Kindled Podcast with Haley Williams

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Kindled Podcast with Haley Williams To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.

Speaking the truth in love with boldness, we will grow to become the mature body of Christ.

The last slide is as much for me as anyone else.Time with our kids is never an annoyance, it is always a blessing and a ...

The last slide is as much for me as anyone else.

Time with our kids is never an annoyance, it is always a blessing and a gift.

I wish more women realized the damage how they speak about their kids is doing to their relationship with them. šŸ’”

This is to say NOTHING of her policy positions, which are clearly unbiblical and wicked.

This is to say NOTHING of her policy positions, which are clearly unbiblical and wicked.

God didnā€™t ā€œinterveneā€ - he providentially ordained the trajectory of that bullet since before the foundations of the wo...

God didnā€™t ā€œinterveneā€ - he providentially ordained the trajectory of that bullet since before the foundations of the world.

His hand is always over history. We can trust Him.
Romans 8:28

ā€œSatan disguises himself as an angel of light.ā€ 2 Corinthians 11:14The new American religion of therapeutic moralistic d...

ā€œSatan disguises himself as an angel of light.ā€ 2 Corinthians 11:14

The new American religion of therapeutic moralistic deism was on full display during the Superbowl last night.

No one should be surprised this is the version of ā€œJesusā€ our nation and world finds affable and acceptable.

A Jesus whose followers wash feet, but donā€™t speak truth. Who love, but not by calling sinners to repentance.

Donā€™t be deceived - the same people who are funding and pushing this ad are those who will lead the charge against true followers of Christ to persecute them in the not so distant future.

This is because the true word of God doesnā€™t bring peace but division. ā€œDo not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and oneā€™s foes will be members of oneā€™s own householdā€ (Matthew 10:34-36).

Letā€™s be clear: a message that was true to scripture would never have been approved. A message of Godā€™s standards, His gospel, His Son crucified for sinners and a call to repent and believe isnā€™t ā€œpalatableā€ to the average American. It simply wouldnā€™t ever air.

This is not the gospel. This is not the true Jesus.

Christian women everywhere, please hear me.It is not too late to turn back from this idolatry and wickedness.It is not t...

Christian women everywhere, please hear me.

It is not too late to turn back from this idolatry and wickedness.

It is not too late to say ā€œthis is enough. This has gone far enough. I will not join you for this.ā€

Please, for the sake of your daughters, rise up to the occasion this presents before you.

An opportunity to FLEE sexual immorality, not embrace it and normalize it and call yourself a fangirl of it.

We are called to a higher standard. Letā€™s walk WORTHY of the calling we have received in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 4:1

Weā€™ve been keeping a little secret.šŸ©·Williams GIRL number 4 is en route!šŸ©·Our own real life ā€˜Little Women.ā€™šŸ„¹ It seems too ...

Weā€™ve been keeping a little secret.

šŸ©·Williams GIRL number 4 is en route!šŸ©·
Our own real life ā€˜Little Women.ā€™šŸ„¹ It seems too good to be true.

God has been so gracious and kind to bless us with another little life to steward and though she is still so small and new, all of her days are numbered and known to God. We are celebrating this new growing life and all of us are over the moon ecstatic.

If you think of it, pray for baby to keep growing healthy and strong!

I cannot believe this needs to be said, but it does.I also cannot believe this is controversial amongst Christians, but ...

I cannot believe this needs to be said, but it does.

I also cannot believe this is controversial amongst Christians, but it is.

The inspiration for this post was the ad Facebook served me for Taylor Swift lookalikes to attend little girlsā€™ birthdays. Thereā€™s a market for it because parents are the ones enabling and fueling this obsession. Thatā€™s right, this is on PARENTS to handle.

Millennial moms, do better for your young daughters. Wake up to the siren sound that is TS music and how the enemy is using it to desensitize an entire generation to the most easily besetting sins of sexuality, worldliness and being more like the world than like Christ.

We are to be renewing our minds with truth, and teaching our kids to do the same. Allowing Taylor to blast from your stereo flies in the fact of that pursuit, since truth is the last thing youā€™ll find in her music.

