometimes seems like everyone is wearing the same skirt, doing the same pose and writing the same generic captions. It’s almost as if they’re robots. Let’s be real: There is no direct correlation between being able to take a good selfie​ or photo for an Instagram post with your phone ​​and being able to deliver in front of the camera for an actual photographer. Even as the images used online become increasingly staged, a high-fashion editorial or campaign shoot has different demands than an Instagram. Given that figures for followers, views, and likes can all be fabricated (thanks to companies which exist solely to pad the numbers of Instagram users), hotly followed accounts may not be all they’re cracked up to be.​ 'Cause they usually need to sell something for someone. ​

​And yeah, ​selling things has always been a part of the job for models, but rarely has it been so necessary for them to constantly sell themselves. It’s one thing to network, and to build key relationships with photographers and stylists, and it’s another to be good at the kind of self-promotion that generates results online. These days if you aren’t snapping, tweeting, Instagram-ing or blogging, you run the risk of becoming invisible—or worse, missing out on the opportunities offered to those willing to play the game.

​The continued nostalgia for the ’90s and 00's supermodel era, coupled with the online outcry regarding the success of some Insta-famous stars shows that audiences still crave a time when modeling was just about the creation of a timeless image. The next catwalk star may very well have the ability to live-stream every minute of their life, apply the perfect filter to every photo, and dole out 140 character bon mots with the best of them—or she might want to simply turn off her phone. We’re going to need both types of models in order for things to remain relevant and interesting​, but I've to admit: I still use Vogue, Harper's Bazaar​, Marie Claire and many magazines to show me the way, not to be just the follower.

No matter who you are, it takes guts to chase after a dream, stand up against injustice, or stick to your convictions - ...

No matter who you are, it takes guts to chase after a dream, stand up against injustice, or stick to your convictions - especially in the face of adversity or different beliefs. Women, especially, deserve to be celebrated for their tenacity as they’ve advocated for themselves or became their own champions during difficult times.

For many women, it is common to have felt limited by others’ expectations or perceptions, or looked over due to gender stereotypes at least once in their lives. However, that does not mean that women have shied away from these challenges. Instead, sometimes even against all odds, ladies have doubled down on their determination and drive in order to accomplish something incredible. For some, this looks like training for a specific sport with the goal of being the best competitor. For others, this looks like fighting for political change to better the lives of strangers. For others still - it’s about finding empowerment by embracing tough seasons and hardships.

Whether you’ve considered strength to be one of your greatest assets for a while now, or whether you’re just starting out with a new, stronger view of yourself and your capabilities, you've to inspire yourself and find a stronger view of your capabilities. Remember this saying: "I can never be safe; I always try and go against the grain. As soon as I accomplish one thing, I just set a higher goal. That’s how I’ve gotten to where I am."

It's important to feel comfortable with yourself. And luxe. wearing .

It's important to feel comfortable with yourself. And luxe.

wearing .

Prêt à partir! 🥰

Prêt à partir! 🥰

Makes all places my own. wearing  head to toe.

Makes all places my own.

wearing head to toe.

It’s been a very good year. So, it's easy: dream big, work hard, learn from our mistakes, stand up for failures. Let’s c...

It’s been a very good year.

So, it's easy: dream big, work hard, learn from our mistakes, stand up for failures. Let’s continue to believe and never give up 'cause great things are coming. 🥰

And be thankful - I'm happy and thankful for the people I have in my life. For my family. It's my compass that guide me, my inspiration to reach great heights. My everything.

Tamara Bakić, ikona jugoslovenske modne scene, napustila nas je u 87-oj godini života. Bila je najpoznatija i najčuvenij...

Tamara Bakić, ikona jugoslovenske modne scene, napustila nas je u 87-oj godini života. Bila je najpoznatija i najčuvenija manekenka u bivšoj državi, plasirala je trendove.
Zaslužna je što je manekenstvo i modeling podignuto na nivo, pomogla je da postane ozbiljna profesija, koja će, prije svega, djevojkama pomoći da imaju bolje honorare, staž, ugled, poštovanje.

