Decipherment of Hieroglyphics
by Andrew Earl Singer
Consciousness is permanent while the temporal home of the SOUL is meant to last only as long as the SOUL chooses. The emanations of the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS to the SOUL and then to the Mind/Body began when the SOUL flowed to the Body/Mind to become the vessel that housed the SOUL. The SOUL is inside the Body/Mind and yet distinct from the Mind/Body in that the SOUL is of the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and ITS direct component, as are all Life Forces.
Each Life Force is distinct as are all Body/Minds. Each SOUL is given a specific Body/Mind to complement the SOUL based on the need of the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and each SOUL is expected to fulfill the needs of the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS during the temporal life of the Body/Mind.
The COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS or what is termed is as GOD gave the SOUL Its unique and individual existence and temporal Body/Mind. Is the universe a creation of the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS or is the universe the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS?
How did the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS come to be?
The Body/Mind evolved from combinations of elements and emanations of the SOUL, building blocks of tombs of time.
When did the ORIGINAL THOUGHT come to be?
FIRST THOUGHT is of an undisclosed energy. Once THOUGHT came to be, IT followed ITS OWN THOUGHT and that THOUGHT came to be realization of the SOUL OF GOD. After THOUGHT came action, progression, THOUGHT incurred THOUGHT.
Is the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS extinguishable?
IT came from THOUGHT, where is IT going?
IT created the DOOR FOR LIFE and SPIRIT to co-exist and give Life to other forms, each with similar needs, each with unique abilities. Each opportunity for the SOUL has a Life EXPERIENCE. The SOUL is unique and must adjust to the Body/Mind and emanate from the SOUL and report back to the COSMIC CONSCIIOUSNESS. Each SOUL has a Body/Mind for the SOUL to inhabit, each Body/Mind is determined from the pool of eligible Body/Minds, this is the eternal process arranged by the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. This is the perfection of the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and how the SOUL generates the wisdom for the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS for perpetual growth. This is Immortality as deemed by the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, this is the flow of the SOUL. The SOUL has contained within ITS BEING all Life, every Life that the SOUL has Lived in emanation's, this is how as individuals we are connected to all Life, our connection to the SOUL and ultimately to the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS from which we are bound to Life through the occupied Body/Mind.