I know itā€™s not pleasant and I know a lot of people reading this are seething angry by the suggestion they should reconsider their favorite artistā€™s music for their children.

If you have a strong reaction to this and you call yourself a Christian, itā€™s worth asking yourself WHY.

Dear Conserative (true) Christian, please stop lowering the bar and platforming secular conservatives who want to tempt ...

Dear Conserative (true) Christian, please stop lowering the bar and platforming secular conservatives who want to tempt you to stumble into sin.

This is no more morally superior than Dylan Mulvaney, and no more honoring to God with its ā€œanti wokeā€ agenda than him wearing lipstick and heels and calling himself a woman.

Heed the words of Paul in 2 Timothy:

2 Timothy 3:1-7

Godlessness in the Last Days

[1] But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. [2] For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, [4] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. [6] For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, [7] always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

Merry Christmas šŸŽ„ā¤ļøšŸ¤šŸ’šThankful for each of you. Hope you had a great long weekend with your loved ones.Most of all, thank...

Merry Christmas šŸŽ„ā¤ļøšŸ¤šŸ’š

Thankful for each of you. Hope you had a great long weekend with your loved ones.

Most of all, thankful for a baby born who gives us hope and makes life eternal possible. Thank you Jesus!

We decided to homeschool next year. This has been something weā€™ve been praying about for years, but more intentionally a...

We decided to homeschool next year.

This has been something weā€™ve been praying about for years, but more intentionally as of late. God specifically answered my prayer a couple weeks ago and both my husband and I knew it was time.

He has been so gracious and patient and I know itā€™s gonna be hard but I trust Him to make a way where Heā€™a given conviction and desire!

Been having this conversation in stories and now have a highlight.

The final slide is missing from the end: ā€œand every august, my heart broke.ā€

I am excited to share what will be our familyā€™s homeschool journey next year. As a former homeschooler, I know what a blessing it was in my life and I pray it is that for my kids too. ā£ļø


The Images of mothers fleeing war with children are fresh in our minds. The prayers, and pleading for family members as they flee for their lives being poured out across our news feeds is heavy on our hearts.
Pithy sayings about raising warriors to battle a great enemy seem to fall flat when bombs are literally dropping from the sky. Our frail humanity is fresh in our minds.
The truth is, the world really is and has been since the garden erupting with the sin stained effects from the fall. This world is passing away and all that is in it. We know this because this is what Scripture tells us will come to pass.
Evil men seem to reign, innocent people seem to be crushed under the weight of the terror they bring upon them. (Job 21:7-13)
Looking through the eyes of a protective mother at my children. I would do anything to keep them from all the chaos in the world right now. However much I wish to protect them from the effects of sin, ultimately I am not in control. I canā€™t control a thing that happens in this world, this was a harsh and vivid reality I faced as soon as my first born was placed in my arms.
These reminders have been a balm for my soul in the last few years.
šŸ‘‰šŸ»The world is passing away and everything in it.1 John 2:17
šŸ‘‰šŸ»Eternity is coming, soon we will be face to face with our God. 2 Corinthians 5:8
šŸ‘‰šŸ»There will be no more sadness, tears, war, plagues, or battling our own sinful nature for those in Christ. Revelation 21:4
šŸ‘‰šŸ»My body will fail, but my soul will live forever. 2 Corinthians 4:16
šŸ‘‰šŸ»God is in control, He is sovereign and not surprised by the events of the world. Psalm 103:19
šŸ‘‰šŸ»For believers all things work together for our good and His glory. Romans 8:28
šŸ‘‰šŸ»I can rest not in my circumstances but in the security that I have placed all my faith in Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:11-13
Sweet mom, these times raising children in the admonition of the Lord are not for the faint of heart. We donā€™t know what God will have us walk through, but we can rest in His promises, we can, ā€œDo the next right thing.ā€ as Elisabeth Elliott says in our homes.
The prince of peace is coming, one day we will enter into His presence to worship Him forever.