Zaslužna je za uspješne karijere mnogih manekenki. Zaslužna je i otvorila je vrata stranih, velikih agencija domaćim manekenkama, modelima, pa tako i meni. Prije dvije decenije, u izuzetno osjetljivom vremenskom periodu, pomogla je i pokazala mi je put do Pariza... Postala sam dio agencije Ford Models, čime je i otpočela moja ino karijera. Neizmjerno i vječno ću biti zahvalna što sam poznavala i družila se s velikom, neponovljivom, famoznom, genijalnom, neuništivom i nezamjenjivom Tamarom!

Hvala Ti, Tamara!

"What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, Star-dust or sea-foam, Flower or winged air."

[PAŽNJA!] Zabilježite u svojim kalendarima nedelja, 26. decembar! Vidimo se u  na  novogodišnjoj dječijoj modnoj reviji!...

[PAŽNJA!] Zabilježite u svojim kalendarima nedelja, 26. decembar! Vidimo se u na novogodišnjoj dječijoj modnoj reviji!

Revija počinje u 16h! 🥰

Eureka, just found the perfect winter look. wearing .

Eureka, just found the perfect winter look.

wearing .

Ljudi u pokretu u našu zemlju dolaze iz mjesta gdje su smrt i razaranje svakodnevica. Pred polazak iskusili su: gubitak ...

Ljudi u pokretu u našu zemlju dolaze iz mjesta gdje su smrt i razaranje svakodnevica. Pred polazak iskusili su: gubitak ili smrt najbližih, razaranje doma ili drugih važnih prostora (škola, vrtića, bolnica, radnih prostora), ranjenike kao svakodnevni prizor, nedostatak osnovnih uslova za život poput hrane, vode ili lijekova, nasilje ili svjedočenje nasilju različitih oblika, ometanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti i zadaća... Kroz svoje putovanje iskusili su transport u nehumanim uvjetima poput skučenih i neprimjerenih prostora, nedostatka hrane i/ili vode, adekvatne odjeće i obuće, ekstremnih hladnoća ili vrućina te su moguće svjedočili ili i sami bili izloženi situacijama nasilja i situacijama da je njihov ili tuđi život (ponovo) ugrožen.

Slike i priče izbjeglica pojave se svako malo na zidovima naših profila na društvenim mrežama, sve rjeđe no ipak povremeno i na portalima sa vijestima. Šta se tada dogodi? Kako reagujemo? Preskačemo li ovakve vijesti, tugujemo ili se zgražavamo nad njima? Ili se naprosto trudimo što brže potisnuti ih iz svijesti. Kako se tada osjećamo? Krivo? Tužno? Ljutito? Šokirano? Bespomoćno. Upravo zbog snažnih emocija i bespomoći koja ih prati brzo preskačemo ovakve vijesti, a kasnije se, kada ostanemo sami sa sobom, pitamo kakvi smo to ljudi postali kada ne reagiramo na užase koji se događaju najslabijima, koji su baš kao i mi - stanovnici ove planete.

Kako bi ljudima u pokretu pomogli da lakše savladaju prepreke i da se osjećaju korisno, IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina je pripremio sjajan projekt - organizovat će modnu reviju posvećenu Međunarodnom danu migranata! Dala sam svoj doprinos ovom događaju - pripremila sam ljude u pokretu, koji će nositi modele na ovoj reviji, zajedno s modelima Swan Model Management! Ovakve "sitne ali bitne" akcije će nam pomoći da umjesto krivnje živimo odgovornost i samim time bolje ćemo se osjećati suočeni sa svim onim slikama i pričama koje sam navela.

A ako smo jako uporni, možda proizvedemo i pritisak na one koji donose velike odluke i kreiraju politike da odlučuju vodeći se načelima humanizma, empatije i odgovornosti. Možda uspijemo stvoriti društvo prihvaćenih umjesto društva odbačenih, za dobrobit svih nas koji u njemu živimo.

It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.

It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.

I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.

I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.




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