PLUS: The Hallmarks of Divide and Conquer
Knowledge Can Unify #back2facts
Our civilization has borderline personality disorder. I’ll explain. 👇🏽
What is the fifth hallmark of “democracy,” in my book? Watch.
Guys, THIS is politics. I love a tan suit, but what I really want to know is why the former bankruptcy manager overseeing the bankruptcy of Puerto Rico is now running the Aspen Institute-Kyiv, and raising money for the war in Ukraine.
Link in com*ment*s.
Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg (aka Karen Johnson) are having a hard time with Biden being nice to Trump. #whoopi #theredpillingofamerica #tatianaprophet #back2facts2024 #givetruthachance #confrontyourbias
Hallmarks of Democracy, What Are They?
Most astrologers or astrology buffs would not hold an important event during “Mercury retrograde.” #dnc oops 😅 #mercuryretrograde #mercuryretrograde2024 #democraticnationalconvention #astrohumor #back2facts #thestars
I voted for Hillary in 2016. The rest is history. #trump2024 #thegreatawakening #back2facts #tatianaprophet #back2facts2024 #givetruthachance #confrontyourbias