In times of suffering, it can be hard to discern the purposes of God.I take comfort in the truth that God is faithful wh...

In times of suffering, it can be hard to discern the purposes of God.

I take comfort in the truth that God is faithful when we are faithless. God will comfort His people. He is near to the broken-hearted. He is upright in all He does and He is sovereign over history. Nothing is too hard for him.

Praying for those who donā€™t know Him that this suffering and tribulation would drive them to the feet of the only one who can give hope in seemingly hopeless times.

God be near.

Often, I see the heart pitted against the head. As though Christians who study theology or value learning anything intel...

Often, I see the heart pitted against the head.

As though Christians who study theology or value learning anything intellectual about their faith or God or the Bible donā€™t have a ā€œtrue and sincere faith.ā€ As though it is all for self-righteousness and pride.

Certainly, that is a real risk, and there are some who do puff themselves up with knowledge.

But scripture teaches us that we are transformed by the RENEWING OF OUR MIND with truth.
And it is the mind that then informs the heart of how to feel and how to better love God. This leads to transformed living as a result of changed desires.

The mind and heart are not opposed to each other as you pursue growing in the knowledge of God.

The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.


I wish more Christians saw and understood this and then lived it. Donā€™t be afraid of growing in knowledge, but donā€™t pursue knowledge for knowledgeā€™s sake.
Pursue it because by knowing God better, you can love him more. And see how immensely He loves you.

Often, I see the heart pitted against the head. As though Christians who study theology or value learning anything intel...

Often, I see the heart pitted against the head.

As though Christians who study theology or value learning anything intellectual about their faith or God or the Bible donā€™t have a ā€œtrue and sincere faith.ā€ As though it is all for self-righteousness and pride.

Certainly, that is a real risk, and there are some who do puff themselves up with knowledge.

But scripture teaches us that we are transformed by the RENEWING OF OUR MIND with truth.
And it is the mind that then informs the heart of how to feel and how to better love God. This leads to transformed living as a result of changed desires.

The mind and heart are not opposed to each other as you pursue growing in the knowledge of God.

The heart cannot love what the mind does not know. As we behold the glory of the Lord, we are changed!


I wish more Christians saw and understood this and then lived it. Donā€™t be afraid of growing in knowledge, but donā€™t pursue knowledge for knowledgeā€™s sake.
Pursue it because by knowing God better, you can love him more. And see how immensely He loves you.

Iā€™m gonna need you all to like comment and share if you see this because this is def going to kill my views šŸ˜…Had to be s...

Iā€™m gonna need you all to like comment and share if you see this because this is def going to kill my views šŸ˜…

Had to be said.

I had some thoughts on the šŸ„š challenge and couldnā€™t keep them in anymore.Something is wrong with society, guys. We knew ...

I had some thoughts on the šŸ„š challenge and couldnā€™t keep them in anymore.

Something is wrong with society, guys. We knew that.

But not just those who reject Godā€™s standards on the big issues like sexuality and gender, even those who reject His standard of love and fail to live as He has commanded and designed in the roles Heā€™s created in the family.

This is not a hard thing to be against.

Speak out. We all have people following us who donā€™t know the Lord. It isnā€™t hard to say ā€œdonā€™t hit your kidsā€ - no, not even with an egg as a ā€œjoke.ā€

What a low, low bar. Be better than that.

Some of us are struggling with the transition back to school more than others.If youā€™re in that group, hereā€™s some encou...

Some of us are struggling with the transition back to school more than others.

If youā€™re in that group, hereā€™s some encouragementā€¦

Jesus can be enough for you, whatever the source of heartache.

Maybe the greatest gift youā€™ll receive this season is the gift of an opportunity to hope in Him alone.

God is good all the time.šŸ©µ

Shared in stories today this line from . If we fail to understand that using the same vocabulary does NOT mean we have t...

Shared in stories today this line from .

If we fail to understand that using the same vocabulary does NOT mean we have the same dictionary, we will be hopelessly exhausted and spin our wheels endlessly.

ā€œGettingā€ this can save you a lot of angst and heartache as you engage with friends and family who are using a different dictionary - and, bonus! Will give you the opportunity to share the TRUTH about who God is, how He defines love and what the scriptures really say.

Nothing particularly insightful. Just that itā€™s nice to see when our godless government upholds truth - but they certain...

Nothing particularly insightful. Just that itā€™s nice to see when our godless government upholds truth - but they certainly donā€™t define it. Itā€™s true and righteous because God says so- not because government does.

I have been discouraged to see the little energy some believers have for thorough examination of those entrusted to past...

I have been discouraged to see the little energy some believers have for thorough examination of those entrusted to pastor Godā€™s church.

They can muster up a lot of stamina to fight libs for weeks and months on end, but somehow get sleepy when you care about the purity of the church.

Count me out.

This obsession with peoples fave celebri-pastor is gross, and it isnā€™t the least bit godly.

Weā€™re called to be SET APART - not just miniature christianized versions of the world clamoring for our earthly king and ideological leader.

If the Bible is true, itā€™s worth holding up our leaders to the standard it sets forth. Itā€™s worth asking for more and better while offering the hope of the gospel when they inevitably fall short. And itā€™s worth examining when they claim repentance but walk in a way that smells of rotten fruit. Itā€™s not meanness. Itā€™s love for the sheep.

Some people act like the most loving thing you can do for the sheep is leave the gate halfway open. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

The greatest antidote to false teaching is not a discernment ministry here on social media- it is the ministry of the Ho...

The greatest antidote to false teaching is not a discernment ministry here on social media- it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit Himself building up your mind with truth as you mine Godā€™s word for yourself. šŸ©µ

Stewardship > self care.I loathe the concept of self-care. LOATHE.This is a 21st century term created by a culture that ...

Stewardship > self care.

I loathe the concept of self-care. LOATHE.

This is a 21st century term created by a culture that loves to love itself and loves to sell discontent to women.

So I reject it. Its not a label or a category I use.

I believe in stewardship, not self care.

And doing so isnā€™t ā€œnot caringā€ about yourself. Itā€™s just caring for the right reasons and with the right motivation.

You can workout, get a massage, a facial, take time for away when needed, without using the silly little label of self-care. And I believe youā€™ll have a better heart posture and attitude towards it and any disappointments surrounding it when you think about these things as stewardship and not self-care.

Division enters in through distorting scripture, not by pointing out the distortion.

Division enters in through distorting scripture, not by pointing out the distortion.

Stayed up late working on a little somethinā€™ āœØthe Theology Is For Girls mug collection.Available at the link in profile!

Stayed up late working on a little somethinā€™ āœØthe Theology Is For Girls mug collection.

Available at the link in profile!

Further thoughts on the pendulum swing that has bubbled up.Its not a new swing. Itā€™s an old swing. We just havenā€™t seen ...

Further thoughts on the pendulum swing that has bubbled up.

Its not a new swing. Itā€™s an old swing. We just havenā€™t seen it being so heavily promoted and turned to in recent years, so it feels sudden.

But the same eternal truths that pulled the church to and through the reformation, that will pull her through to glory - are the ones we should return to.

We donā€™t need a strong push against feminism. We need the grounding anchor of what scripture teaches ā€” faithfully exposited by sound preaching from men. And faithfully taught to women and children by pastors, elders and Titus 2-style women.

Are you a step ahead of someone? Spur them on. Are you a step behind someone else? Ask them to mentor and build you up in your faith.

Let every part of the body of Christ function in its proper role and watch it thrive!

Never did I ever think Iā€™d be getting called a feminist and jezebel spirit for saying women should read and know their w...

Never did I ever think Iā€™d be getting called a feminist and jezebel spirit for saying women should read and know their whole Bible and teach it to other women, but here we are. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ« 

Basically every Christian parentā€™s life right now.Keep going, parents. Do not grow weary of doing good.Galatians 6:8-10[...

Basically every Christian parentā€™s life right now.

Keep going, parents. Do not grow weary of doing good.

Galatians 6:8-10

[8] For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. [9] And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. [10] So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

I donā€™t know who created this (if you do let me know and Iā€™ll credit them!)

I shared about this yesterday calling this man a ā€œpretender.ā€A follower commented ā€œheā€™s not pretending, heā€™s mocking.ā€An...

I shared about this yesterday calling this man a ā€œpretender.ā€

A follower commented ā€œheā€™s not pretending, heā€™s mocking.ā€

And I agree with her.

This isnā€™t house. Itā€™s not dress up. Itā€™s not cute or endearing. Itā€™s mockery.

Of Godā€™s design, creation and of God Himself.

Galatians 6:7-8

[7] Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. [8] For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Itā€™s been five years since I started Kindled. I can hardly believe it. At least 100 times in those 5 years, I have wante...

Itā€™s been five years since I started Kindled. I can hardly believe it.

At least 100 times in those 5 years, I have wanted to quit. I have thought this was just unnecessary noise and I should leave the culture and truth war fighting to those with bigger platforms or further-reaching voices.

But I praise God He has given me the stamina and endurance and desire to use my gifts to bring Him glory in this space and not just suit what feels best to me.

I have often had to deny my feelings and take up my cross and those times have been the sweetest because He has carried me.

I am not the same person I was when I started and I praise God for that.

What launched out of a need for connection and community has developed into a desire to inform, encourage and build up the body of Christ so they can stand firm in the truth amidst a sea of deadly errors.

I used to be very concerned about politics - and I still believe they are very important for us as believers to be engaged in. But in those five years, I came to realize they were downstream from faith, and therefore got much more interested in the faith-level and belief-level conversations happening inside the big-C Church.

False doctrines, ideologies and teachings are cyclical - they come and they go as Satan continues to twist what God said. Satan can twist but He cannot create. It is OUR job as Christ followers to return to Godā€™s original WORDS - in His Word - to get our definition and meaning and value and purpose - and then share that with the world. We carry His image and we carry His mission - to go and make disciples, TEACHING THEM to obey all that He commands.

The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. It is with this weapon that we fight. It is with this word that we look to God and live. It is with this that we carry on as lights in a dark world, as moons reflecting the sunā€™s light.

Five years in, the vision has evolved but the name stays the same: May you be KINDLED in your love for God and desire to glorify Him in your life.

New episodes coming soon!

Ps: if youā€™ve been here since the beginning- raise your hand! šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸæā€ā™€ļø

Truth matters, even during the most watched television event of the year. No - *especially* during it. ā€œHe Gets Us aims ...

Truth matters, even during the most watched television event of the year. No - *especially* during it.

ā€œHe Gets Us aims to introduce and reintroduce non-Christians to the person of Jesus in significant ways, but their value extends into the lives of Christians as well,ā€ an article by Christianity Today reads. ā€œFilled with reminders of the unconditional love, compassion, and mercy of Jesus, the ads reinspire Christians to follow their first love.ā€

Read: to forget about the commands of scripture to be set apart, holy? What about the parts where Jesus promised his disciples they would be hated by the world because it hated Him first? (John 15:18) What about the part where scripture describes the truth about Jesus and His gospel as ā€œthe stench of death to those who are perishingā€ and the ā€œsweet perfume of lifeā€ to those who are being saved. (2 Cor 2:15-17) What about the words that inaugurated his earthly ministry? Repent and believe? Anyone?

The campaign seems to be more concerned with dressing and dolling Jesus up for a world that is lost and dying than actually sharing the truth of the gospel with those still in darkness and dead in their sin.

Maybe Iā€™m a pessimist. Or maybe the world doesnā€™t need a ā€œreintroductionā€ to a half-baked Jesus. They need to meet Him fully and in truth. The only way we can come to the Father is through the Son. So how you portray the Son matters IMMENSELY.

The one place I agree with the Christianity Today article is this: ā€œPeople who donā€™t follow Jesus or know much about him will have questions,ā€ says Carson, ā€œso we would suggest that Christians be prepared to engage in conversation with their friends and family about what they saw.ā€

Be prepared, indeed.



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